Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 625 Don't Raise the Price Maliciously

Chapter 625 Don't Maliciously Raise Prices (Fifth Update, Please Subscribe)
"Is this fate?"

For Elizabeth's suggestion, Zhu Xianhai naturally agreed very much, and even he himself had the idea of ​​building a library.

——Put all the books in the mall into the library.

Just where should this library be built?
First of all, this library must not be built in the outside world. It must be built in the palace. Only in the palace can it be ensured that it is difficult for the outside world to obtain books that are almost half a century ahead of the world.

Of course, the management of the library in the future still needs to be improved in various aspects, but now, the first thing to consider is where to build it.

There must be no place in the current imperial palace, this crude and simple imperial palace is only temporary, even this Yingtian Mansion.

"It's time to consider the plan to build a new capital!"

The reason why Emperor Zhu felt that this was fate was precisely because of this. Once upon a time, he was not very enthusiastic about building a new capital, even if Asunción had been merged into Ming Dynasty now, so what?

In Emperor Zhu's heart, Asunción might not be the best choice.

There are more good options - Brasilia!
The city built on the Brazilian plateau has a mild and pleasant climate, with an average annual temperature of less than ten degrees. In this era without air conditioning, such weather is simply a summer resort, and it is the kind of season all year round.

Moreover, it is located in the hinterland, as a huge empire that will own the entire continent in the future, it is of course no problem to set the capital in the middle.

As for proximity to the ocean, is it really that important?
" still in Brazil's hands!"

Emperor Zhu was a little depressed, how could his own capital be in the hands of others?
Well, we have to fight!

But the most important thing right now is internal governance!

After all, four years... Daming only has four years to prepare another feast!

Staring at the river in the distance, Emperor Zhu's eyes became deeper and deeper...


In March 1873, the Ming Empire moved towards war almost unstoppably.

However, for ordinary people, they are still immersed in this peaceful and prosperous world.

Indeed, for those Chinese people who came to Daming from the homeland of China full of war and famine, Daming, whether it is a native land or a colony, is the legendary "Taoyuan".

In fact, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, those literati and scholars would fabricate a "Taoyuan" and an "Utopia" for themselves based on the so-called "history".

When Jesus was preaching, he told Christians that there was a "Garden of Eden" in the world, um, there is heaven, and you can only go there after you die.

Plato used a "Utopia" to describe an ideal place in his heart where a living person could go.

Correspondingly, the Chinese sages of the past dynasties conceived the "rule of three generations" of simple people and kingly rites and music. When the imaginary paradise of kingship was constantly defeated by reality, they imagined a "Taoyuan" to escape from the world.

In short, all imaginations can be attributed to a few simple words in the end, the people live and work in peace and contentment, the hungry have food, the cold have clothing, the homey have their houses, and the tillers have their fields. This is a peaceful and prosperous age.

In fact, Chinese people are the most easily satisfied people in the whole world. How easily can they be satisfied?

Even "eat chaff and drink water" under the slavery of foreign races, that is the standard of the prosperous age.If you can eat all you can with sweet potato rice, you are already a well-off family.

But in Daming, they can not only eat enough, but also eat well.Even everyone can eat meat every day. If they are willing, beef offal such as beef intestines, cow scalp, beef heart, etc., can buy dozens of catties for only a few cents. As a big animal husbandry country, Daming, at all
Beef also meat!
Because of its cheapness, beef offal is the most common food among the new immigrant camps and factories in Daming. After all, both the country and the merchants have to consider the cost.

Just like the most common staple food in immigrant camps and factories is mashed potatoes, these foods are provided because they are cheap.

Although it was cheap, when a spoonful of red beef offal and radish was poured on the mashed potatoes, Jin Zainan felt his saliva almost drooling when he smelled the delicious food.

"Da Ming, you really deserve to be a kingdom of heaven!"

After sighing, Jin Zainan immediately sat down at the dining table and began to eat. In the restaurant of the factory, all the workers were like him, eating non-stop.

All factories are the same, the lunch time is only half an hour, if they eat fast, they still have time to chat and smoke a few cigarettes together.

Just as Jin Zainan was about to finish his meal, someone shouted over there.


Hearing the voice, Jin Zainan quickly stood up and bowed respectfully.

"Ah, Brother Chen! Please sit down."

Jin Zainan is a Korean. Six years ago, he and his fellow clansmen sneaked across the Yalu River from North Korea to make a living. He originally wanted to open up wasteland and farm in Liaodong, but he was kicked out by the Qing government. He could only work in Zhuangzi. He met Chen Sheng two years ago, and after returning to his hometown in Shandong with him, they came to Daming by boat together.

Daming, even though Jin Zainan only studied privately for a few years, he also knows the kindness of Daming to North Korea. Of course, he also knows that the "Daming Dynasty" that the teachers and gentlemen never forget has long been reduced to Manchuria. hand.

But how did Daming survive tens of thousands of miles away?

But for Jin Zainan, an ordinary person, he had thought so much.As long as you can eat enough and live a good life, at most you can just sigh in your heart-tomorrow is good!Sighing, I finally understand why the teachers and gentlemen never forget the big tomorrow.

Who can forget such a heaven?

"Korea, you said last time that there are many women in your hometown, right? As long as you have two or three bolts of cloth, you can take away a woman?"

As soon as he sat down, Chen Sheng asked directly.

"If we bring thousands of bolts of cloth to your hometown, will we be able to exchange for thousands of women?"

Staring at the Goryeo, Chen Sheng's eyes were full of anticipation, one or two pieces of cloth can be exchanged for a woman, how much is two or three pieces of cloth?It's only a few cents!

If you bring them to Daming, among other things, just accept a "dowry" of hundreds of dollars, then the profit will be hundreds of times the profit!
These days, Chen Sheng has been thinking about this business. Although he has no money himself, he can attract investment. One of his fellow villagers specializes in the "contract maid" business.As long as he can knock on the door, that fellow countryman will definitely be willing to invest in shares. After all, in Daming, there are never too many women.

"Too many, Brother Chen."

Jin Zainan shook his head and said.

"What's too much?"

"There are too many cloths, I need three, at most two!"

Jin Zainan stretched out two fingers and said.

"Although the cloth is worthless, we can't raise the price maliciously, right?"

In Jin Zainan's view, if the price is raised maliciously, many ordinary North Korean men will definitely not be able to find wives, and such things cannot be done.

A man can't even hurt himself, can he?

"It's as much as it should be. We can't set the price too high, or we will definitely suffer in the future. After all, if the price goes up, it will only get higher and higher. Do you think it makes sense, Brother Chen. "

(End of this chapter)

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