Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 639 Attack from the Seabed

Chapter 639 Strike from the bottom of the sea (Fifth update, please subscribe)
When Emperor Zhu faced the newly released tank and was talking about the plane with full expectation, what he didn't know was that the test flight of the plane failed again.

"The engine is too heavy!"

Once again, in an open space tens of kilometers away from Nanhua with strict security measures, the plane was once again like a car, driven by propellers, gliding for hundreds of meters like a car, and couldn't fly. Time.

Li Lin said a little annoyed.

"If the engine were lighter, it would definitely be able to fly into the sky!"

In fact, in the past few years, Li Lin and his colleagues have conducted hundreds of flight tests - glider flight tests - on this test field called the "power laboratory".

As early as three years ago, they used a car to tow a glider to fly, and the glider operated by a person successfully flew out of the towing device again and again, flying about 500 meters away from the first free flight from the ground.Then they continued to improve the glider and flew more than 2000 times in the air, one of which had the longest flight distance of 1350 meters.

This achievement may seem ordinary, but it is absolutely amazing in this era. After all, at the same time, other aviation pioneers in the world were flying glider.But it only flew a few hundred meters.

"The engine is a problem, and our design, there may be a problem."

Like Li Lin, through thousands of test flights, Feng Kai conducted scientific research and experiments on the flight principle of the glider, air lift, wing angle, fuselage shape, rudder, elevator, landing gear, etc.

It is under their efforts that the flight has been elevated from a risky attempt to a scientific exploration.Even analyze the structure of the aircraft from a scientific point of view.

"A glider is an aircraft that uses wings to generate lift in the airflow. The lift of a single wing is not as good as double wings. What if we add another layer of wings?"

Li Lin shook his head at Feng Kai's suggestion.

"This is unrealistic. Adding wings will still increase the weight. The weight of the aircraft will increase, and it will definitely be more difficult to fly it. The most important thing now is to reduce the weight of the engine and increase the power. The weight of it, it is simply a piece of iron thallium, it will definitely not be able to go to the sky..."

It's not just that you can't go to the sky!It must be like a block of iron.Even if it flies a few meters, it will fall directly.

Li Lin stared at the biplane, and couldn't help feeling a little melancholy. After all, until now they still haven't made a plane that can fly.

Could it be that the plane really can't fly?
Could it be said that only airships that take off using hydrogen can fly into the sky?

If it weren't for the success of the glider, he really didn't believe that the plane could fly, but the glider could indeed fly!

"The engine must be too heavy!"

Once again, in the hangar, staring at the improved engine based on the car engine, Li Lin frowned.

"How can I make it lighter?"

While talking to himself, Li Lin thought of a material.

"What if the engine was made of aluminum?"

"Aluminum? You're crazy! Aluminum is more expensive than silver!"

Feng Kai immediately said a little excitedly.He thought of the aluminum necklace his wife had just bought, a metal more expensive than silver, and used it to build the engine.

It's just a little - wishful thinking!
"Building an engine with aluminum is equivalent to building an engine with silver! Is it possible?"

"I also know it's unrealistic, but is there any metal that is lighter than aluminum? Besides aluminum, I really don't know, what else can reduce the weight of the engine."

Of course, what they don't know is that in another world, the Wright Brothers also faced this problem at the beginning, but at that time, the price of aluminum was already very cheap. After hundreds of days and nights of difficult research, they finally developed A light-weight and stable aluminum-cast cylinder engine was produced, which provided reliable power for the first flight.

Flight is only possible with reliable engines.

But now, aluminum is really expensive!

Even if dozens of tons of aluminum are produced every year in Daming's secret factory, it is used for export in exchange for funds. In the past few years, aluminum can be said to have contributed to the rise of Daming's industry!

The funds exchanged for all kinds of aluminum jewelry and aluminum dinner plates have turned into tens of thousands of machines and exchanged for tens of thousands of tons of ships.

Now that aluminum is so expensive, it is definitely unrealistic to use it to build engines.

Of course, Emperor Zhu didn't know about all this. After leaving "Red House Fort", he returned to Yingtian by special train. Compared with the torpedo boat, the submarine is the real trump card of Ming Dynasty. After all, the naval power of Ming Dynasty is far inferior to that of Britain!

Even if it is to prepare the army for war and build a dozen or twenty warships, there is a big gap between the British and the British.

Besides, the ten-year army and the one-hundred-year navy, how could Emperor Zhu not know that the Ming army is now considered to be an elite that is at the forefront of the times, and it is still the leading one, but the navy... really can't do it!

It has been over ten years, compared to the British, it is no exaggeration to say that Ming's navy is a baby waiting to be fed. If such a baby is to fight with a tall and strong man, it is not courting death!
Therefore, Daming needs his own trump card.

This killer feature is the submarine!

A few years ago, Deming's submarine was at the mouth of the La Plata River. Deming's submarine had already secretly attacked once and successfully sank the Argentine Navy's "May [-]th" ironclad ship, but this was not the biggest achievement , what is the biggest gain?
Of course, it is the gold and silver coins in the Argentine treasury on board, and that sum of money is a full [-] million!

Even until now, the navy's expansion funds are still using the windfall. According to the plan formulated at the time, the navy received 40% of the navy construction fund for the development of the navy. The "Nanhua" ironclad ship was the naval construction fund that was used.

"How about it, Liu Qing, now that the Type 002 submarine is in service, what other ideas do you have?"

Standing in the secret base of the submarine force, Emperor Zhu asked with a smile.

"Your Majesty, if you have any ideas, I'm afraid it's a question of tonnage. Although the displacement of the 002 boat is as high as 200 tons, which is twice the size of the 001, it is still too small to carry out ocean-going operations. If you want to carry out For ocean warfare, it is necessary to build large submarines, otherwise the submarine force can only be an assassin in the coastal waters, and cannot be an assassin on the seabed in the ocean!"

Assassin, this is Liu Tiansheng's description of the use of submarines, why "undersea assassin"?
no way.

The record of sinking the iron-clad ship "May [-]th" is really brilliant. Can it not be brilliant to harvest tens of millions of silver dollars?
Moreover, after this battle, Liu Tiansheng, who is the chief officer of the submarine force, knows very well that when the outside world has never known about torpedoes and submarines, the greatest role of submarines is to act as "undersea assassins". , Taking advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness to launch sneak attacks on them again and again.

As long as one strike is successful, it will naturally be able to make up for the strength gap between Ming Dynasty and the British Navy!
Looking at His Majesty thoughtfully, Liu Tiansheng said.

"Your Majesty, do you want to go into the boat and have a look?"

(End of this chapter)

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