Chapter 633 The Heavenly Angel Who Scared to Pee (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe)
God bless Daming!

Why God Bless Daming!

Of course it was because of the economic crisis of 1873!
Emperor Zhu had been looking forward to this crisis for a whole year.

In fact, as early as a few months ago, Zhu Xianhai had asked the intelligence agencies to pay attention to the changes in the markets of European and American countries.

Four months ago, the beginning of this crisis began in Vienna.That's because the activity there is more speculative.According to the information collected by the intelligence department, during the period from 1870 to the first half of 1873, there were 528 entrepreneurial activities and securities issuances in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with a total amount of 25 billion florins, and various banks were set up for speculative profits. and construction companies.

On May 1873, 5, the Vienna Stock Exchange fell into extreme chaos. Within 9 hours on this day, the stock depreciated by hundreds of millions of guilders, so it was called "Black Friday".What followed was a large number of bankruptcies of enterprises, paralysis of credit, and cessation of securities trading.

Before the crisis, 294 of the 135 joint-stock companies whose shares were open for trading in Vienna had declared bankruptcy.The Vienna Bourse crisis soon spread to other exchanges in Europe.Over the next few months, as the crisis deepened, European countries halted capital exports to the United States, while a series of banks in New York, which financed the railroads, stopped appropriating railroad companies and industry.

Just today, September 1873, 9, with the bankruptcy of Jay Cook Financial Company, which owned a large amount of bonds of the Northern Pacific Railway Company, the world economic crisis with the United States as the main epicenter finally broke out.

How long will this crisis last?
It was the worst crisis in the history of capitalist crises in the 19th century.It not only affected a wide range and a large scale, but also lasted for a long time, from 1873 to 1879, which lasted 7 years!
7 years!
Daming won back another 7 years!
During these seven years, the industries of European and American countries have all entered a period of recession. As long as Da Ming seizes this opportunity, and while others are declining, he will continue to improve himself. Maybe after seven years, Da Ming's industrial strength will become no less than that of they exist!

"Qian Qing's family, have you compiled the list of potential acquisition targets collected by the intelligence agency?"

Emperor Zhu asked.

In another world, Soviet Russia took advantage of the economic crisis to move a large number of factories in the United States back to Soviet Russia for reconstruction. In Emperor Zhu's plan, there is the same plan. While weakening the enemy, it is also strengthening itself!
"The list has been drawn up, and it is basically a list that has been negotiated with the company's experts. They are ready for acquisitions, just like the last cotton crisis, when we bought British textile factories, we can buy them at any time..."

Before he could finish speaking, Emperor Zhu waved his hand and said.

"The company should not be involved this time. Let the authorities deal with it. Some factories can be rebuilt, and some factories can sell machines to the private sector at a low price. As for the company, it is better to specialize in development. After all, it is just some old machines. The company doesn't need to intervene, you tell the company what I mean, and they will understand!"

The power of the company does not necessarily need to be limited right now, but it should be controlled within a certain range. For this five-year plan, it is better to seize the opportunity to develop a state-owned holding company.As for the company, they are strong enough even if they don't need special care.

Not to mention in this era, even after a hundred years, I am afraid there will not be such a huge enterprise!

However, the rise of Daming needs such a leader!
"This economic crisis has come at just the right time!"

When Qian Zizhuang left, Emperor Zhu once again reviewed the railway and a series of other infrastructure plans in the "Second Five-Year Plan".

When formulating the "Second Five-Year Plan", Emperor Zhu had fully drawn on the most common experience of later generations to get rid of the crisis-infrastructure investment.

Fortunately, the infrastructure of Ming Dynasty is not perfect, and a large number of infrastructure such as railways, roads, ports, military ports and even fortresses need to be built. These infrastructure constructions can not only absorb a large amount of labor, but also require a large amount of raw materials such as steel and cement .

"With this wave of infrastructure construction, Daming can at least stand alone in this economic crisis, and the rest is development!"

Standing on the shoulders of historical giants, Emperor Zhu is very proud. After all, the human world has experienced many economic crises, and even after the Great Depression, there are many ways to deal with crises.

But what about European and American countries?
They can only let the economic crisis drag them down for the next seven years.


On September [-]th in the fourth year of Shengde in the Ming Dynasty, with the whistle of the "Xin Tangshan", when the ship sailed into Linhai Port, Liu Zhongjiao and others on board finally saw what they were thinking about. Daming in a foreign land.

"This this……"

Looking at the towering buildings in the bay in astonishment, as well as those towering steel tower cranes, these people from North Korea were all speechless in astonishment. They couldn't even believe that everything in front of them was created by human beings. .

In fact, they have experienced many surprises along the way, not to mention the iron ship floating on the sea, even the flush toilet in the cabin once surprised them.As for the electric light that does not need a flame, Liu Zhongjiao and others looked at it again and again, trying to figure out how it was lit.

The surprise along the way is not as good as it is now!

Now, when the bustling Linhai City came into their sight, the shock they felt was unimaginable to outsiders.

After all, they are not ordinary laborers, they are the best talents on the Korean peninsula, even if they are masters of Neo-Confucianism, they need a certain IQ to become such a master!
Now a city that completely subverted their understanding has just broken into their sight directly!
My goodness!

When he got to the trestle bridge from the station, Jin Yujun looked at the trestle bridge that seemed to be paved with a huge stone on the ground, and said in surprise.

"This, this is really a miracle, the weather of the celestial dynasty, the weather of the celestial dynasty! Such a huge stone is used to pave the road..."

As soon as his words fell, someone answered.

"What boulder is it? It's cement. This trestle bridge is covered with a layer of cement!"


Jin Yujun was puzzled.

"What is cement?"

Just like a country bumpkin... No, even the bumpkins of Daming have more knowledge than Jin Yujun and others. After all, for Liu Zhongjiao and Jin Yujun, when they came to Daming, it was equivalent to the ancient society hundreds of years ago. Breaking into a scientific and prosperous modern society all of a sudden, the immediate feeling is... I was scared to pee!
(End of this chapter)

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