Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 67 The world is based on strength

Chapter 67 The World Speaks Based on Its Strength (Please collect and recommend)
Both hands must be grasped, and both hands must be firm. Although cannons are good, butter is also very important.

Development is important, even though Nanhua is almost poor and blank at this time.

But every day Nam Hwa is changing at an alarming rate, especially in terms of agriculture.

A large area of ​​grassland outside Nanhua Village has been reclaimed as farmland. The plowed black land that has not been turned over for millions of years has been planted with crops such as wheat and cotton.And every day, a large number of acres of land are reclaimed.

Of course, the biggest hero is the steam tractor.

But a tractor, no matter how fast it is, can get there quickly, but for a "village" with a population of less than [-], it is already very powerful, basically running into the era of agricultural mechanization.

During this period, Zhu Xianhai conducted another simulation. He had to simulate the situation first, just in case.

The simulation results can be summed up in one sentence: the world is peaceful!
The world is peaceful and it is time for development.

Although Buffett, who is in charge of purchasing equipment, because of several telegrams from Zhu Xianhai—the telegrams were sent from Viedma, even though Viedma is a small town with hundreds of people, as a neighbor of Nanhua, it has what Nanhua currently lacks. telegraph lines.

It was through that telegraph station that Zhu Xianhai contacted Buffett in London and commissioned him to purchase machinery and equipment.

While waiting for the arrival of the machinery and equipment, Zhu Xianhai was not idle, and once again studied the systematic "Life Mall".

I have to study it.

This thing is limited!

"The Spencer's only 25 pesos, it's cheap!"

Looking at the things in the "mall" that make people drool,

There are not only high-quality and cheap weapons, but also simple mechanical equipment. He has bought more than a dozen machine tools, using the steam engine of the sawmill as power, and started training workers.

It's just that the number is too small. Even if some simple machine tools can be produced, the speed of upgrading is too slow.

Although the product is good, the problem is that it is limited to purchase. As a novice user, Zhu Xianhai does not have the authority to purchase in large quantities.

"How can I buy more stuff?"

Zhu Xianhai asked.

【Primary users mainly purchase goods for their own use. 】

The flashing answer on the light screen made Zhu Xianhai feel depressed.

The purchase limit is cheating!
Muttering this in his heart, Zhu Xianhai said tentatively again.

"Then how can I escalate my privileges?"

[Continuously accumulate experience points through life simulation. The current experience value is 4150. After upgrading to a second-level user, the purchase of goods can be doubled. 】

Upgrading to level two is just doubling.

"How can I get wholesale access?"

[After upgrading to level [-] user, you can get merchant permission]

...Level 100 actually requires [-] million experience points!
However, the experience value of a second-level user is not high, but only 10000 experience points, which is not slow at this speed!

Judging from the hundreds of experience points obtained by one simulation at the moment, at least a few thousand simulations are needed, and Zhu Xianhai was dumbfounded in an instant.

"Is there any other way?"

[Temporary permissions can be exchanged through experience points]

"Exchange temporary permissions through experience points?"

Zhu Xianhai said in surprise.

[Do you want to exchange temporary permissions? 】

"Huh? The system is big, what kind of permission is this exchange temporary permission?"

Zhu Xianhai was a little confused, what happened to the exchange of temporary permissions?

[User Notice: The road of life is full of various opportunities. Occasional appropriate overdrafts are also part of life experience. Exchanging temporary permissions is equivalent to appropriate overdrafts. You only need [-] experience points at a time to get unexpected rewards , There are many kinds of system permissions, and the products produced by the system are absolutely extraordinary.Does the user spend [-] points to temporarily enable the temporary permission function? 】

"...Temporary permission... Let me give it a try, that is, one thousand points to open the temporary permission... But, how temporary is this temporary?"

Zhu Xianhai chose to open it without hesitation.

The light screen flickered, and in the next moment, Zhu Xianhai was stunned - what appeared in front of his eyes was actually a lottery disk.

This... is this temporary permission?
"System, enabling temporary permissions, shouldn't it be enabling the bulk purchase function? What does this mean?"

Zhu Xianhai said angrily.

[Note to users: The opening of temporary permissions is not a designated choice, but a random selection, whether to draw? ]
The system's answer made Zhu Xianhai want to smash it, just...

【Junior Farmer Privileges】

[Intermediate mechanical engineer authority. 】

[Junior factory owner authority. 】

[Junior Merchant Privileges. 】

[null! ]

Looking at the so-called permissions on the light screen, Zhu Xianhai was so angry that they were randomly selected...

"I've already invested so much money, let's smoke..."

The big turntable on the light screen turned quickly.


After a series of congratulatory sounds, Zhu Xianhai was in a daze.

"NMM... actually took a break."

Good guy, I actually took a moment...

What kind of lottery is this?
Don't have user privileges?
Shouldn't it be a 100% winning rate?

Go on... It's empty again.

empty again...


At this time, the system prompts again.

"Do you want to continue to enable temporary permissions?"

Of course it was smoked.

Just when the lottery draw was about to start, Zhu Xianhai noticed that there was a line of small characters below.

It is a user notice, just one sentence:

[Note to users, if you turn on the temporary power, you can draw ten times at random. If you need to enable it, please turn on the temporary power again! 】

Uh... MMP, how could this happen?

For my thousand points, I just... drew ten times!This is a big loss!

But... to smoke or not to smoke?

This doesn't seem to be a multiple choice question.

Rather, it is a must-answer question.

Although the South China Sea is currently living in a corner and wants to develop insignificantly, in fact, if it wants to gain a foothold on the Pampas prairie in 1861, it will undoubtedly turn the tables against the sky. It must start now and seize every opportunity to develop itself.

Even so, the strength of Nanhua is not far behind that of Argentina, even compared with the Mapuche people, it is far behind.

Not to mention that people are flawed, and the foundation is too weak.

Last time, it was just a fluke, relying on the blessing of the "steam tank" and Gatling, to shock the Mapuche who had never seen the world.

But what is inseparable, if you can't accumulate enough strength as soon as possible, even if you are an "ally", an "ally" who is too weak, there will only be one result-either be discriminated against or annexed.

You must know that even the Mapuche have a population of [-], and this does not count the Araucan region on the west side of the Andes.

Compared with Nanhua.

Population is the biggest advantage of the Mapuche people. Maybe they don't have advanced weapons, but there are hundreds of thousands of people there, which is enough to crush Nanhua.

The world has always been based on strength!

(End of this chapter)

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