Chapter 605
"Please rest assured, Mr. Chen, not only the equipment in our factory is the best equipment from Nanhua Machinery Company, but also the workers are all skilled workers. The quality of the products must be guaranteed!"

Li Zhexin replied seriously, but at the same time, his head was shaking faster and faster.

After running a factory in Nanyuan for three years, this time he finally found the opportunity to become a downstream parts supplier of Nanhe Locomotive Company!
Today, the people sent by Nanhe Locomotive Company came, so they interleaved with questions. During the answers, Li Zhexin answered one by one. Finally, after three hours of question and answer, after the other party fully checked the factory's equipment and technical capabilities, the atmosphere in the office was not good. Not as tense as before.

"Well, Manager Li, your factory basically has no problems, you just wait at home and wait for the good news!"

at last!

Li Xinzhe almost jumped up and shouted loudly. After three years of hard work, he finally saw the rewards!
After seeing off the guests, Li Zhexin paced the office for a while complacently.

After this business is won, his factory can be expanded, and after a few years at most, he, Li Zhexin, will be eligible to sit in the front row of the annual meeting of the industry.

With this in mind, Li Xinzhe called his assistant Gao Sheng in and said:

"Assistant Gao, go to the Industrial Bank, talk to Manager Sun, and tell them that we have already got the order from Nanhe Locomotive, let them approve the loan, and pass through Nanhua to get our order The equipment is ready!"

"Yes! By the way, manager, there is a gentleman surnamed Shen who has been waiting for you outside. He said it was because of Zhang Dachun's business?"

Gao Sheng's words made Li Xinzhe frown.

"Zhang Dachun? Isn't he discharged from the hospital? Is there anything else he can do?"

Li Zhexin pondered for a while, and said as if he was very unhappy:

"Call him in!"

"Nanhe Locomotive..."

Thinking of the business we just negotiated, Li Xinzhe's heart brightened, so when that Mr. Shen came in, there was a smile on his face.

"May I ask Mr. Shen what is your relationship with Zhang Dachun?"

Li Zhexin asked slightly, his eyes circling the young man's body.This young man seemed to be well-mannered, and he also seemed to be a well-educated person.

Shen Yue bowed.

"Manager Li, Zhang Dachun and I are just neighbors."

He stood there looking at Li Zhexin frankly.

"Oh, it's a neighbor, so why did you come here this time?"

"About Zhang Dachun."

Shen Yue replied.

"Zhang Dachun? Are you talking about his hands? This incident is really distressing. To be honest, I also admire Dachun. He works hard and has good craftsmanship. Such a thing happened to such a person , became a useless person, what a pity!"

When mentioning "it's a pity", Li Zhexin really felt a pity in his heart, because Zhang Dachun is indeed a good worker, and his craftsmanship is also well-known in the factory. It is a pity to become a useless person.

"Manager Li, he is a worker in your factory. He became disabled because of an accident. The factory can't ignore him. Besides, he has six children."

Shen Yue said.

"Look at what you said, the factory didn't care about it! Who paid for his hospitalization? Wasn't it paid by the factory? Besides, the factory paid him an extra three months' salary! It's worthy of him!"

"that's it?"

"How else can it be?"

Li Zhexin said in astonishment.

"Mr. Shen, is it possible that the factory will have to support him for the rest of his life? Well, Mr. Shen, I am here to open the door to do business, not to do good deeds. I have been injured for a hundred days. I paid for the medical expenses and paid Three months' wages is considered as the best of humanity!"

Li Zhexin flipped through the documents on the table with his right hand and said.

"Okay, Mr. Shen, please go back. As for Zhang Dachun, there is really nothing I can do here!"

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Shen Yue said:
"Mr. Li, he had an accident in your factory. According to Nanhua's rules, if a worker has an accident in the factory, the factory must be responsible."

"Nanhua's rules..."

The muscles on Li Zhexin's face moved with a half-smile.He finally remembered: this was the rule established by the Emperor Shengde when he was in Nanhua. The factory would arrange a job like guarding the gate for workers who were disabled at work. In short, they would never be kicked out.

But what can such a useless person do?
Besides, the rules of Nanhua are all the rules of how many years ago, how can you use Nanhua's rules to suppress me?

His face fell, and he said:

"Nanhua's rules? What are the rules? Is it written in black and white? I remember that there is no such regulation in the "Factory Management Rules" written by His Majesty himself!"

The "Factory Management Rules" formulated by Zhu Xianhai based on the management regulations of later generations, for this era, simplicity is the king of enterprise scientific management, although it is written by laymen, but for this era of large workshops where factory management relies on experience, it can be called It turned out to be out of nowhere!The reason why Nanhua's enterprises are full of fighting power is that the management is scientific enough!
In fact, the essence of management is to make full use of manpower scientifically and rationally, so as to maximize the benefits. Why the 50-hour work system in Ming Dynasty, the production efficiency is more than [-]% higher than the [-]th and [-]th in Europe and the United States, is because of the science of management. .

Even Li Zhexin had taken management courses. In fact, many small factory owners like him started their businesses after resigning from large companies and factories. They all studied or advanced in business schools.

"It's not written, but you can't just kick people out just because they become disabled."

"Hey! In my factory, it is my rule not to raise idlers. Besides, the law of Daming states that I must raise them? Okay, Mr. Shen, please go back!"

Li Zhexin saw off the guests directly.

"Manager Li, if you are so heartless, aren't you afraid that you will be shameless after the news is heard? Are you not afraid that the workers in the factory will resign?"

Shen Yue had no intention of leaving at all, but looked at Li Zhexin's face confidently.

"Shameless? Hmph, I want to see what shame there is in doing business with the door open!"

Li Zhexin said.

"Resign or quit? That's their freedom. They think they don't need me to support them if they change places. I don't believe it! Come on, the surname is Shen, that's how business is. No one will support idlers!"

The reason why he said this arbitrarily is because he knows very well that Nanhua's rules...that are Nanhua's rules, but there is not only one Nanhua in Ming Dynasty, besides, Nanhua has long been in the past tense!
"Manager Li, you will definitely regret it!"

Shen Yue said this to Li Zhexin when he was "asked out".


Li Zhexin sneered.

"What do you regret? How can a woman's benevolence achieve great things?"

(End of this chapter)

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