Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 667 Zhan Tianyou's Choice

Chapter 667 Zhan Tianyou's Choice (First update, please subscribe)
The news of Jacob Sassoon's kidnapping not only caused an unprecedented sensation in Haizhou, but also shocked Hong Kong and other places. After all, in these areas, everyone knew the influence of the Sassoon family.

When the British consul and British ministers expressed their concern, the staff of Sassoon Corporation in Haizhou immediately reported to Sassoon Corporation in India by telegram. .

In Bombay, it was late in the evening when David Sassoon received the telegram from Haizhou.

"Father, what's going on?"

asked Edward Sassoon, who was preparing to go to England when he was suddenly summoned by his father.

"Your brother has been kidnapped!"

David Sassoon said without raising his head.

"What? How is this possible, who dares to kidnap him! Are they crazy?"

Although he subconsciously felt that no one would dare to kidnap members of the Sassoon family.But Edward asked again immediately.

"How much do they want?"

If those people want money, just give them money.As long as it can keep Jacob safe.

"No one has contacted us, no news till now, but the people who kidnapped him killed the driver and his bodyguards, they are Indians, for sure, no Qing people would do that, they know it well , what would be the result of killing foreigners."

David Sassoon frowned.He really couldn't imagine that anyone would dare to kidnap Jacob.

"so what?"

Edward also didn't believe that there were Qing people who dared to kidnap Jacob. Those people would never ask for trouble. Kidnapping foreigners was definitely a taboo among the taboos in the Qing Dynasty.

"I suspect this is not a simple kidnapping!"

I have to say that David Sassoon's judgment is very accurate. Although he has only been to the Qing Dynasty once, he also knows something about the Qing Dynasty. dare.

"Why don't I go to Haizhou, after all, Jacob now..."

Before Edward finished speaking, David Sassoon shook his head and said.

"No, your plan cannot be changed. After you arrive in London, you must win Caroline's heart as much as possible. For the Sassoon family, there is nothing more important than marrying the Rothschild family. After all, we are from Baghdad, from Mumbai, only after marrying the Rothschild family can we integrate into the circle of the British upper class, otherwise, we are just a Jewish family in Mumbai!"

Marrying with the Rothschild family was a plan carefully planned by David Sassoon for several years. Now that London has just let go, how could he miss such an opportunity.

In contrast, Jacopo's kidnapping was nothing worth mentioning.Of course you can't say that, after all, Jacopo is also his son, but now the interests of the family are the most important.

"But what about Jacob?"

Facing Edward's worry, David Sassoon shook his head and said.

"No matter who kidnapped Jacob, they will always put forward their conditions and requirements in the end. I have told Haizhou that no matter what conditions the other party proposes, I will agree to them, but I am worried..."

Frowning into a ball, thinking about it, David Sassoon, who has never had any clue, worried.

"This is not just a kidnapping together, but..."

If not kidnapping, what would it be?

It is a justice trial!

"death penalty!"

When these two words came out of the judge's mouth, Zhao Fusheng's whole body went limp, his goldfish-like eyes stared straight ahead, and when he was about to go limp, he suddenly said loudly.

"Why, why, I, I just brought the big smoke here..."

No one paid any attention to his rhetorical question, he was arrested from Chinatown in Peru, and the arrest was even made public - the Peruvian authorities didn't mind Da Ming arresting some people in Chinatown, they didn't want to protect a few Da Ming expatriates. To offend Daming, after all, the relationship between the two parties is already tense due to the border dispute.

So they directly agreed to Daming's request and agreed to enter Peru to arrest those people.

"This, this is death..."

Wang Sanhu murmured in disbelief, also a death sentence, he looked at the thirty-seven elders and brothers sitting in the iron railing, this... the whole hall was smashed from top to bottom.

"I said before that you can't sell big cigarettes to Daming, you can't sell them, and everyone doesn't listen to them. Now it's okay, it's okay, they're all dead, they're all dead..."

Master Ding Hui slumped on the chair and said in despair, the faces of the others were ashen, unexpectedly!

They used to think that selling opium in foreign countries had nothing to do with Daming, but now?
It's all over!
In the early morning of the next day, the thirty-seven drug traffickers who had been kidnapped were taken to the outskirts of the wilderness. After identifying their identities, these bigwigs from Chinatown in Peru died in the wilderness like this...

On the same day, there was a news report the size of a tofu block on the second editions of many newspapers such as "Da Ming Daily" and "South China Daily". Those who traffic in opium will be arrested and sent to Daming for trial.But it didn't attract anyone's attention. After all, it was just a few Chinatown gangsters who died, and it wasn't a big deal at all.

Although few people noticed this news, Li Jingfang, the eldest son of Governor Li, saw this report. This young master Li, who had been admitted to the law department of Nanhua University two years ago, put down the newspaper, It took a long time to say.

"Mr. Rong, if the drug is not eradicated in my Qing Dynasty, no matter how hard my father manages it, I'm afraid that in the end, it will be a dream come true."

What Young Master Li said made Rong Hong take it seriously.

"Indeed, smoking and poisoning will not only cause a large amount of silver to flow out, leaving me with no money to pay for the Qing Dynasty, but also poison the people's hearts. Opening up the local medicine tax, even if the Governor-General manages foreign affairs, it depends on the lijin and the foreign local medicine tax!"

Of course, Yung Wing didn’t mention another point - the legality of foreign medicine was written into the treaty signed with the British. If the Qing Dynasty wants to ban smoking, it must first obtain the consent of the British, but how could the British agree? Woolen cloth?

They agreed, how could those businessmen in Britain agree?

"That's why it is necessary to prosper industry, to establish industry and commerce, Mr. Rong, Daming Qiang? What is it based on? Although it is education, it is still industry and commerce in essence. Only by Daxing industry and commerce, with factories and banks, all industries are prosperous. The government In order to collect enough taxes, and then use it to build new factories, to train troops, to build warships, to build schools, money is the foundation of everything, otherwise everything is just empty talk!"

Looking at the newspaper in his hand and staring at the advertisement in the newspaper, Li Jingfang's gaze was firm. He has been in Daming for three and a half years, and he has changed a lot compared to the past. After witnessing the power and prosperity of Daming with his own eyes, he Of course, I hope that one day the Qing Dynasty will be as powerful as Ming Dynasty.

Not the Qing Dynasty, but China.

In his heart, he doesn't know when, the Qing Dynasty has long been gone, and only China is left!
"If China wants to be prosperous and strong, it must be like this!"

Looking at the swearing son, Rong Hong sighed slightly in his heart. As the director of overseas students, he witnessed the changes of those students. Daming's education, living a Ming-style life, with the passage of time, those overseas students have already been deeply influenced by Daming.

Are they still foreign students from the Qing Dynasty?
Once again, a question popped up in Yung Wing's heart, he knew the answer, but he was also afraid of that answer.

Faced with that answer, he even chose to hide his ears and steal the bell. The reason for this is not only because he needs to be responsible for these foreign students, but also because even his own heart has also been affected a lot.

What kind of influence?

Rong Wing didn't even dare to think about it, at least he would never tell anyone what was going on in his heart, but in Daming, every day he stayed, some thoughts that shouldn't surface would appear in his heart.

It was like this every day, and this thought was getting stronger and stronger, so strong that he couldn't even sleep at night, but... after all, he was an official of the Qing Dynasty.

You can't think about it.

Once again, Yung Wing cheered himself up in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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