Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 72 Second Lieutenant Philip's Suspicion

Chapter 72 Second Lieutenant Philip's Suspicion (First update, please collect, please recommend)
Not to mention 1860, even in 2020, the Rio Negro area is hardly prosperous.

Of course, in the whole of Argentina, there is only one metropolis now and in the future, and that is Buenos Aires.

Without it, the population is too small.

The "city" closest to Nanhua is Viedma. It is said to be a city, but it is actually a town. This is also the future capital of Rio Negro Province. Even so, there were only tens of thousands of people here at that time.

In the 21st century it was a "town", but now it is actually a "village".

In 1779, the Spaniards sent dozens of soldiers to establish this "village" here, and since then it has become the southernmost border of Buenos Aires.

However, even if nearly a hundred years have passed, Viedma can only be said to be a populated area with the size of a small town.

Although it is only a small place, it has a series of products of modern civilization in the [-]th century, such as telegraph stations.

Right now, for Nanhua, what is Viedma's most important function?
It is not only a channel for external communication, but also a major place for material procurement.

Among the purchased materials, the most important thing is the horse.

As the "representative" of the "American Company" in Viedma, the current Bailey Alfonso has long been a celebrity in the city.

Whoever bought more than a thousand horses in just a few months would be a celebrity here.

This is a big business worth tens of thousands of pesos.

"Mr. Alfonso, is there any news from the Countess recently?"

Once again, Ensign Philip came to the American Company.

"Second Lieutenant, I haven't received a letter from my wife for a long time."

Bailey shrugged and said.

"You know, I'm just a small person, how can Madam remember me?"

As expected of a servant of the earl's family, what he is best at is playing haha.

Second Lieutenant Philip asked curiously:
"By the way, why are you buying horses here? If you want to buy horses, isn't it more convenient to buy horses nearby?"

"The price of Vied horses is still relatively low, and it is more cost-effective here."

Bailey dealt with Philip with some helplessness. The second lieutenant seemed to have been obsessed with his wife, and he hoped it would not affect his wife's plan.

"There must be something wrong."

Again, after leaving the American Company, Ensign Phillips said to himself.

As for what made him feel wrong, he couldn't tell.

More than a thousand horses!

In the past few months, the American company has purchased over a thousand horses. Where have those horses gone?

It wasn't shipped out, but, according to the cowboys, they didn't quite know, where did the horses go?
And now they have started buying horses on a large scale again.

Why would they buy so many horses?
"Be sure to check it out."

Thinking this way in his mind, after returning to the barracks, Second Lieutenant Philip thought about it, and then someone called Romario.

"Corporal Romario, I have a mission for you."

Taking a look at Romario in the uniform of the Provincial Army of Buenos Aires, Philip said.

"However, this mission is very simple, and there is no difference from the previous scouting missions, but in addition to changing back to the aborigine's attire, there is also the need to keep an eye on the American company and Bailey's movements, Understand?"

"Everything is at your command, sir."

After Romario left the office, he stared at the location of the American company in the distance, Second Lieutenant Philip couldn't help but muttered again.

What kind of secret is this company hiding?
While Lieutenant Philip frowned and smoked with a pipe in his hand, the ferry boat from Carmen on the other side of the river slowly approached the pier. There were not many passengers on board, but when the passengers disembarked, two of them The guests still immediately attracted the attention of many people. After all, in a remote place like Viedma, young and beautiful single women like them are extremely rare.

But even though they made the people in Viedma shine, everyone could see that they were roses with thorns. These two women were dressed in very different denim clothes, and they even had belts around their waists. revolver.

Moreover, it can be seen from the horses they lead and the richly decorated saddles that these two ladies are definitely of rich or noble origin.If Zhu Xianhai were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this pair of sisters are the Bellucci sisters who are "incompatible" with him.

"Sister, do you think Second Lieutenant Philip will help us?"

Looking in the direction of the barracks, Marlena's pretty brows frowned.

When her father led the army to pursue the attack of the Mapuche, he was ambushed and his life and death were unknown. Three months ago, when she learned that her father had only been captured and was probably still alive, she had written to the Minister of Military Affairs, Ask for their help.

But every letter of hers has been lost, and now Buenos Aires is completely caught in the fierce political struggle. Who cares about rescuing her father?

After repeatedly failing to seek help, Marlena came to Viedma, Second Lieutenant Philip of Viedma, who was once a subordinate of his father. Of course, this is her last hope.

"If he doesn't help..."

Glancing into the distance, Marlena pursed her lips, but did not continue speaking.

"Then we will go and rescue father by ourselves."

Monica said in a firm tone.

"Look at his attitude first!"

Looking at the two girls in front of him, Philip opened his eyes wide, full of surprise.

"You are...Marlena! Monica!"

Surprised, Philip said in surprise.

"How did you get here, by the way, Major..."

As he spoke, he remembered what happened to the major—during the Mapuche invasion last year, the troops led by the major were ambushed. Not to mention the heavy casualties, the major himself did not know whether he was alive or dead.

"Marlena, how did you get here?"

"Uncle Philip, Monica and I came here to ask for your help."

Looking at Philip, Marlena explained her purpose of coming. Of course, when she mentioned that her father was only captured and might still be alive, Second Lieutenant Philip said in surprise.

"What, the Major is alive? Are you sure?"

"I have a letter from my father. The person who brought the letter is a businessman who has been in contact with the Mapuche people all the year round."

Marina said.

"Uncle Philip, you were my father's most trusted person. Now he needs your help to be free. I hope you can help my father to be free for the sake of your old friendship with my father. Now Only you can help him, Uncle Philip."

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(End of this chapter)

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