Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 650 The special hobby of the great power of the universe

Chapter 650 The special hobby of the great power of the universe (second update, please subscribe)
Humans are assholes.

This is even more so with the Koryo stick.

Just like after the 21st century, the suddenly developed Goryeo seems to be frightened, and some people will shout "Yankes get out of Korea", and every time the people respond, the scene is so spectacular.There is a sense that we live better without you.

However, when the U.S. military really began to reduce its garrison and move its troops to the south, they suddenly became unhappy. There were even millions of people walking and signing petitions to keep the U.S. troops stationed in South Korea. Dad left, that's definitely a proper traitor.The retention campaign lasted until the American father publicly stated that he had no plan to have a son, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As for Dad bumping into someone occasionally, molesting a woman, playing with a woman.It's nothing more than protesting, expressing the voice of the son, the milk of the crying child.

You can't stop having a child just because the child cries a few times!There is no such thing as a father.So no matter what, Dad must be left behind.

After all, being a dad and dog is the greatest honor!
Being a dog—this is their national character.Even this has long been engraved into their bones, and they can't be changed.

For this, Emperor Zhu is very familiar with it. Why did he put on an attitude of not wanting this unfilial son? To put it bluntly, he was in PUB North Korea.

It's just to tell him that Dad doesn't want you anymore, and you love to play there and play there.

The easier it is to get something, the less you know how to cherish it.

Why does North Korea regard Daming as their parents? Is it just the grace of great creation, the grace of reconstruction, and the grace of aid to the East?
Of course not. In the early Ming Dynasty, Daming was also very good at holding and kneading North Korea.

It is very common to pay tribute to firemen (eunuchs) and court ladies every year. North Korea also pays tribute to horses every year. To what extent does it go? There are no horses in the world. In the end, they even had to buy horses from Daming, and then Going to pay tribute, until that time, Daming raised the embarrassment of the filial son, and said kindly - it will be avoided in the future.

North Korea, which has no horses, naturally has no cavalry, but horses can be avoided, and if other things cannot be avoided, Korean ginseng and gold will continue to be tributed.But generally speaking, Daming is quite kind to North Korea,
Just like a man PUB woman, training plus small favors, let you kneel on the ground and slap your face while saying I love you.On my Qing side, in order to make good relations with North Korea, not only are the officials dispatched every time are high-level officials, but also rewards are endless every year.But so what?In North Korea, only Daming will always be in his heart.

In the Qing Dynasty, although many Koreans gave up later, the vast majority still regarded the Qing Dynasty as a "dog sheep barbarian Di", and privately called the Qing emperor "Hu Huang" and the Qing envoys "Captive envoys".

Facts have proved that licking dogs blindly will definitely not lead to love, and licking dogs and licking dogs will end up with nothing. That's right, I'm talking about you Daqing.

Therefore, as the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Zhu must inherit the traditions of the Ming PUB Korea. You want to be a filial son, sorry, I don’t want you anymore.

Dad doesn't want me anymore!
For the North Koreans, such a blow would definitely bring them into a mental breakdown.

Because North Korea's Li Dynasty has used Ming as its legal endorsement for hundreds of years, why North Korea calls itself "Daming Korea" is because after the Li family rebelled, it relied on big things and the name bestowed by Ming to obtain regime legitimacy.

From then on, North Korea tied everything he had with Daming. Even if Daming died, North Korea still insisted on using the reign name of Chongzhen. There is North Korea.

Without Ming, of course there would be no North Korea.

For hundreds of years, Ming Dynasty has been engraved in the bones of Korean people, and it cannot be changed. In history, Li Xi proclaimed himself emperor. I don’t know how many Korean officials and Confucian scholars scolded him for treason. How can a great king be called emperor?"

In the past, when the Ming Dynasty was gone, they could all mentally imagine a Utopian Ming Dynasty, and then pledge their spiritual allegiance to the Ming Dynasty.

Faced with the betrayal of the spiritual Daemyung, many North Koreans could not understand.What's more, Daming Temple exists now.

Now that Daming is alive, their parents are here again!
But before the filial son throws himself into Daming's father's arms and sings a song, my father will love me again.

This Da Ming's father didn't want them as soon as he came up. He was thinking about the country of his parents for more than two hundred years. He had long regarded the country of his parents as heaven and all North Koreans.

Therefore, Smecta wants PUB, and he who wants PUB wants to die, otherwise, how can he be worthy of Smecta, the great power of the universe!

PUB women are not capable, of course you have to PUB a country if you want PUB.Don't think that people are unwilling, this is people who are willing to be PUB, if you don't PUB him, he will not be happy. .

So, just after meeting, Liu Zhongjiao and Jin Yujun lost their ego, not because they didn't have ego, but because they were really afraid that Da Ming's father would not want them.

When I was an orphan in the past, I could say that my father is gone, but now that I am an orphan, how can I explain it? Is it possible to tell the North Koreans that my father doesn’t want us anymore.

Don't think about it, Liu Zhongjiao and the others know what the North Koreans will do when this matter spreads to North Korea. They will definitely commit suicide and tell Daming that North Korea can't be abandoned, but before committing suicide to Mingzhi, they will definitely kill the king If they were killed, whoever asked him to surrender, his father would not want them anymore.

What is a mass base?

The mass base of Ming Dynasty in North Korea is unimaginable to outsiders.

"...Three years of Sunjo's reign (1803), Your Majesty, Korea never used year names in the past. It was only after the Jiashen Heaven Change that the year names of the Hulu were not used. Refuse to use the title of the emperor of the Hu Dynasty. The great kings of the Joseon dynasty since Injo did not use the posthumous title bestowed by the Hu Dynasty."

Respectfully following by the side of Emperor Shengde, Liu Zhongjiao spoke cautiously, and when he mentioned the year name, he also deliberately explained it - it was not the unfilial and private year name of Joseon Dynasty, but the righteousness of Joseon Dynasty - -Do not use Hu Chao's year name.

Regarding this, Emperor Zhu just nodded slightly.

"Use Sidley in the future!"

"It should be so, this is the wish of North Korea!"

Liu Zhongjiao repeatedly nodded and said yes, switching to Daming's reign name again is a great thing that the Koreans have been looking forward to for many years.

"At that time, Jiang Shijing, the magistrate of Huaide County, Chungcheong Province, was really a scum. When presiding over the local sacrifice, he changed the "Chongzhen" year name in the sacrificial text to the "Jiaqing" year name of the Hulu, which caused outrage on the spot. The officials, people and common people at the scene all denounced his rebellion. After the news reached Seoul, more than [-] people, led by Sungkyunkwan Confucianist Li Jinyuan, protested, and finally Jiang Shijing was demoted. On the way to be demoted, he was killed by righteous people , After the righteous people surrendered to the government, they said that Jiang Shijing's change of the title of the Hulu was really disloyal and unfilial. Such scum is not admired as a human being, and everyone has to punish him."

Why did Liu Chongjiao mention this matter? It was to tell the Emperor Ming that North Korea is full of dutiful sons, and they are all great dutiful sons. You must never deny this son of North Korea!

"This person is loyal and deserves to be rewarded."

Emperor Zhu liked such loyal and righteous men the most. If everyone in North Korea was like this, then North Korea... well, of course it would be Daming's North Korea.

Since ancient times, North Korea is number one.

The key is that the human heart is in me.

"North Korean people are honest in everything, and they have never forgotten their loyalty for two hundred years. A country of true loyalty and righteousness..."

A simple word of praise made Liu Zhongjiao jump up, Da Ming's father is praising us!

The Land of Loyalty!

If everyone in North Korea knew about Da Ming's father's evaluation of North Korea, they would definitely be ashamed as Liu Zhongjiao is now when they are excited.

"Your Majesty, North Korea is not worthy..."

Looking at the ashamed Liu Zhongjiao, Emperor Zhu said generously.

"I don't miss the old evil. It was a last resort in the Qing Dynasty in North Korea, and this is already a thing of the past. I can also understand and understand. Just be loyal in the future."

You see, how generous the emperor is.You dutiful sons, hurry up and thank Dade for being moved.

Of course, this group of unfilial sons must be moved.Otherwise, Emperor Zhu would be wasting his efforts.

For North Korea, a guy who is used to being PUB.If you don't PUB him for three days, he will definitely feel uncomfortable all over.That being the case, then PUB well.

There is no way, the cosmic power Smecta is like this.In their bones, they just like to be PUB...

Emperor Zhu, of course, will let them get their wish.

(End of this chapter)

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