Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 60 Iron Monster

Chapter 60 Steel Monster (First update, please collect, please recommend)
Although the sound of the siren frightened many horses, there were still some people who rode over desperately.


Amidst the deafening whistle, Juan rushed over recklessly, swung his spear vigorously, and stabbed at the monster's head.


The spearhead was broken, and the man flew off the horse. Juan, who fell off the horse, was dumbfounded. He looked at the broken spearhead, and the determination in his eyes turned into fear.

The tribal fighters who rushed up one after another were like him, knocking down in front of the monster one after another.Some horses hit its wheels directly, and in an instant, they were crushed into a ball of minced meat.

The air was filled with the sound of bones being crushed. Some people were crushed half of their bodies, and then screamed and howled in the pool of blood. Those who were knocked down could only let it crush them in despair. own body.

he came!
He came, and Juan wanted to move, but he found that his legs couldn't move at all, as if he had been cast by magic by this monster, limp and without a trace of strength, he could only watch helplessly as it rushed towards him Come.

The earth trembled under its huge feet, and when it rushed towards him, Juan was desperate, and he cried out in despair.


Fear, boundless fear filled Hu Xin's heart, he could only cry in despair, calling for his mother, as if only his mother could make him feel safe.But even so, so what? Juan, who fell to the ground and could not move, could only cry like this, watching helplessly as the demon who rushed out of hell opened his "flame-breathing mouth" ", walking towards him slowly.

Then, in the white anger and black anger, he was swallowed up bit by bit.At the moment when Juan felt himself being swallowed, he had already collapsed, he only felt the heat in his crotch, and he peed out, and then he was lying on the ground like a fool, as if he was "swallowed" by a demon ...

Juan was eaten by demons!
After finally reining in the horse and calming the frightened mount, Manuel Namonza's eyes were full of fear.

what is that?
he does not know.

It can breathe fire, breathe smoke, and move. It is as huge as a house. In his roar, the bravest tribe warriors are scared out of their souls, and even Juan is swallowed by it." eat" down.

This, is this the devil running from there?

Although there were thousands of Mapuche warriors by Manuel Namonza's side, even though they only killed a few dozen people, even if those "devil's servants" kept killing him, for those including Manuel For all the Mapuche, including El Namonza, it is not the musket that really scares them.

It's the fire-breathing demon!

A brave warrior rushed up, but he fell down hard by it. Before the warrior could get up, it tore him to pieces with its giant claws. The bones and flesh of horses and people hung on its giant claws. , it moved like this, walking towards them slowly.

"They're devils..."

Fear of the unknown made these brave Mapuche people choose to flee. The fear will spread. When someone chooses to flee, others will follow suit. They cut people and chose to run away. They turned their horses and fled in the direction they came from.

"Chief, they have demonic beasts, let's run away..."

Under the persuasion of his subordinates, Manuel Namonza also chose to escape, so that there would be no shame in escaping, because people cannot beat the devil!

Just like hundreds of years ago, when their ancestors used stone axes to face the Spaniards, although they bravely waved stone axes and hockey sticks to kill the enemy, what was the use?
People can't beat the devil!

"Master, master, they escaped, escaped..."

Feng Ping and the others shouted in surprise, no matter what, they never expected that the aggressive native cavalry would just escape like this.

"Come up!"

Zhu Xianhai said.

"Ah... chasing? Chasing?"

Wang Anping turned his head to look at the young master, his eyes were full of doubts.

"We don't run as fast as them."

"They ride horses, when they run out of strength! Chase and fight!"

And chase Yu Yong to the poor!
Both the military knowledge Zhu Xianhai acquired from the system and the education he received told him how to win.

It is a complete and comprehensive victory!
Only in this way can these Mapuche people be completely defeated psychologically and let them be in awe of Nanhua.

"Wang Anping, you drive!"

While handing over the driving rights to Wang Anping, Zhu Xianhai set up the big killer on the left side of the "tank" - the Gatling machine gun!

In the past ten days, he has been researching the "Life Mall", and accidentally found some products that did not belong to 1861, such as the Gatling gun, which should have been invented in 1862, but Zhu Xianhai noticed , the "time" in the mall seems to be equated with his survival time. In "The Life of a Slave Liberator", he lived until 1864, so there will be some epoch-making commodities in the mall, such as this Garter forest machine gun.

The only disappointing thing is that it is an early model in 1862. Not only does it use the edge-fired ammunition with a 0.58-inch caliber copper case, but the quantity is also very limited. The gun is limited to one purchase, and even one bullet You can only buy two thousand rounds.

But that's enough.

"Tanks with machine guns are basically music with a stage, enough to make you sing and dance well!"

With a sneer, Zhu Xiankai shook the handle of the Gatling gun towards the back of the Mapuche rider who fled more than a hundred meters away.

After a while, continuous gunshots rang out, and amidst the dense gunfire, a group of Mapuche cavalry fell down.

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

Wang Anning looked at the guy with several gun barrels in astonishment, good guy, this is too powerful!

Just when he was surprised, he only heard Boss Zhu say.

"Pull the whistle!"

"Yes Yes……"


The "steam tank" blew its whistle, and amidst the deafening sound of the whistle, the steam tractor slowly chased towards the fleeing Mapuche.Gatling gun bullets whizzed behind them...

Accompanied by the rapid sound of machine guns, those fleeing Mapuche people were immediately beaten up. Maybe the steam tanks could not catch up with them, but the machine gun bullets could.
The deafening sound of sirens echoed on the grassland, and the sound of machine guns and the explosion shook the entire grassland like thunder.

This is no longer a battle, but a crush...

(End of this chapter)

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