Chapter 635 This place is really the Celestial Dynasty (first update, please subscribe)
If it is said that after coming to Daming, Liu Zhongjiao and others felt disbelief and shattered views the most.

So for Jin Yujun, coming here is like coming to home.

In other words, it seems to have come to the "Daming" in the dream.

Scholars at all times and in all over the world like to escape from reality and use empty imaginations to imagine an "Utopia" and a "Xanadu".

For Confucian scholars in North Korea, after the fall of the Ming Dynasty, facing the reality of North Korea’s surrender to the barbarians and the disillusionment of the spiritual state, it was a heavy blow to them. They created a "Da Ming" in their hearts. The Ming Dynasty in their hearts is not so much a real world as it is an ideal sustenance in the hearts of Korean Confucian scholars.

This "Utopia" never existed, but now?This Utopia just appeared in front of their eyes.But this utopia made some of them shake their ideals, while others felt——it should be so!
Utopias in ancient and modern China and abroad are all fakes. In fact, everyone knows that the so-called utopias are nothing but fantasies.

But after arriving in Daming, Jin Yujun believed that he had found the real "Spiritual Land". This is not an ideal country that is within reach, but a "Heavenly Dynasty!" that is tens of thousands of times better than he imagined!

In this celestial dynasty, there are not only wise monarchs, but also people who live and work in peace and contentment, and even machines, which are unheard of.

Are machines unique to Westerners?There will be more advanced machines tomorrow!
As for those foreign barbarians, Huayang mixed together, those people are still subjugated people who were conquered by Ming Dynasty.

Daming... really deserves to be called the Celestial Dynasty!

Even those foreigners looked rosy, neatly dressed, and seemed to eat well, but Jin Yujun just felt happy, and Yang Yi was no different!
No matter how powerful those foreign barbarians are, they will still be defeated by the Great Tomorrow Dynasty in the end.

This is the real heaven!

These foreigners are the manifestation of the power of the Celestial Dynasty!Where is the fear of foreigners like the Qing Dynasty, it will become weak when seeing foreigners.

No wonder they are soft.Because the Qing Dynasty was a false celestial dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty was the real celestial dynasty.

This kind of mood is incomprehensible to the Chinese.

In fact, the North Koreans seem to be stubborn and stubborn on the surface, but in fact, the North Koreans are no worse than the Japanese. After all, North Korea's "big things" have long been engraved in their bones.

However, as a country across the river from China, North Korea is also proud. They feel that they are the real sons of Huaxia. That's a barbarian, but they are big, it's big if they don't look down on them, of course it's a big deal!They even look down on Japan, which is also a barbarian.

Later, after the Meiji Restoration, Japan rose rapidly and defeated the Manchus. After occupying Korea, the Koreans could not accept it.

Facing the Japanese rule, the Smectas had a strong national sentiment.Later, a new big country ushered in—the United States.

Facing the United States, a big country on the other side of the ocean, after the Korean War, Smecta regained his focus on big things, and even felt that the United States was saving and protecting itself in the Korean War, and their mentality was further amplified.

Among other things, those Smecta women are basically all "wet when they see foreigners (Americans)". Nothing less than that.

And this is in essence a kind of "Muqiang mentality", or M-sexual psychology, more or less, but every person always has some of them.After all, to some extent, "Muqiang" has influenced human beings since the primitive tribe period, whether in tribal life or tribal conquest.

For a small country like Smida, they have never had the mentality of a big country, only a history of big things and strong things. This kind of "mighty" has long been carved into their bones. They look down on them in their bones, but they want something to do, and now?Met this thriving Ming Empire.

The mentality of the Smectas immediately changed.

Especially Jin Yujun's performance was extremely direct, even the air he breathed became sweet, regardless of the smell of soot.

Just like the sound of the "cracking" train wheels rolling over the rails heard in the carriage, it is also like the most beautiful notes in the world.

And what is the real impact on them?
It was when they stopped at a small station in the mountains. When they visited a nearby settlement, the settlement in the valley was not big, but only a dozen or so families lived in it. tea garden.

When they saw the beautiful and tidy houses of those tea growers, when they accidentally saw the lunch they had, Jin Yujun couldn't restrain his emotions anymore and knelt down on the ground, facing the direction of Yingtian .

At this moment, his eyes were filled with hot tears, and he was sobbing and speechless!

"There is nothing like this in a prosperous age, and it must be like this in a prosperous age!"

Not to mention Jin Yujun, even Liu Zhongjiao was stunned. He didn’t see poverty here. Even the most ordinary tea farmers’ lunch not only includes white flour steamed buns, but also large pieces of meat. Whether they are adults or children All have ruddy complexions.

As for the village, it is completely different from North Korea. There are no pigs and dogs running on the road, no mud on the ground, and no hungry people everywhere in North Korea.

This is the truth that "the warehouse is real, but the etiquette is well-fed, and the food and clothing are sufficient, and the honor and disgrace are known".

This is Daming!

This is the Celestial Dynasty that they have been obsessed with for more than two hundred years.

"Mr. Shengzhai, look, look, this is Daming, this is the Celestial Dynasty!"

When he said these words, Jin Yujun's tone seemed a little excited.

"In the past, the gentlemen used to say how prosperous the Ming Dynasty will be, and how the people will live and work in peace and contentment. What you see today, gentlemen, do not deceive me!"

Once again, the imaginary Great Ming Dynasty overlaps with this Great Ming. Although the two Great Mings are different, this Great Ming is not bad!

In fact, on this journey, they have seen the prosperity and prosperity of Daming more than once. Whether in the city or in the countryside, the common people can no longer describe it as "well-fed and well-clothed", but it is such a remote mountain village, The lives of the common people are still far more prosperous than many rich people in North Korea. How can this not make them feel emotional?

"Heavenly Dynasty, really deserves to be Heavenly Dynasty..."

After a long silence, Liu Zhongjiao said such a sentence. At this moment, he seemed to be relieved, and he was no longer as entangled as before.

Even some weird clothes without Daming's clothes that were unacceptable in the past, now it doesn't matter anymore.

Clothes, clothes are different, what's the big deal.The most important thing is that this is the place they dream of.

This is the real heaven!

As if he was Daming's most loyal and sincere child.It took a long time to sigh.

"Here, go to heaven!"

(End of this chapter)

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