Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 764 Make full use of the advantages of the Japanese

Chapter 764 Make full use of the advantages of the Japanese (fourth update, please subscribe)
Shigeru Tokugawa is dead!

He and his tens of thousands of troops died at the foot of the mountain before they even fled into the mountain. The speed of defeat was far beyond people's imagination.

On the way Tokugawa Maocheng's head was chopped off by his subordinates and sent to Tokyo.

Emperor Zhu has already started to prepare for leaving Japan and returning to Ming Dynasty.

Of course, before leaving, the final structure and personnel arrangement of Dongying Protectorate must be arranged.

Similar to the structure of the Duhufu in Zhangwai of the Ming Dynasty, the Dongying Duhu was directly subordinate to the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and had full power over the military, legislative, administrative, and judiciary of the four islands of Dongying.Under the Duhu, there are administrative directors, Duhu officials, as well as the General Affairs Department, the Internal Affairs Department, the Du Branch, the Ministry of Agriculture, Commerce and Industry, and the Ministry of Justice.In addition, there are institutions such as the central hospital, the police chief department, the court and the railway department.

Many of these departments are officials of the reform government. After all, this is also a reward for those who have made meritorious deeds. Of course, many positions are filled by Ming officials.

The reason why Qian Degong was appointed as the guardian is also clear at a glance.

Since ancient times, for a local power minister like him who is in charge of military and political power, especially such a power minister who lives overseas, the first point is that he must be loyal.

Loyalty, there is no problem with Qian Degong. After all, he was rescued by Emperor Zhu in the gold mine. He is the founding immigrant and core retainer of Nanhua.

Let him be the protector, no matter how you look at it, it can be seen that Daming is planning to develop industry and commerce in Japan...Of course, this is just what the outside world takes for granted, but it is just a false appearance for the Japanese.


Shaking his head, Emperor Zhu said.

"In terms of resources, Japan is not suitable for the development of industry at all, and the development of industry does not meet our requirements. What do we need? Of course, it is an agricultural Japan. The poorer Japan is, the more they have to go out to make a living. Desire, men go to Africa to do coolies, women go to Daming to be wives, in a word, at least in the next [-] years, we don’t need industrialized Japan.”

Industrial Japan?

is it possible?
If Japan had industrialized and the Japanese could easily find a job in Japan, how could they be willing to contribute their meager efforts to Ming’s African cause as consumables for the empire.

If Japanese women could work as private laborers in Japan, how could they go to Ming Dynasty, marry the man of Ming Dynasty in the end, and have children for Ming Dynasty?
Therefore, the impoverishment of Japan is an inevitable choice.Of course, Japan also needs to have some industries, such as a certain ability to repair and build ships. After all, this will also be the most important naval base of Ming Dynasty in the future.

There is a certain ability to repair and build ships, which is to serve the Ming Navy.Otherwise, the Ming Navy would not be stationed in Japan, and would have to travel thousands of miles back to Daming for maintenance.

"Your Majesty, if this is the case, the current farmers' taxes must not be lowered!"

Qian Degong said directly.

"The 3% tax rate formulated by the reform government before the "land rent correction" was very high, but from the perspective of impoverishment, it was absolutely appropriate! Originally, it was planned to lower it appropriately, after all, it always had to be bought People's hearts. 3%, this tax rate is too high!"

Is 3% high?
This ratio may not seem high, but it is actually very high, because the "land rent correction" is to levy the tax rate according to a certain percentage of the land price, rather than the crop yield, which avoids taxation due to crop harvests or poor harvests. The government was able to secure a steady income despite changing circumstances.

Such a high tax rate is absolutely astonishing. In 1893 before the Sino-Japanese War, the area of ​​cultivated land in Japan was about 7200 million mu.The central fiscal revenue that year was 0.882 million yen, equivalent to 5700 million taels of silver, of which land tax accounted for 75.2%, or 4275 million taels, or almost 6000 million silver dollars.In other words, every mu of arable land in Japan needs to bear the burden of nearly one silver dollar!


If Japan is used as the standard, even if the collection is halved, I can still receive a land tax of about 5 million.

In terms of squeezing farmers, Japan is definitely number one in the world!And this is also the reason for the Meiji Restoration in Japan-the capital of a strong army was obtained by squeezing the country as much as possible.

"Oh, Sanshi, how can you be so short-sighted?"

Emperor Zhu sighed.

"As a benevolent monarch, how can I oppress the people like this? Since Japan has become a vassal state of Ming Dynasty, the people should feel the warmth of Ming Dynasty instead of the same tyranny as in the past. Otherwise, how could they feel the difference between Ming Dynasty and the past? What? Hmm..."

After thinking about it, Emperor Zhu said a number.

"0.5%, let's reduce it by 0.5%, and tax it at 2.5% of the land price!"

You can see how merciful Emperor Zhu was. He cut the tax burden by 15% as soon as he came up. For Japanese farmers, it is definitely a benevolent policy to buy people's hearts.

In fact, after the land rent reform was implemented and the farmers’ burden increased, a lot of land was confiscated by the government due to tax difficulties, which directly led to the continuous occurrence of riots. Therefore, in order to prevent the combination of the gentry’s rebellion and the peasants’ Reduce the tax rate to 1877%.

The other 2.5% of the world is exchanged for tens of thousands of heads.Now it has become the benevolent government of Ming Dynasty. Of course, this burden is extremely heavy for the Japanese. The difference now is that in the past, they needed to sell three daughters, but now they only need to sell two.

"Your Majesty, in this way, how can you be a poor man?"

Qian Degong frowned.

"Isn't it easy to want the poor? Using imported rice to lower food prices, food prices fell by 10%, and farmers' income decreased by 10%, which is more fatal than reducing taxes a little bit, and this is completely commercial. As for importing companies , you can get a few companies that specialize in importing rice and use them as white gloves for the government.”

For the "poor" Emperor Zhu naturally has his own way, of course, he also believes that Qian Degong will definitely have his own way.

After all, he is a scholar, and he learned Shang Jun's five skills of controlling people: weak people, poor people, tired people, humiliating people, and foolish people.The dynasty that used the five techniques most proficiently was of course my Qing dynasty.

When it comes to weak people, poor people, tired people, humiliating people, and foolish people, my Qing Dynasty is the number one.

Don't think that the Japanese farmers are pitiful. They sold their daughters to brothels to pay taxes, but at the same time they supported the Japanese invasion of China and sang praises for the aggression.

"The country is weak and the people are strong, and the people are weak, so the country is strong. Shang Jun's five skills of controlling the people. Although you can't use them all, you can also take one or two of them. It is also possible. For example, what we need is a poor man. You can write more articles on how to implement it, and Japan is grateful to Daming, and..."

After thinking for a while, Emperor Zhu emphasized it again.

"The Japanese are a nation without a national concept. In future education, we need to weaken the Japanese national concept and strengthen the Ming's national concept. At the same time, what should we do? Increase the differences between localities and a unified Japan , is not conducive to the rule of the Ming Dynasty. In addition to artificially creating geographical divisions, it can also create opposition among the crowd, such as the antagonism between the common people and the gentry..."

In the next few hours, the topic that Emperor Zhu and Qian Degong talked about the most was how to rule Japan. No, it should be said that Japan should be split into multiple individuals from a whole. After all, the Protectorate is just a transitional institution , In the end, Japan will be divided into several provinces, and by that time, Japan will naturally cease to exist.

As a noun, he will only exist in history, and even if it is, it depends on Daming's mood. If he is in a bad mood, even the noun will no longer exist.

Finally, Emperor Zhu looked at him earnestly and said.

"Three stones, you are my confidant and my protector of the Western Regions. You have to understand my thoughts. What do you rely on to govern this land? You have to rely on Legalism and rule the country by law. You have to understand this law. What is it? That law!"

Looking at Qian Degong, Emperor Zhu laughed.

"You have to know that the Japanese have a very strong ability to endure. In this case, we must make full use of this advantage of them."

"I understand!"

When Qian Degong nodded vigorously, his eyes were full of longing. After all, he was Daming's first Great Protector of the Western Regions... No, it was the Great Protector of Dongying!

(End of this chapter)

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