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Chapter 637 Daming's Dragon

Chapter 637 Daming's Dragon (Third update, please subscribe)
What is a tank?
It is the king of land, what is the most powerful king of land warfare in modern times?
It doesn't matter if he is the German stick spirit Su or not, the eternal god in everyone's heart must be the tank!
Tanks are steel behemoths on land.The impact he brought to the infantry on the battlefield is unimaginable for ordinary people. When he rushes towards the infantry with a roar, even the most tenacious people will be scared to pee.It's like primitive people facing those prehistoric monsters.

It's just that this giant steel beast in iron armor is more lethal and shocking.

Still, tanks are steel behemoths.

This giant steel beast seems ferocious, seemingly invincible, seemingly invincible, but it needs a numerical advantage to fully demonstrate its power, if not, it... that's all.

There are only dozens or hundreds of tanks, even if they are put on the battlefield, the effect is the same.At most, it was just a momentary shock.

Why did the tanks show their prowess on the Soviet-German battlefield, because both of them are stacked with tanks!Maybe Germany has first-class tanks and first-class vehicles, but what about Soviet Russia?In the end, relying on the advantage of numbers, De San was completely crushed.When thousands of tanks appear on the battlefield, all resistance will collapse.

Quantity itself is a quality.

And if you want quantity, that kind of tank must be simple enough, cheap enough, enough...

Only then will there be sufficient quantities.

That's right, it is - definitely not a T34 tank.

It's the T60 light tank.

Compared with the T34, this light tank is simply not worth mentioning. It was born in August 1941, one month after the Santoku invasion, and its basic design work was completed in only 8 days. up!

As a light tank that can overcome difficulties in an emergency, it doesn't even have many special parts, except for the car body... Although welding a bunch of steel plates together is quite a test of technology, but what is the real test of technology?
Its designers built a tank out of a bunch of off-the-shelf parts—car parts.

What is the biggest feature of the T60 light tank?
It is because it uses a lot of auto parts. Its engine is the engine of the GIS 5, and its gearbox is also the GIS 5. In a word, it is basically equivalent to the version of the truck with shells and tracks. As for the load of the tank The wheel is also a tractor, and even the T-60 is not equipped with a radio, and the internal communication mainly depends on simple light instructions.

Such an emergency, even extremely crude tank, became the tank that the Soviet Russian army was most likely to obtain in the early days of the war. The front of the Russian army.The T-60 tank was so important to the Soviet Army that Steel personally participated in the testing of the second version of the T-60.

It was such an awesome existence in World War II, let alone now.

Besides, Daming also has his own truck!
Liberation trucks are ready-made trucks.

You can definitely learn from the idea of ​​T60 light tank and use Daming's Jiefang truck to get a Daming T60!
So under the personal guidance of Emperor Zhu, Maxima Automobile Company started their tank road.

I have to say that the engineers in Soviet Russia are very NB that what they produced in 15 days, Ming used... two years.

Moreover, compared with the T60 light tank, Ming's tank has thinner armor and less horsepower. In the Eastern Front battlefield of World War II, these were fatal injuries. For today's Ming, it does not exist at all. On the contrary, this kind of light tank Its mobility is actually huge.

Its speed is fast enough, much faster than a horse!

Therefore, under the two-year research of dozens of technicians from Maxima Automobile Company.

Finally, in October 1873, Daming finally announced the world's first tank - the "Tiger" tank!
The tank was finally born.

"Dragon" tank!

Just like naming the armored vehicle with the "Tiger" type, Emperor Zhu directly named it with the "Dragon".

Now, when the one-meter-high "Dragon" tank roared into the training ground, Emperor Zhu couldn't help standing up, the only thing in his ears was the roar of the tank's engine Voice.

This is my tank!
"Da da da……"

At this moment, there was a crisp sound of machine guns on the training ground.

Is this the sound of a Gatling gun?
Why does it sound a bit different?

No, it's Gatling.

However, it is not the kind of Gatling with a rate of fire of more than [-] rounds. According to the combat experience in France, the machine gun does not need such a fast rate of fire at all.

Even Wang Youling once said, "The sound of machine guns on the battlefield is never the sound of gunfire, but the sound of silver splashing and splashing water!"

Without it, the rate of fire of 3000 rounds is really too expensive.

If you keep holding the trigger, it will cost more than one hundred yuan a minute. The speed at which the machine gun burns money is absolutely astonishing.What's more, the bullets are consumed so quickly, and the logistics can't keep up!
Ever since, as soon as he returned from France, the military took the initiative to ask for a "speed reduction".

In the past ten years, under the attention of Emperor Zhu, Ming has attached great importance to the Gatling machine gun, and Gatling has several improved types.Since the combination of the electric motor and the Gatling machine gun three years ago, no matter how fast the weapon iteration is, the electric Gatling has always been the glory of the king of Ming Dynasty.

Even if it is on the Gatling sold to Britain and France, sorry, it is also manual.

Who doesn't keep a few housekeeping gadgets at home, besides, the electric Gatling gun is also a sharp weapon for the Ming Navy to clean the deck!How can such a sharp weapon be shown lightly to others?
However, although the electric Gatling is good, the rate of fire is too fast!
The "Dragon" tank uses a 10-tube Gatling machine gun improved from 3-tube Gatling. The number of barrels is reduced by 7, and the rate of fire is directly reduced to less than 1000 rounds.

In the past, Gatling was tabooed by the Ming military because of its huge consumption of ammunition. It's not that they cared about money, but because... the logistics couldn't keep up!
Now the Gatling, which has been reduced to less than a thousand rounds, has naturally become the favorite of the military. Although it has various shortcomings, the rate of fire of 800-900 is really delicious!
Especially when it is used in Africa to quell the rebellion of those natives, Gatling is simply the sword of God. Wherever it points, there are dead bodies all over the place!
Compared with the bullet consumption that cost you 3000 lives per minute in the past, now, it is really delicious!

After all, ammunition consumption has been reduced by 30%. Don't underestimate this figure. After a battle, the ammunition saved is definitely a very impressive figure.

Therefore, in addition to the "Dragon" light tank, the "Dragon" light self-propelled artillery is also under development.

In fact, it is just a 100mm mortar added to the Dragon light tank. This kind of light mortar with a range of four kilometers has always been the favorite of the Ming army.

However, it is unlikely to install other artillery. After all, the "Dragon" tank only weighs 2 tons. With such a self-weight, it can barely install a small 20mm caliber artillery.

However, right now there is no such need to install the 20mm Gatling machine gun on the tank. As for other artillery, Da Ming also has no need at the moment. After all, actual combat has proved that the machine gun can also meet the needs. When the cannon is immature, it is really immature to put the cannon on the tank!
However, as an important military product in the second five-year plan, the tube retreat rapid-fire gun is still under intensive development.After the artillery technology like "Miss France" matures, the tanks on the cannons will also mature.

By that time, of course, tanks with a larger tonnage will be used.

Today, only the "Dragon" ultra-light assault tank is inspected by His Majesty the Emperor. It looks more like a Voldemort than a dragon. The goal……

(End of this chapter)

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