Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 727 Special Military Action to Save Japan

Chapter 727 Special Military Operation to Save Japan (Fourth Update, please subscribe)
Why can't other generals take the place of the expedition?

It is because at the strategic level and even the political level, this battle to conquer Japan, no, it should be said to be the "special military operation to save Japan" is extremely important.

Not only because the [-] warriors of Japan are the best cannon fodder for Ming to colonize Africa, and even in the future battle for hegemony.

It is because interrupting the process of Japan's rise and then merging it into Ming Dynasty is necessary for Ming Dynasty to rule the Pacific Ocean.

After all, there can only be one strong man in the Pacific Ocean, and that is a thing of the past.

Well, America will be the same in the future.

In terms of specific tactics, Emperor Zhu had no idea of ​​participating.

Perhaps, in the expeditions to Araucania and France, Emperor Zhu showed his military talents, but in fact he knew better than anyone else that his victory was entirely based on the crushing of military technology.

It's cool to be crushed by technology for a while, and it's cool to be crushed all the time.

If the technical level of the two sides is similar, if Emperor Zhu is really asked to lead the army, there is a high probability that he will be at the level of a battalion commander.

Of course, one should not underestimate one’s self. After all, Emperor Zhu lived in the [-]st century of the big bang. He didn’t just watch Korean pornographic books and island country action movies all day long. history or something.

Although it can't be said that he is familiar with military books.But I also have a little understanding of modern warfare.

So in the past few years, he has been unswervingly walking on his own path—that is, the path of success proved by such bloody experience in another world.

What magazine rifles, machine guns, breech-loading guns, air strikes from airships, simple armored vehicles on the ground, and current tanks, all of these were successfully cheated by Emperor Zhu with his direct participation and support.Let Ming maintain its leading edge in military technology, this is the core task that Emperor Zhu has always been thinking about.

However, people without long-term considerations must have short-term worries. Although Ming Dynasty is ahead in military technology, Emperor Zhu still has a clear understanding of his own weaknesses. During the years, through the introduction of military experts from Prussia and other countries, a modern army was established from the perspective of military education, but this army is still lacking in experience.

To make up for the lack of experience, one is to practice new tactics through a large number of exercises, and the other is of course the influence of war.

Therefore, in terms of tactics, Emperor Zhu will not participate, and let his subordinates carry out the execution, but he must personally master the strategic and political work.

Occupy Japan.

How can it be called occupation?It is clearly salvation.Save the Japanese people from the devastation of the Civil War.

Must remember.

But no matter what the action is, this is by no means the first step for Ming to return to East Asia, it should be said to be the first step for Ming to conquer the world!
So never go wrong.

Therefore, after a lapse of five years, Emperor Zhu once again went on an expedition in person.

Although Ming's naval fleet is small in scale, it is divided into two main fleets—the Pacific Fleet and the Atlantic Fleet, and at most it will add an African Squadron and an East Asian Squadron.

Facing such a vast sea area of ​​activity, the Ming Dynasty only had six main ships—two "Friendship" class ships, four Nanhua class ships, two imperial "Tianlong class" ships and two self-made Shanxi class ships. The founding ship of China, despite its powerful firepower, has withdrawn from the position of the main force because its performance lags behind the times.

Now the Navy's main cruisers are four cutting-edge "Linhai-class" cruisers. The "Linhai-class" with a displacement of 254 tons can be regarded as a miniaturized "Nanhua-class". This structure is basically consistent with the "Nanhua class", with two double-linked Krupp 120mm turrets as the main gun, six 6mm caliber secondary guns, six 30mm automatic Gatling guns, plus five 400mm The 200mm torpedo tubes endow it with extremely strong combat effectiveness, and the [-]mm waterline armor belt makes it no less than a combat ship.

In the 1873 World Naval Yearbook, it was called a "second-class ironclad ship", but in the Ming Dynasty's naval order, it was a cruiser. The reason for this is that it is actually equipped with the same power as the Nanhua class—two The advanced triple-expansion reciprocating steam engine with a super power of 19 horsepower allows it to reach a design speed of 20 knots, and its maximum speed under forced ventilation reached [-] knots during the public test.

"This is the "Linhai Class"!"

Standing on the bridge of Linhai in the naval port near the sea, Emperor Zhu said with a sigh.

"Those who run faster than him are not as powerful as his artillery, and those who run faster than him are not as powerful..."

When Emperor Zhu said these words, the corners of his lips were lightly raised. In fact, when designing the "Linhai-class" armored cruiser, Emperor Zhu directly participated in the design. Considering the limited size of Ming's navy, compared with Cruisers, he prefers battleships. After all, battleships play a leading role in the main decisive battle, but the extensive interests that Ming has in North America, the Pacific Ocean, and Africa require that Ming must have a cruiser with strong seaworthiness and fast speed. .

Faced with two completely different requirements, Emperor Zhu directly drew on the experience of later generations and came up with the concept of "battlecruiser".

Compared with the armor and artillery of the battleship, it has the same power as the capital ship, or even higher power. Because of the lack of experience, the engineers of the Nanhua Shipyard directly took out the "Nanhua class" after full research. After all, the design of the Nanhua class itself is a 254mm main gun. All that is needed is to reduce the armor and enhance the seaworthiness, which can basically meet the requirements.

In the end, the "Linhai-class" armored cruiser was born.As soon as it hit the water, it immediately attracted the attention of all countries. Russia took the lead in ordering two ships, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire has now shown strong interest. Countries are really very interested in this unique warship.After all, his armor and artillery are very powerful.

Now the "Linhai" has become the ship of Emperor Zhu, because capital ships such as "Nanhua" and "Zhenyuan" sailed into Ryukyu last year, and now the capital ships of the Pacific Fleet, except for one "Union ", there are only "Linhai" and the sister ship "Taiyuan" of the same class. Although the "Tongmeng" has a larger tonnage, Emperor Zhu decided to support domestic products-using "Linhai" as the royal ship.

"Your Majesty, the fleet is ready to go at any time."

Standing beside His Majesty, Li Fengzhi, the naval colonel who once used a training ship to bring Ryukyu back to Daming's arms, is Daming's deputy commander of the Pacific Fleet. He will be in charge of Emperor Zhu's trip to Japan this time.


Nodding slightly, Emperor Zhu said.

"lets go!"

Following the order of Emperor Zhu, the armored cruisers "Linhai" and "Taiyuan" and the equally cutting-edge "Taishan" and "Nanhai" protective cruisers, as well as the immigration ships "Anping" and "Chengde" Then anchor was lifted.When the two warships sailed slowly out of Linhai, the salute from the Linhai Fortress roared to see off the expeditionary Emperor and the expeditionary army...

(End of this chapter)

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