Chapter 738
January 1875, 2, afternoon.

Emperor Kohka of Japan was killed in the bombardment of Tokyo by the British and American navies.Senior officials of the reform government were defeated and fled.

People in troubled times are not enough dogs, and the people who escaped from Tokyo became a group of homeless dogs.

A group here, a cluster there, in twos and threes, everywhere outside of Tokyo, there are both civilians fleeing and some soldiers, whether they are soldiers or civilians, they are all in tatters, men with unshaven beards, The women's hair is disheveled, and some of them only wear a pair of torn socks with their toes exposed.

They just walked forward with such a numb expression, where to go?No one has an answer, but Tokyo is definitely not going back, after all, Tokyo has been occupied by Westerners.

"How did Japan become like this..."

As they said this, some tears dripped from the corners of Ito Hirobumi's eyes. They lowered their heads and thought for a while, then sighed and said to Okubo Toshimichi beside them:
"Now, Japan is really subjugated..."

Yes, the country is really subjugated now, Tokyo was occupied by Westerners, and even the emperor died in the shelling of Westerners.

"Hey, Japan..."

Okubo Toshimichi sighed and said.

"We thought that the reforms would make Japan prosperous and strong, but in the end, our thinking was too simple. When we were going to learn from Westerners, we never thought that we would end up where we are today."

The current situation is something they never even thought about in the past. Once upon a time, they still had illusions in their hearts, imagining that Japan would one day become a great power.Join the club of world powers.

But now, the naked reality made them desperate.It also made them truly aware of the law of survival in this world of the jungle.

Okubo Toshimichi couldn't help shaking his head and said:
"Hey! The great powers never gave us a chance! In this world where the weak prey on the strong, the strong will never give the weak a chance to stand up! They have occupied Tokyo now, and when Tokyo is stabilized, they will definitely attack other places. Japan ..."

"It's bad luck!"

Ito Hirobumi asked:

"Now that this is the case, what should we do next?"

"What else can I do? I can only go to Hiroshima!"

Okubo Toshimichi said directly.

"Now only Daming can suppress the ambitions of Westerners. If Daming doesn't help us, Japan may really have to perish..."

Okubo Toshimichi's tone was full of despair. If all the thoughts about the subjugation of the country before that were an unforeseen future, then the subjugation of the country is no longer a prophecy, but a reality!

Japan is going to perish!

How did the country get to this point?
Okubo Toshimichi's mind is full of doubts, but what is certain is that it is impossible for Japan to survive in this world just relying on its own strength.

"Fortunately, we have Daming!"

Daming...that was the only thing Japan could rely on.

"Ming dynasty……"

Ito Hirobumi was silent for a moment, then said.

"Do you think that Daming's intervention will make them feel more scruples?"

Daming stepped in!
Not militarily, of course, but diplomatically.

While the British and American sailors went ashore, the Ming Consulate established a safety zone near the embassy—and there were more than [-] marines in the consulate guarding the intersection. For the gentry, give them a Ming military uniform, or even a hat.It became the Ming army, and under the command of the Ming army, they stationed at the intersection and guarded the safe zone.

On the day when Britain and the United States occupied Tokyo, facing the streets where the Ming army was stationed, all they could do was to stand there and watch, unless they wanted to start a war with Ming. Finally, through diplomatic negotiations, the United Kingdom and the United States recognized this safe zone.

Even if it is temporary, for people in Tokyo, there is finally a shelter.

As a result, in the chaotic city of Tokyo, a piece of pure land appeared very rarely. Tens of thousands of people were sheltered in the safe zone, protecting them from the British and American troops, and hundreds of thousands of people in Tokyo were saved.

Of course, ordinary people are not the only ones in this safe zone, there are also many officials who have not come to escape in a hurry, such as Kido Takayoshi, the foreign minister.

After everyone left Tokyo, Kido Koyun stayed. In order to prevent being arrested by the British and American sailors, he stayed in the Daming Consulate. In the consulate, he witnessed the atrocities committed by the British and American sailors. Humiliated.

In the past, he thought Westerners were civilized, but now?

After the occupation of Tokyo, the British and American sailors all turned into devils. They killed men, raped women, and robbed property. Among those atrocities, there was only a piece of quiet land—the area near the Daming embassy, ​​Da Ming

"I heard that a Chinese wife and daughter were abused by sailors yesterday afternoon, and they all committed suicide later..."

In the consul's office, Kido Takayoshi's tone was extremely sad and indignant. In the past few days, he had heard too many atrocities.

"Hey, the prosperity of the people is suffering, and the death of the people is suffering."

Zhao Teng said with a heavy tone.

"Your Excellency, is it possible for them to withdraw their troops from Tokyo?"

Kido Takayoshi raised his head and said.

"This... I'm afraid it will be difficult,"

Zhao Teng replied,
"Usually, they either occupy Tokyo, or they are preparing to hand it over to their puppets, but now there is an accident..."

Looking at Kido Koyun, Zhao Teng said.

"They killed the emperor, and now no matter who accepts Tokyo, he will become an accomplice in killing the emperor, so Tokugawa Shigeru's attitude is currently unclear."

What is unclear? As soon as Tokugawa Shigeru learned that the emperor was killed by the British and American demons, he not only immediately stated publicly that he had no cooperative relationship with the British, but even took the initiative to retreat from Nagoya. As for Saigo Takamori, he directly Dang called to fight against the barbarians and said to withdraw troops from Kumamoto Town.

The death of the emperor made the situation in Japan a bit delicate.

"However, it may be because of this that Britain and the United States categorically deny that the Emperor was killed by him!"

"Damn British and American ghosts and beasts, who else could they be? They are the ones who kill people. Now that they find out that there may be bad influence, they are the ones who deny it. These damn Westerners!"

No one would suspect that the emperor was killed by the British and American sailors. After all, there were not a hundred witnesses at the scene, but eighty. They saw with their own eyes that the brigade of Western sailors attacked the emperor's convoy. She only insulted the ladies in the palace, and even the emperor... In short, those damn Westerners are simply insane.

When Kido Xiaoyun said these words, he cast his eyes on Zhao Teng.

"Your Excellency, only you can save Japan now. As long as your fleet sails to Tokyo Bay, you will surely be able to force them to withdraw their troops, Your Excellency! The only thing Japan can rely on now is the Motherland of Ming Dynasty. Now that the Emperor has been killed, Japan has become an invincible Orphan of the Lord, if the Motherland of Ming Dynasty abandons Japan again, Japan... I am afraid that it will really fall into the hands of Western ghosts and beasts!"

Facing Kido Takayoshi's request, Zhao Teng hesitated for a while and said.

"I'm afraid it's not up to me as a diplomat to decide, but don't worry, Daming will definitely not ignore Japan,"

Now, except for verbal comfort, Zhao Teng is powerless at all. When there is no clear instruction in the country, even if he wants to help Japan, what he can do is very limited.

What can he do?

That is to say, as it is now, before the British and American sailors go ashore, a safe zone will be designated, and then the flag of Ming Dynasty will be used to protect the people in the safe zone.

After all, in this world of great strife, the weak are at the mercy of mermaids.

(End of this chapter)

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