Chapter 721 Hiroshima chaos rises (first update, please subscribe)
Song Jide, who was originally enjoying the music and the waitress beside him, frowned when he heard the loud shouts outside the door.

"What are the people outside the door shouting about?"

Although the shouts outside the door were in the native language of Changzhou, Dong Hachiro could still understand them.

"Baga, how can you send Meizi to the arms of Ming people! Call Meizi out!"

"I want to see who it is!"

"It seems that there is a person who, because we called his woman, seems to be very upset because we are Daming people..."

Dong Hachiro's tone is obviously a little unhappy, who is so closed-eyed?I don't know if I'm here to treat you?

What a bunch of lifeless guys.


Song Jide raised his brows, before he could get angry, the next moment he pushed the door and was pulled down, only to see a guy in kimono barging in.

As soon as Zuo Teng Shinji entered the room, he saw Miko kneeling beside the Ming military officer. The scene in front of him immediately made him yell angrily.

"Miko, come here."

The woman who was kneeling at the side looked at the man who broke in, and when she was about to get up, Song Jide said,

"sit down!"

Although the voice of the two words was not loud, it carried an irresistible majesty.It sounded in the room, and it couldn't help but make people feel a little nervous.


When the eyes of the geisha and Song Jide met, they suddenly lowered their heads and stopped moving.


Sato Shinji said loudly immediately.

"Damn it, whores are whores, don't you know the shame of serving foreigners? They still occupy our..."


Tohachiro stood up, slapped Shinji Sato with an angry reprimand.

The Japanese like slapping the face the most. Although Togo Heihachiro was naturalized and changed to Tohachiro, it did not hinder some of his habits. Song Jide, who was slapped so loudly, felt a little pain for that guy.


A slap made Zuo Teng Shinji's eyes stare at gold stars. At this moment, he was stunned, and he opened his eyes wide to look at Dong Hachiro.

damn it!
He, how dare he hit me!
How dare he?
Doesn't he know I'm...a warrior?
"You bastard, you dare to speak wild words to the soldiers of the Celestial Dynasty, really..."

Before Tohachiro finished speaking, Shinji Sato shouted loudly and stood up abruptly.


Shinji Sato roared, and rushed towards Tohachiro.

"damn it……"

Sato Shinji, who was over forty years old, was Tohachiro's opponent, but he was thrown out by a back throw after only two encounters. Sato Shinji fell to the ground screaming and looked at Ming Guo who was standing outside the door. Army, looked at the Japanese who heard the voice and yelled.

"Are all the men in Changzhou dead? How can we let Ming Guo guys run rampant in our land?"

"Damn it! Do you know what you're doing?"

Dong Hachiro frowned, and when he was about to speak, five or six Japanese rushed out and shouted.

"What's going on with Zuo Teng!"

"Xiaobingwei, these damned Ming Guo guys, they occupied our land, bullied our women, and killed them with us!"

When the voice fell, Sato Shinji rushed over with a samurai sword.

"Kill the Guangming countryman!"

"damn it".

Dongbalang said angrily.

"Do you know that you are recruiting..."

Before he could finish speaking, the guy raised his knife and charged towards him, with a cold light flickering on the edge of the knife.

Seeing that he was about to cut to Hachiro Toshi.


The sudden gunshots startled everyone.

Sato Shinji fell down, he was shot in the chest, he was covering the wound on his chest, his eyes were full of surprise, how could they... how could they use a gun?

Song Jide, standing by the door, held a left-handed gun in his hand. He looked at the other Japanese with cold eyes. Five or six of them had already drawn their knives. They stood there holding samurai swords and stared at them dumbfounded.The other officers also drew their pistols; they did not disembark with their bare hands.

Looking at these Japanese holding samurai swords, there is only one thought in their hearts-my lord, times have changed!
In fact, when they were in the Naval Academy, they also practiced kendo, but it was just a lesson to strengthen their bodies and sharpen their will. To kill people, they still had to use guns.

" can you kill people!"

The little soldier holding a samurai sword shouted heavily.

"Whoever dares to injure the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty will be shot to death!"

Is this reason enough?

If he didn't kill him, it would have been an extrajudicial favor!

Song Jide looked at these people contemptuously, and said to Dongbalang without even paying attention to them.

"Let's go."

Come here in high spirits, and return in disappointment!
Dong Hachiro felt a little helpless. Originally, he wanted to entertain these colleagues with the characteristics of his hometown, but now it's better... Hey, what a guy with no eyesight.

He stared bitterly at Shinji Sato, who still had a mouthful left, this guy is such an idiot!

Zuo Teng, who was so despised by others, and Xiaobingwei all had cold faces, with faint anger in their eyes, looking like they might explode at any time.

Just when Tohachiro was about to leave, Sato, who was shot in the chest, stood up recklessly and slashed at Tohachiro's back.


Although the sound of the wind behind him caused Dong Hachiro to dodge sideways with intuition, but at the moment of turning around, when the white light flashed, the knife still slashed on his body, and the sharp blade directly split his military uniform, hitting his chest. After cutting the knife, blood gushed out instantly. ...


When Dongbalang fell down with a scream, the comrades around him shouted.


After slashing Zhongming people with a knife, Zuo Teng, who was shot in the chest, also fell to the ground. He looked at the people around him and shouted while holding the knife.

"The man in Changzhou is almost dead... Kill Ming Kou! Changzhou..."

Once again, as he was trying to get to his feet, the gunshot rang out again, and this one was accurate.Hit Zoten on the head.When his voice came to an abrupt end, the surrounding Japanese seemed to be stimulated by something, they howled and swung their knives at Song Jide and the others to kill them.

"Ah... kill Ming Kou!"

Facing the murdered Japanese, Song Kidd did not hesitate, and immediately shot back. For a moment, gunshots, shouts of killing, and women's screams rang out in the brothel. The man is dead!" The Japanese who were provoked all took knives and even wooden sticks to kill these "Ming bandits", and the surrounding Japanese also threw stones at them, even In the chaos, someone threw out the small dining table.

Although he knocked down three or four people with guns one after another, Song Jide shouted to his comrades as he saw that he was about to fall into a melee.

"Li Cheng, you support Balang, let's fight out..."

(End of this chapter)

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