Chapter 741 Prime Minister Zuo's conspiracy (first update, please subscribe)
Although he promised Mr. Li, after chatting with him for more than an hour, Guo Songtao couldn't calm down for a long time.

How can you be calm?

Li Shaoquan has sent nearly [-] international students to Daming, but Huguang... there is no one!
And the foreign students there will return to China after finishing their studies in the next two years.With the ups and downs, Huguang must be left far behind.

It is precisely because of this feeling of being unable to calm down for a long time.Guo Songtao came to Yingtian Mansion again.To meet the old friend he had been avoiding.

"So, in this world of great controversy, what can Hunan do?"

In the gazebo of Zuo Zongtang's private residence, looking at his old friend whom he hadn't seen for many years, Zuo Zongtang said in a sincere tone.

"Junxian, you have stayed in the UK for the past few years. The world today will not ask you about the Holy Gate knowledge. He will only ask you if you have modern factories, modern industries, modern schools, and modern armies. Otherwise , everything is empty talk, this world is so realistic, either I am a jackal, or I am a fish, and if I am powerless, I am a fish. What is power? Industry, technology, education, so powerful, as for the knowledge of the Holy Gate..."

Pursing his lips, Zuo Zongtang said.

"When the Mongols and Yuan invaded China, they never stopped killing because of the advanced Chinese knowledge. When the Manchus entered the customs, they never stopped raising the butcher's knife because of the advanced Chinese knowledge. How could Westerners be willing to learn Chinese knowledge? Stop? Today's world has come to a world of great struggle, either strive to become stronger and find a way to survive, or be willing to sink and become the fish of other races!"

Zuo Zongtang's words fell into Guo Songtao's ears and only made his heart heavier. It would be treasonous to put such a thing in the Qing Dynasty, but after going abroad for a few years, how could he not understand that this is like iron? fact.

Glancing at his old friend, Zuo Zongtang sighed.

"Fortunately, people like Li Shaoquan are still willing to open their eyes to see the world. Today's world is getting better and better. Either strive to catch up, or resign yourself to depravity..."

Shaking his head, Zuo Zongtang was silent for a while, then looked at Guo Songtao and said softly.

"If Digong doesn't rise up and send overseas students to Daming or Europe and the United States, I'm afraid that after his death, Huguang will be swallowed by Zhili!"


Opening his eyes suddenly, Guo Songtao said in surprise.

"Jigao, you, what do you mean?"

"Too much talk, too much talk..."

Zuo Zongtang waved his hands while he was drunk, then pointed to the small lake outside the pavilion and said.

"Yunxian, what do you think of the scenery of my house?"

How is the scenery?

Although his heart was agitated by Zuo Zongtang's words, Guo Songtao had to admit that Prime Minister Zuo's manor was indeed beautiful.

"Although the mansion is beautiful, it does not have the spirit of China."

What does Guo Songtao mean?
Of course, it means that this mansion is a Western-style mansion, and the scenery of the manor is also a Western-style garden.

"Indeed, it's just that I, Da Ming, obtained it by relying on my military might, and such a mansion is made by my Da Ming's martial arts!"

Zuo Zongtang picked up a glass of wine with a smile and said to himself.

"This is the world today, where the weak prey on the strong. Although the mansion is beautiful, the force is not strong, and it will eventually be occupied by others..."

There must be something in the words.But that's what he said casually.After finishing speaking, Zuo Zongtang laughed loudly after finishing his drink.

"Come on, Yunxian, we haven't seen each other for many years, we must drink..."

Zuo Zongtang drank his best, but Guo Songtao was not in any mood. His mood was already heavy enough, but now it was even heavier.

Can it not be heavy?
Prime Minister Zuo's words were telling him a fact, inside and out - the big officials in the Qing Dynasty had already begun to have different ideas, and he, Li Shaoquan, would turn against him one day sooner or later.

From the day he sent his son to Daming to study abroad, and sent hundreds of international students to Daming, it was already doomed.

If Daming were to stand on Li Shaoquan's side again, then... Di Gong would really be doomed!

No way, I must go back and convince Mr. Tu!
The affairs of the world cannot live without the affairs of Hunan!
Guo Songtao, who was so worried by Prime Minister Zuo's words, was still willing to stay in Daming, but only stayed in Zuo's house for five or six days before taking the initiative to leave.

"Sir, why are we leaving here in such a hurry?"

At the train station, Mrs. Liang looked at the master in puzzlement and asked.

"Madam, if you don't go back, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Flipping through the pictorial in his hand, Guo Songtao set his sights on the article "The Emperor's Personal Conquest". The article reported the expedition of Emperor Shengde with rich pictures and texts. The two "Linhai-class" armored cruisers looked extremely mighty, let alone The "Nanhua class" that had already arrived in Ryukyu earlier, even the "Linhai class" was beyond the power of the Qing Dynasty.

Although on the surface, it seems that this is for Japan, but once Japan seizes it again, is it still far from entering the Qing Dynasty?'s already at the door!
Faced with this reality, can he not be in a hurry?

Guo Songtao, who is in a hurry, has already made up his mind. No matter how the township party considers him a traitor, he must try his best to persuade Di Gong to let him start foreign affairs and send overseas students. Even if he comes to Daming... it will be easier do nothing!
After Guo Songtao got on the train to Linhai, Zuo Zongtang got the news not long after.

"Did Yunxian take the bait?"

Wang Youling said with a smile.

"If you care about it, you will be chaotic. After all, Yunxian still cares about life."

Zuo Zongtang shook his head and sighed softly.

"After he goes back, no matter how he reacts, whether it is to seek self-improvement through foreign affairs, or to report to the court to expose Xuzhou's disobedience, it will cause drastic changes. Only then will our plan be successful..."


what's the plan?
Of course it is returning to the Central Plains. Although Daming is good, it is not the Central Plains!On this point, Zuo Zongtang, Wang Youling and others are surprisingly consistent, but this is against the national policy of Ming Dynasty. After all, the national policy of Ming Dynasty strive for world hegemony.

Compared with the original place in the Central Plains, Emperor Zhu really has his ambitions in the world!
But on this point, there are certain differences between them and Emperor Zhu, so they also have some plans of their own.

"Ji Gao, have you ever thought that there is also a possibility..."

Taking a look at Zuo Zongtang, Wang Youling said.

"It's very possible that before our plan is fulfilled, those foreign students may make a big change in the world. After all, after staying in Daming for a few years, it may be extremely difficult not to turn against Qing."

It is really difficult!

In the history textbooks of Ming Dynasty, after the Jiashen Tianchang, there was a catastrophe in the world. Who doesn't feel sad when they hear it?Why use such a history textbook?To put it bluntly, it is to use the lessons of the end of the Ming Dynasty to warn the people of the world-the result of the destruction of the world.

It is to let them understand why Da Ming wanted to create his own world in this era when European civilization ruled the world, just to avoid the world from being destroyed again.

"Everyone in the country has a blood debt to the Qing captives!"

After a pause, Zuo Zongtang sighed.

"This is what we can't take care of. If this is the case, in fact, it is not the luck of China. There are people with lofty ideals in China who are striving to become stronger, and there is my Ming Dynasty abroad who develops China's foundation in the world. In this way, decades later, the world will not be Anglo. - the world of the Saxons..."

Suddenly, Zuo Zongtang's words stopped abruptly, he looked at Wang Youling and said in surprise.

"Ying-jeou, I, I seem to be in the picture!"

(End of this chapter)

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