Chapter 761 Daming's Protectorate of the Western Regions (first update, please subscribe)
Recruit [-] warriors!
In fact, after receiving the telegram that the East African Company had seized the coast of East Africa, Emperor Zhu officially announced to the Imperial Executive Yuan the strategic goal that Ming would achieve in Africa in the future: to seize all unclaimed land in Africa and completely control it. From East Africa to West Africa to South Africa in later generations, bring this area under the rule of Ming Dynasty!
In a word, if Da Ming wants to become a fat man with one bite, it is best to turn the entire south of the Sahara into a colony of Da Ming.

Of course, in those places, there are still colonies of some European countries!For now, let them go.

Now it is necessary to occupy all the places that the European countries have not occupied.Otherwise, when they turn their attention to Africa, how much territory will Da Ming get?
To achieve this goal, a large number of troops must be invested, especially according to Emperor Zhu's plan, the Ming Dynasty's occupation of Africa should be a rapid attack in the style of autumn wind and fallen leaves.

It is to seize Africa before Britain and other European countries react.

According to Emperor Zhu's plan, the Ming Dynasty would land on the coasts of East Africa and West Africa from multiple places, and then multiple armies would march inland at the same time. This investment of troops was extremely huge.

This is why Emperor Zhu came to Japan.

Personal enlistment?

Just for Japan, there is no need for him to conscript himself.

Emperor Zhu's intention was never Japan's hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land, but Japan's samurai!
The samurai are without a doubt the pillars of Japanese society.

According to the information obtained from various sources, the number of Japanese gentry with salaries is about [-], and this number is the result of various suppressions by the Meiji government. There are more samurai and ronin without salaries, making the total number of Japanese samurai in About [-] people.

Of course, not all of these samurai are talented, and many of them are just the kind of waste addicted to drinking and sex. Historically, there will be no more than [-] samurai who can really support Japan and promote the Meiji Restoration. of.

If you want to weaken Japan, killing a few so-called reform elites will not solve the problem. Now that you have killed Okubo and Ito, there will be Takubo and Sato.But if there are more than [-] warrior elites, under the conscript of Ming Dynasty, they will go to Africa to contribute to the cause of Ming Dynasty in Africa and use them as consumables for the empire.

Not only can Da Ming reap the whole of Africa, but Japan will also completely lose the pillars of society. They will settle in Africa and become servants of Da Ming’s rule and conquest of Africa. They will become Da Ming’s loyal dogs and contribute to Da Ming’s African cause. Blood and wit.

In this way, the motivation for Japanese social progress will be greatly reduced!

Moreover, setting the number of Japanese samurai to be recruited at [-] this time is just the beginning. In the future, Ming Dynasty will recruit a large number of contract laborers from Japan to work in African plantations, mines, and railway construction sites.

The most ideal situation is to include Japan in Ming's chariot, drag it into the future world war, and recruit Japanese soldiers to send to the battlefield!You know, it takes at least eighteen years to cultivate an adult man!

However, Emperor Zhu would not say these words to outsiders, even within Daming, there were only a few people.

For Daming, the millions of Japanese are the millions of consumables for Daming!

"Your Majesty, will it be too much to recruit [-] Japanese soldiers? And with so many people, how to control them in the future is also a problem!"

After Xixiang left from the road, Qian Degong, the first governor of the "Dongying Governor's Mansion" that Emperor Zhu had established, said.

"After all, although the Japanese claim to be of the same race, they are not from our race, and they are not from our race. Their minds must be different. Your Majesty should be careful to use their courage to go on an expedition to Africa. If they form a feudal town, I'm afraid it will not be my Ming Dynasty's blessing." .”

Faced with Qian Degong's reminder, Zhu Xianhai said with a smile:

"Oh, Sanshi, you are worrying too much. I won't learn from Tang Minghuang, and these Japanese people can't become feudal towns. They are only organized as "African Legion" as mercenaries, and they won't get Ming nationality because of their service years. A registered residence is only a household registration in an overseas province, after all... There has never been absolute equality in the empire!"

In the imperial structure of Emperor Zhu, a preliminary concept has long been formed. Similar to the center and border of Rome, the center of Ming Dynasty is North and South America, while other places are overseas provinces. Nationals of overseas provinces also need some procedures to enter the mainland. Yes, of course, the overseas provinces also implement laws that are suitable for the "local environment".

In other words, it's actually...well, a colony!

A group of second-class citizens in the colony want to become a feudal town?realistic?
"What we need are Japanese soldiers. As for the generals, a few of them are enough to embellish the appearance. Sanshi, you are going to preside over the entire Dongpu soon. You must fully realize the advantages of Japanese samurai and do your best to help the lower-level samurai in Japan with their bravery and courage." The two aspects of suffering are beyond our imagination. After all, they have been brainwashed and trained in fighting spirit since they were young. How can ordinary conscripts compare? What is our army better at? It is modern army combat, but conquering Africa does not require Combat with large armies is, at best, a detachment-level combat, with teams of thousands or hundreds of people fighting, and for African expeditions, logistical supplies may not be guaranteed. Our army is good at fighting with guns, and samurai What? Without bullets, they still have samurai swords. As long as they have samurai swords and bayonets, they can carry out long-term and cruel battles. This is a unique characteristic of Japanese samurai.”

This is also the reason why Emperor Zhu wanted to hire Japanese samurai for the conquest of Africa. There is no way, this group of consumables is really excellent.

"On average, the salary of a Japanese mercenary plus food will not exceed 6 yuan per month, and [-] people will be [-] million yuan a month. This expenditure is only one-fifth of that of Ming soldiers. Even if they were killed in battle, the imperial court did not need to pay much compensation, at most it was only one or two hundred yuan, and it could also conscript his son to continue serving. Of course, as a preferential treatment for the bereaved, when the son entered the army, the daughter could Get the opportunity to study in Daming."

What is Imperial Consumables?

This is the real imperial consumables!
The consumables of the empire first have a premise that they are cheap enough. Why did the British like to use the British Indian Army in World War I and World War II? It’s because they are cheap enough.

British officers, Indian cannon fodder.Achievement of British world hegemony!
Not to mention the underpopulation of Ming Dynasty, but the sufficient population, with such cannon fodder, can you be worthy of others?
Emperor Zhu not only counted men, but also women.

When the daughters of those fallen warriors arrived in Daming, of course they would enter Daming's school, they would learn knowledge, and of course they would meet the man they liked. How many of them would return to Japan in the end?

Since it is a consumable, of course we must make the best use of it!

His Majesty's words silenced Qian Degong. He even felt a little sympathetic to the Japanese. As consumables of the empire, they were used to the best of their ability. It was simply...not a single bit of waste.

Qian Degong, who was quite sympathetic to the Japanese in his heart, thought for a while, and then said.

"Your Majesty, I actually thought Dongying Governor's Mansion would be better called Dongying Duhufu. After all, for the Japanese, they probably prefer Duhufu to the Governor's Mansion. After all, it was the name of the Tang Dynasty. The name will definitely be closer, whether it is the Governor or the Protectorate, it is just a noun, but at least it can make them feel more comfortable psychologically."

Qian Degong's words made Emperor Zhu look at him seriously.

"Haha, you're right, Sanshi, you've done a good job with this psychological tactic. It's just a name, so let's do it like this..."

After thinking for a while, Emperor Zhu said again
"Geographically speaking, Japan is now west of Ming Dynasty. It would be a good idea to call Dongying Protectorate the Western Region Protectorate!"

Looking at Qian Degong, Emperor Zhu said again.

"At that time, you will be my guardian of the Western Regions!"

When Emperor Zhu's words fell, the monarch and his ministers suddenly burst into laughter.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether they are the Great Protector of the Western Regions or not. The important thing is that in the days to come, they will complete the transformation of this land and the people on this land according to Da Ming's will...

(End of this chapter)

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