Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 677 Preventing the Expansion of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 677 Stop Daming's Expansion (First update, please subscribe)
Appeal was of course Sassoon's right.

As a country ruled by law, Daming will of course guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of every criminal suspect.

But everyone knows what the final result will be, and the original sentence must be upheld.After all, the law is the law.The law is absolutely impersonal.

Moreover, sometimes the law needs to look at politics.Just like Sassoon said.

Daming needs to kill the chicken to show the monkey.

If the chicken is not killed, those monkeys will never be obedient.So for daimyo, it is necessary to kill chickens and monkeys.

Although Sassoon was arrested to Daming from the British Concession in Haizhou, and the reaction from the British side was extremely angry.But so what?

Although at the request of Edward Sassoon, the Rothschild family also tried to exert pressure on Daming through their official relationship, but this did not have any effect.

It was their attempts and efforts that in the end further contributed to the death of Jacob Sassoon.As Jacob Sassoon said before - they were killing the chicken for the monkeys to see.

After finally catching a big sand chicken, of course he had to kill it and warn the world.Otherwise, wouldn't it be that such a perfect opportunity was missed?

In this way, Sassoon's fate was doomed from the very beginning.His head is there to make an example, whether he wants to or not.

After all, it is Britain, and no matter how angry it is, it will not help.Even to a certain extent, the anger of the British was only symbolic. After all, Sassoon was just a British Indian, not an Englishman at all.

But what is certain is that the trial of Sassoon terrified the opium dealers from India to Hong Kong, and from Hong Kong to Haizhou. They warned everyone almost immediately - don't sell opium like Ming Ming opium.

Otherwise, the heavy price is unbearable for them.

Sometimes people are always like this, only when the knife is on the neck, and there is no luck, they will know that they are afraid.

For a long time to come, Daming and its overseas territories were forbidden by opium merchants. They all knew the price of selling opium to Daming. pure land.

However, the "Sassoon case" still caused a political storm in the UK. Although he was a British Indian, he was arrested in the British concession, which directly led to the British people thinking that this was Ming's respect for the British dignity. trampled on.The relationship between Ming and Ying became more tense.

"We have to show our attitude to the world!"

In the prime minister's official residence at 11 Downing Street, Benjamin, the prime minister of the British Empire, almost roared angrily after learning that Sassoon had been sentenced to death.

"Ming people are challenging our bottom line again and again. They are not challenging, they are testing. They are testing where our bottom line is!"

Benjamin, who became prime minister again in February, has repeatedly and vigorously attacked William Ewart Gladstone's Liberal cabinet in the past few years for being short-sighted and ignoring the interests of the empire.

"All of this was brought about by the Liberal Party cabinet. When they annexed Argentina, we were silent. When they joined forces with Brazil to carve up Uruguay and Paraguay, we were still silent. It seems that for Britain, South America is too far away from Europe. It was our silence that led to the continuous expansion of Ming's desire for expansion, and now they have even begun to challenge the United Kingdom! Damn it, God can testify, I must completely cut off their claws!"

After taking office as prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli took active aggression and expansion abroad and the establishment of a powerful British colonial empire that dominated the world as his program of struggle.

For this typical imperialist who tried to build the glory of the British Empire, the expansion of Ming Dynasty has seriously damaged the interests of the United Kingdom, and this trial of Sassoon is more like a slap in the face, slapping him in the face Crackling.

"This is simply the biggest diplomatic failure in British history!"

The Foreign Secretary, Lord Derby Jr., said directly.

"Many observers believe that if Britain cannot protect a British Indian, how can it possibly protect the interests of the British?"

India in 1874... was just India, and even the Queen of England hadn't worn the crown of the Emperor of India yet.In another world, two years later, in 1876, suggested by Disraeli, the Parliament passed a decision to grant Queen Victoria the title of "Empress of India", and held a grand coronation ceremony in Delhi, the capital of India, on New Year's Day 1877.Victoria's dream of being queen for many years has finally become a reality.

As a result, the title "British Empire", which was only used verbally, has since become one of the official names of the United Kingdom and has been seen in official documents.

Because of this, strictly speaking, British India is just a colony, and Sassoon is just an "Indian".

"Everyone is angry, but we have to realize that he is an Indian. The reason why people are angry is not because we can't save him. After all, no one in London cares about an Indian. But they What matters is that Ming refused us, they not only refused to release Sassoon, but also sentenced him to death! Even that damned guy was arrested in the British Concession!"

Even when this matter is mentioned now, Benjamin's tone is full of anger.

But what's the point of being full of anger?

It is impossible for him to send a fleet to Daming because of an Indian. If there is a conflict, he has no way to explain to the parliament why a war is caused because of an Indian.

No one in the UK cares about the life and death of an Indian, even if he is a Jew.

But this does not mean that everyone does not care about the face of the British Empire, just like what is the reason for their anger now?
Isn't it because Daming didn't lose face?
"If he's British we can do whatever it takes, but he's Indian..."

Benjamin said rather helplessly.

"It is impossible for us to start a war for an Indian. No country will do it. Even this incident makes all of us feel unprecedented anger."

Benjamin is also very helpless.This time the Ming Empire happened to put Britain in an extremely embarrassing situation-they could neither ignore it nor take a tough attitude and use war as a threat.

Because no Englishman wants to go to war for an Indian!
But this does not prevent them from feeling that Britain has lost face.In this way, the face of the British Empire was dropped by Daming.

As the prime minister, how could Benjamin not be angry?

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, it is just as you said before. We must express our attitude through some means, and cut off the claws that Da Ming is eager to reach out to all sides."

The Foreign Secretary, Lord Derby Jr., of course noticed where Daming's hands had been stretched in the past few years, so he immediately spoke.

"We have reason to believe that in the "Quadruple Alliance", they may have reached some secret agreement with the Russians on Japan. They have been sending troops to Ryukyu since the beginning of the year, and Russia's ambitions for Japan are well known. We must To stop their expansion in East Asia may affect our interests in the Qing Dynasty."

A secret treaty caused the British to have all kinds of doubts. They didn't know the specific content of the treaty at all, and they didn't know who the treaty was aimed at. They must have guessed that it had a lot to do with Turkey, but It cannot be denied that they will reach some kind of consensus elsewhere.

Facing the suggestion of the Foreign Minister, Benjamin thought for a moment, and then said.

"Japan, what's your suggestion about Japan?"

Facing the Prime Minister's question, Lord Derby Jr. answered directly.

"If we allow Da Ming to extend his hand into Japan, then they will definitely affect our sphere of influence in the Qing Dynasty. Moreover, they must also have ambitions for the Qing Dynasty. Now our task is to completely cut off his influence on Japan. ambition to expand."

To the little Lord Derby answered thus.Benjamin nodded approvingly, and then he said.

"Since this is the case, let's make a plan. We must stop the further expansion there. We failed to stop them last time in the Americas, but now—we must stop their ambition to join hands with Russia to expand!"

(End of this chapter)

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