Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 701 Coal Eats People

Chapter 701 Coal eats people (first update, please subscribe)
The Moyuhe Coal Mine is one of several large coal mines in the southeast of Beihai Governor's District. Different from the other open-pit mines, this is an underground coal mine mined in tunnels.

Under the dim light, dark figures were working desperately in the mine tunnel. The jackhammer was crackling the black coal wall. Yacha struggled to hold the jackhammer rock drill, and the impact drill bit hit the rock formation, continuously Drill down.

Although the weather was very cold, he was only wearing an old thin padded jacket, his face was covered with sweat, and a cloth scarf that had turned black long ago was hung around his neck.The light emitted by the electric lamp at the side and rear casts his elongated figure on the coal seam.

Finally, after a blast hole was drilled, Yacha finally grew a mouthful. The air in the mine was foul and smelled of rock dust. Although the environment was very harsh, he had to work here for a long time every day, sixteen?Or seventeen hours, and even eating, eating in the mines.

How long have you been here?
Yacha had long since forgotten. Of course, he didn't know how to count how many days had passed. He only knew that this was the third winter.In addition, there are more than [-] laborers from various tribes who came with him, and there are only a few dozen people left.

Three years ago, like many men in the tribe, he signed a contract with the company and became a "contract laborer". According to the company, after becoming a contract laborer, they do not need to bear the labor of the tribe, and "contract labor "Having a salary to receive, after they pressed their fingerprints on the contract, they rowed a canoe to the city of the Daming people, and from there they took the train, which took them to the seaside, where they boarded a boat that was more than a hundred A boat the size of a canoe.

There were many, many people who boarded the boat together. They came from various tribes in the rainforest. Most of them, like him, signed a contract. They had no other choice, either signed a contract to become a laborer, or served every year Labor, logging and digging tree roots in the rain forest, building roads, railways, and cities, there is endless work there.

After boarding the ship, Yacha knew he was going far away, but no one knew where they were being sent.The life in the boat was very difficult. I don't know how many days passed. One day, they got off the boat.

After setting foot on this land, when they were shivering from the cold wind, some golden-skinned Daming people took over them.Yacha couldn't understand what they were saying, but he probably knew that this place was called "Beihai".

The laborers who got off the ship were placed in detention centers. After they were given clothes, they finally didn't have to suffer from the cold anymore, and then they had something to eat every day.After living in the detention center for more than ten days, they were driven down the mine.

The overseer told them that as long as they could complete the work, there would be extra rewards - food such as wine and meat.But if you don't finish the factory enough, of course you don't have those rewards.

It sounds good, but digging black stones in the mine is a very hard job, and it is also an extremely dangerous job. According to the people of Daming, the job of digging coal is "rock-covered meat"-there are often landslides , someone will always be stoned to death.

Yacha has been with the people in the tribe, they took care of each other, and finally survived.But there were fewer and fewer people in the tribe. In the end, he was the only one who came with him. Gradually, he could understand the words of some Daming people, and he was able to speak a few words with the supervisors.

It is also because of this that he came to this new mine and became the squad leader of the wind gunner. Compared with ordinary workers, he can receive 2 taels of liquor every day.

This is superior treatment.Of course he is very grateful for this, and grateful for the generosity of the masters.Of course, he is more grateful for the trust in him.

You must know that only those who are trusted by the master will become a monitor like him, so he works very hard.

No matter what job the master arranges for him, no matter how dangerous it is, he will try his best to complete it. After all, only in this way can the master know how loyal he is.

"Okay, load the explosives, load the explosives..."

Under Yacha's command, they loaded tubes of explosives into the holes, and then they hid in the distance. After a while, he suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the depths of the tunnel.

Just when he was about to stand up and call for the people behind to load coal, he felt something fall from his shoulder.

"what is this……"

Lifting his head and looking through the dust, Yacha saw stones and sand falling down.

"It's about to collapse..."

The people in the dust shouted loudly, and they ran towards the exit of the tunnel in panic.

Yacha was also running desperately, and then he heard a loud sound of rocks collapsing. He raised his head and saw a stone fell directly, and then Yacha was smashed down together with many others.


The sudden landslide in the coal mine...has no effect on the coal mine.

Although it has only been two weeks since he came here, Zhao Qihang seems to be able to accept all of this. When he just arrived at the coal mine, he had witnessed a mine disaster.He had been surprised then, but now?

All he needed was a little entry in his notebook.

"On February 1875, 2, at the Moyuhe Coal Mine, a tunnel collapse occurred at the working face, killing nine people and injuring twenty-one others."

A landslide accident is just a few words recorded in the record book.

What else do you need to do?
Of course it was resolved, and then he picked up another form, which was a labor demand form, and he wrote out the labor demand by hand.

Thirty people.

Why are there thirty people? Because...Zhao Qihang only found out when he came here, and he understands everything.

If there were no accidents, the new contract laborers would come to the mine within half a month, and it would definitely not affect the output of the coal mine.

Compared with the icy and snowy environment outside, the heating in the office is sufficient, even a little too hot. The mercury column of the indoor thermometer always stops at 28 degrees. It is precisely because of the heating that "southerners" like Zhao Qihang In order to adapt to the severe cold in the north.

"It's just too hot..."

Feeling a little stuffy, Zhao Qihang said to himself.

While speaking, he cast his eyes on the desk calendar on the table.From the first day he came here, he counted the days there.

What day is it?

Of course it was three weeks.

Three weeks, a total of 21 days.After completing 21 days of work, he can return to Beihai to rest for 14 days.


Looking at the group photo of the two people on the table, it was a photo they took in the photo studio.Since he came here to work, he put the photo frame on the desk so that he can see her every day.

"She's your sister! How can you think wildly?"

When that thought came to his mind, Zhao Qihang hurriedly pushed the photo frame down, but after a while, he helped it up again, looking at his sister who was taking care of her Qiaoxiao Yanran, he felt even more irritable. The room also seemed to be getting hotter.

Damn it, it's really a coal mine, coal doesn't cost money, does it?The heating is so hot!

Complaining in his heart, Zhao Qihang got up and walked out of the office.

Pushing open the thick wooden door, despite the biting cold wind outside, Zhao Qihang didn't feel much chill.

(End of this chapter)

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