Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 660 The Okubo Who Betrayed the Country and Seeked Glory (First update, please subscribe)

Chapter 660 The Okubo Who Betrayed the Country and Seeked Glory (First update, please subscribe)
Just when Emperor Zhu wanted to bring the Sassoon family from Tangshan to Daming, take them to court, and then give them a "Kaka" directly, the situation in Dongyang has become increasingly tense. optimistic.

The rebels of Saigo Takamori and Eto Shinpei successively defeated the government army in mid-February. Their victory inspired the unemployed Japanese gentry, and they rushed to Kyushu from all over the country. By the end of February, their army strength had swelled to more than 2 People, the rebels captured Nagasaki and Fukuoka one after another between February and March. For a time, almost the entire Kyushu was controlled by the rebels. their opponents.

After all, unlike the insurgents who lacked weapons in history-this time Xixiang Takamori and the others did not lack weapons at all.

The fall of Kyushu shocked Japan, and all the unemployed gentry in Honshu, Shikoku and other places responded one after another. The Japanese Restoration Government unexpectedly fell into a precarious situation, and there was a great possibility of losing power soon.

It was just dawn, and the city of Tokyo was filled with a summer twilight, and everything was silent.

Suddenly, the rapid ringing of the bell broke the silence of the street.A postman rode while ringing the bell of his bicycle. After the bicycle approached the official residence of the interim Taizheng Iwakura Tomomi, he hurriedly delivered a telegram.

After a while, several people ran out from the mansion, and soon Hirobumi Ito, Takayoshi Kido, Toshimichi Okubo and others rushed over.

"A warship in the navy mutinied. They sailed to Fukuoka last night and defected to the rebels!" Iwakura Tomomi said angrily.

"If it's really absurd, Xixiang used the name of the royal family to falsely accuse us of murdering the emperor. It's a big joke in the world, and now I don't know how many people are deceived by it..."

"It doesn't matter whether they are deceived or not. The important thing is that the gentry's heart is on their side. The government army's current combat effectiveness is limited, and it is not an opponent of the rebels at all. I am worried that once the rebels land in the state, the situation will collapse. After all, now the Emperor..."

Wherever the hearts of the gentry are in Xixiang, it is clear that they have suppressed the gentry in the past years, causing them to lose their hearts.

Before Ito Hirobumi finished speaking, Kido Takayoshi interrupted his words and said.

"The emperor, the emperor has not yet been established, which gives the emperor a reason, Your Excellency, now it is time to establish the emperor anyway."

Turning to Iwakura, Kido said.

"It's been a month, and every day of delay is equivalent to giving Xixiang another excuse. Your Excellency, no matter what, it's time to make a decision!"

Iwakura Gushi is also very troubled!
It is said that a country cannot live without a king, but Japan has been without an emperor for a month!
It has been a full month since Emperor Meiji passed away on February 2th. In the past month, they have discussed many topics in private with the public officials, but they have never been able to get around Hegong, and Hegong is Meiji. The Emperor's aunt, Emperor Xiaomei's younger sister, she is the only heir apparent, but the problem is that she is a woman of the Tokugawa family, even if she is a widow, she is also from the Tokugawa family.

She was born in a samurai family, so she will definitely support the samurai family. If she is allowed to inherit the throne of the emperor, and if she succeeds to the throne and becomes the empress of the emperor to support the samurai family, they will most likely become abandoned children.

"He Gong, after all, belongs to the Tokugawa family!"

Once again, Iwakura Tomomi raised his concerns.When his words fell, there were sighs all around. What is the dream of all of them?
Of course Japan is powerful, but now, after Emperor Meiji suddenly died of a sudden illness, their situation has become very embarrassing, not just embarrassing,

It is simply possible to collapse at any time, and even now, the officials of the public are quite annoyed. After all, the throne of the emperor has been suspended for three months. If this continues, even if there is no conspiracy, there will be a conspiracy.

But how can things be so simple?

If it weren't for the special status of Hegong, they would have agreed with Hegong to inherit the throne of the Emperor.

But the problem is that her identity is not very special!
"Tokugawa... Dechuan... is really hateful. Even if the general dies, it will leave us with such a problem. If she remarries..."

Suddenly, Iwakura Tomohiro stopped talking, and just as he was about to speak, Okubo Toshimichi shook his head and said.

"Ordinary people definitely can't. For ordinary people, it's hard to persuade He Gong to marry..."

Suddenly, he paused again, as if thinking of something, but he talked to himself again.

"It seems unlikely..."


"What is unlikely?"

"Remarry? It's really impossible!"

"It's not impossible, the key is to see who you marry!"

"Marry who? Although Japan has a female emperor, according to the convention, the female emperor cannot marry!"

Empresses cannot marry.This is true in Japanese tradition, but there is no express regulation in this regard.

When Ito Hirobumi's words fell, Okubo Toshimichi suddenly changed the subject.

"It's not important. What's important is to put down the rebels first. Now if they cross the sea, there will be rebellions everywhere in this state, and the officers and soldiers will have to run out of steam!"

"How to calm down?"

"Ask Daming to send troops!"

What Okubo Toshimichi said made everyone dumbfounded. They looked at this guy in astonishment, and they almost poured tea on his face to wake him up.

"Da Ming is a powerful country in the world. Judging from our last visit, the Emperor of Ming will definitely support Japan's reform and reform. I think that in order to deal with the current crisis, we should quickly send envoys to Daming to ask Daming to send troops to help counter the rebellion."

"What does that mean?"

Iwakura looked back and said,

"Ask Daming to counter the rebellion? Have you forgotten the referendum in Paraguay? Please send troops. If Daming follows Paraguay and annexes Japan in the name of voting, how can you and I afford it? At that time, it will be Led the wolf into the house."

"Hebang tomorrow, it's not impossible!"

Since his visit to Daming, Okubo Toshimichi has become a typical star fan, highly respecting Daming, and he has also considered this issue after witnessing Paraguay's merger with Daming.

Although when he first heard the news, he was also afraid that Japan would fall into the same situation one day.

But after a tour of Europe, his attitude changed radically.Because he witnessed the discrimination of the yellow race by Europeans, and also witnessed the division of the world by Europe.

Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for Japan to be alone, and it is even very likely that Japan will become the food in the mouth and plate of Western powers.

"Tomorrow Hebang, Okubo, what nonsense are you talking about! Are you crazy?"

"In this world, the weak eat the strong. Britain, Russia, the threat from all sides is approaching, and now there are civil strife in Japan. Last time, Britain supported us to collapse the curtain, and France supported the shogunate. If the big powers intervene in Japan, the feudal lords will once again segregate the region, and Japan will be in flames of war. At that time, does Japan have a future? Just like the Qing Dynasty, when the feudal lords were separated and the Warring States Period came back, not only would Japan not be prosperous and strong, even the country would perish. Lucia (Russia) is Japan itself. Their ambitions to expand in the west are now blocked by Britain and France. If they go south to Japan, what will the divided Japan do to stop the country! There are also Britain and France. Japan is not the Qing Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty is too big. The big powers only need to claim their rights , Just cede the land, Japan..."

Looking at the people who hadn't recovered yet, Okubo Toshimichi's tone became a little heavy.

"Is it possible for Japan to survive the partition of the powers? At that time, let alone the reform and reform, today's India is tomorrow's Japan, and we are all slaves to the subjugated country. No, we may not see the subjugated country at all." One day, he was killed. Instead of this, it is better to unite tomorrow, at least the Ming country will always be the Ming country, and Japan will not be discriminated against, and the three thousand compatriots in Japan will not be reduced to slaves of Western countries!"

What Okubo Toshimichi said surprised everyone. They looked at Okubo Toshimichi in astonishment. They never thought that he would say such a thing. What would these words be if they spread out?
It's a national thief!
And it's the kind that everyone gets and punishes.Where is there anyone like him?Westerners have not yet come to carve up Japan.Fortunately, he took the initiative to sell Japan.

This really makes sense!

"Okubo Toshimichi, the reason why we are reforming is to strengthen the country! It is for the survival of Japan!"

Iwakura shouted loudly.

"You are a traitor at all!"

Traitor, there is no doubt about it!

Facing Iwakura's reprimand, instead of showing any fear, Okubo Toshimichi looked at him directly and said loudly.

"Traitor! Your Excellency, do you really think that Japan will still exist after the civil war? Xixiang wants to strengthen the country, but what about the old feudal lords of the feudal clans? Don't they want to restore the power of yesterday? Since the imperial court has abandoned If the old feudal lords win over them again, after each feudal clan becomes independent, Japan...there will no longer be Japan in this world!"

(End of this chapter)

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