Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 693 Japan, it's over

Chapter 693 Japan, it's over (first update, please subscribe)
The British cannons woke up the Japanese!
Or wake up the Japanese who had been heading straight on the road of "leaving Asia and entering Europe".Once upon a time, they thought that as long as they could learn Western civilization and put on a suit, they would realize the prosperity of the country.You can suddenly become a European, even if it is yellow skin, what's the point?

As long as they learn from the West, live and think like Western people, they can be accepted by Westerners.

But this is simply a dream.

As it is in this world, it is also true in another.

In another world, more than [-] years after Fukuzawa Yukichi, the founder of modern Japan who advocated "civilization and enlightenment", raised his arms and shouted "leave Asia and enter Europe", Japan is still a frog in a well in the eyes of Europeans and Americans, and it is still a A symbol of ignorance, barbarism, and unreasonableness.

Later, after being severely whipped by reality, the Japanese discovered that it turned out that "leaving Asia and entering Europe" was impossible at all.

What was the essence of the jungle in the 19th century?
On the surface, it looks like a feast for the strong and a tragedy for the weak.But in essence, it is still a dispute between races and a clash of civilizations.

It is the European civilization's invasion and plunder of other civilizations, and the Europa race's enslavement and oppression of other races.

"Leaving Asia and entering Europe"... Can the Japanese take off that layer of skin and put on white skin?Even if it becomes a "banana empire", in the eyes of Europeans, they are still the "yellow peril", "heretics" and enemies.

In another world, it took Japan almost half a century to understand this truth.They will never be able to pull off that layer of skin on their bodies.

Even if they rise, even if they become rich, even if they once claim to buy the world, the Anglo-Saxons who control the world will never treat them as equals.

And now?

The arrogance of the British navy, a bombardment at sea, and the tragedy of killing tens of thousands of Japanese army and navy soldiers made Iwakura Tomohiro, Ito Hirobumi, Okubo Toshimichi, and Kido Takayoshi, the most outstanding Japanese talents in the middle and late 19th century, suddenly wake up.

It turns out that "leaving Asia and entering Europe" is impossible.At this moment, all their dreams were shattered, and amidst the sound of the British cannons, they seemed to understand some truth.

Not only is it impossible, but Japan is also facing an unprecedented racial crisis-they may be wiped out by Western demons like the United Kingdom at any time, and then [-] million Japanese will become slaves of Western demons, just like Indians.

Subjugated slaves!
Exterminate the country and exterminate the species!
Such a threat was something they had never imagined before.

The unprecedented crisis made Iwakura Tomomi and the others make a choice.


Violently overturning the small table in front of her, Mimi Sanjo, the former Taizheng who had a mental breakdown due to the government's "conquest of Korea" last year and was unable to perform her duties, faced the death of the emperor and the political turmoil in the country, and never came back. , Pointing to Iwakura with a vision.

"How can you bastard say such a thing? Didn't you reform the law to make Japan rich and strong? It's unreasonable. Now it's just a small problem. You actually want to hand over Japan to Ming Dynasty. It's just damn. I think you guys Let’s all go to the Double Bridge outside the Imperial Palace to commit seppuku and apologize!”

Sanjo Mimi can't be angry.

Iwakura Toshishi actually suggested to him "become a minister to Ming Dynasty".Mijo Sanjo, who is proficient in Confucianism, of course knows what it means to be a vassal. This is the tributary system established by the Ming Dynasty. In East Asia, Korea has always been in the tributary system of China, but what about Japan?Then stay out of this system for a long time.Although Japan takes China as its teacher and is willing to be close to China in its heart, it is definitely not that close to China.

But this doesn't mean that he doesn't understand Daming's tributary system.

Proclaiming a minister is a link in the tributary system, that is, proclaiming a minister to Daming, and then accepting the canonization of Ming Dynasty, just like Toyotomi Hideyoshi back then, the Tokugawa family was also thinking about the canonization of Ming Dynasty.

"Your Excellency, if going to the Erchong Bridge to commit seppuku and apologise, can stop Western ghosts and animals from spying on Japan, then I will go to Erchong Bridge now. However, the ambition of the British is now clearly revealed, and they have openly supported Germany. The Chuan family went so far as to bombard our fleet. Tens of thousands of athletes died tragically at sea. Your Excellency, if you don’t make a decision as soon as possible, Japan will not only restore the Tokugawa family’s samurai family. How can Xixiang and the others accept the Tokugawa family? What? There are other feudal lords, and the British can support Tokugawa or other lords. At that time, Japan will not only split, but even die, and become a colony of British ghosts and animals from then on!"

Such as mourning a concubine!

When Sanjo Mimi, who was still angry at first, heard what Iwakura Yumi said, his whole body seemed to collapse instantly. He opened his mouth with a pale face, but he couldn't speak.

The news that the British Navy interfered in Japan's internal affairs and bombarded the Japanese fleet also made people feel inexplicable fear.

He doesn't believe in Kamikaze to protect the country.

Although he has never been abroad, Mimi Sanjo is very clear about the strength of Western countries, especially the United Kingdom. Now with the support of the British, the Tokugawa family will definitely be able to seize the world.If this is just the beginning, what will happen next?

The rise of the samurai again?
Whether the Samurai family will rise, Mimi Sanjo is not sure, but there must be no public affairs.Even if he implemented that plan successfully, so what?

It may be good for the Tokugawa family to seize power again, but if, as Iwakura Tomomi said, Britain will use Japan's civil strife to support all parties and split Japan, then Japan will really be a country without a country.

"Your Excellency, although it is difficult to accept surrendering to Ming Dynasty, at least Japan is still there. North Korea has surrendered to Ming Dynasty for hundreds of years. Ming has never interfered in their internal affairs, and has never harmed them in the slightest. But thanks to Daming's Asylum, when Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded North Korea, it would end in failure. Now, Japan surrenders to Ming Dynasty, not only can it be protected by Ming Dynasty, but it will not be invaded by British ghosts and animals. Only in this way can Japan survive in this world of tigers and wolves! Your Excellency !"

Iwakura Gushi, who was full of grief and indignation, raised his head, and he met the three Mimi's gazes, and said in a tone of grief and indignation.

"If there were other options, I would never do it, but the world today is no longer the world of the past. The so-called civilization and barbarism are actually race disputes, which are Western people's struggle against other people. Slavery and rule, Japan is too weak, if there is no big country to protect Japan, we can't even survive in this world, Your Excellency."

Looking up at Sanjo Mimi, Iwakura Tomomi said in a sad and indignant tone.

"Now, the problems we face are different from those in the past. In the past, all we had to think about was just self-righteously wanting to find a way to make the country rich and powerful, but will those Westerners give us such an opportunity? They won't We were given such a chance. Your Excellency, don’t you see it by now? Now we have no other choice. It is almost Japan’s only fate to be a colony of Westerners. Now if we do If there is another choice, there is still a chance, otherwise, I am afraid that I will not even have this chance."

Listening to Iwakura Tomohiro's words, Mimi Sanjo opened her mouth but was speechless.At the end he even said in a tone full of despair.

"How did this world become like this ghost?"

This is what the world looks like!In fact, no one understands this world better than the Japanese, because what the Japanese believe in is that the strong are respected, that is, the weak should let mermaids go, and the strong can of course be unscrupulous, and of course they can do whatever they want.

It's just that Japan is in a very sad situation now.He is an object to be done with.

"Don't we have any other options?"

The answer is self-evident...

(End of this chapter)

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