Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 769 Daming's Dimensionality Reduction Strike

Chapter 769 Daming's Dimensionality Reduction Strike (First update, please subscribe)
To find someone!

A person who can infiltrate the "Imperial Central Laboratory".

Is there a suitable candidate?

In the next few days, Brian has been looking for candidates.

"First of all, this person must be eligible to be a candidate to enter the "central laboratory", which means this person must be a scholar, an inventor."

"Secondly, this person is willing to cooperate with us."

"Of course, the most important thing is that he must have no direct relationship with us, so as to ensure that no one is doomed to his existence."

Is there a suitable candidate out there?

While Bryan was struggling to find the right candidate from list after list of candidates.

Edison, a researcher at the Technology Research Center of the Ming Dynasty Telegraph and Telephone Company, once again entered the laboratory.

As usual, after entering the laboratory, he drank coffee and studied the power supply system on the drawing, talking to himself.

"In principle, there should be no problem. The relationship is still the common electricity system of the telephone. The telephone only needs to be improved a little. As long as the common electricity system is solved, the application prospect of the telephone will be wider and it can really enter thousands of homes. household."

In the past ten years, Ming's telephone technology has made rapid progress, from magnet telephones to carbon telephones, from short-distance calls to long-distance calls.The hand-cranked magnet-type telephone has been popularized in Daming since two years ago, but this popularity is limited to government agencies and some enterprises, and at most the army.

After Edison came to Daming and witnessed the convenience of the telephone, he had the idea of ​​improving the telephone.

"What the market needs should be a common electric phone, which does not require cumbersome hand-cranked power generation, and everyone can talk when they pick up the phone..."

It is precisely because of this idea that Edison started his improvement of the telephone, which is actually his greatest feature - looking for inventions with promising applications in the market, then improving them, and finally launching them on the market.

Of course, when Edison threw himself into the invention of improving the telephone, he didn't know that in another world, it was he who invented the carbon microphone + handle + calling device (electric bell) + hand power generation in 1877 phone + dry cell magnet phone.And invented the telephone switchboard. If it weren't for his invention, the telephone would be an expensive toy at best.

However, in this world, with the help of the prototype provided by Emperor Zhu, this kind of phone came out several years ahead of schedule.When Edison dialed the phone for the first time and was amazed by it, he didn't know that it...was actually his invention.

While Edison was staring at the drawings, suddenly the door of the laboratory was pushed open, and the assistant researcher who walked in said to him.

"Edison, Edison, hurry to Laboratory Three, a new telephone system has been delivered from the Central Laboratory."

"What? Central lab? New phone system?"

This is not the first time Edison has seen the "invention" sent by the central laboratory, but when he heard the "new telephone system", he was startled and suddenly became a little nervous.

"...By using the common power system, this kind of common power phone does not need to be hand-cranked to generate electricity, just pick up the phone and you can talk directly..."

Although Edison's Chinese was not very fluent, he still understood it. After understanding the researcher's introduction, Edison was completely dumbfounded. He stood there like a fool, his eyes were fixed. Stare at the phone.

At this time, the researcher picked up the phone.

"Hey, take number 1024."

How, how could this happen!
Edison was stunned, he felt the chaos in his mind, he, he... this was his idea!
What, how could this happen?
Could it be that someone rushed into his brain and dug out his ideas, and he found that this system was surprisingly similar to his ideas, like, like a direct copy, of course it is more mature.

And this is the real thing, while his... is still on the drawing board.

"No, my God, this, how is this possible!"

Edison was completely dumbfounded. At this moment, in his sight, the small phone seemed to have turned into a mountain, completely submerging him in the shadow of the mountain.

By the end, Edison didn't even know what they were talking about, and he went back to the lab like an idiot, looked at his blueprints, and ripped everything up in a fit of rage.

Half a year!

For half a year, from the time this idea surfaced half a year ago, to now... Edison has completely collapsed!

"Damn it, how could this world be like this!"

After swearing and cursing, Edison skipped work immediately. He got on his bicycle and rode along the road beside the new Qinhuai River. He needed to relax now.

Relax, there is no way. As an inventor, he is very depressed.

Why is this happening?

Daming's invention world is too complicated!

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s take what happened to him today as an example. He has worked hard for half a year alone. From the moment of inspiration to the beginning of research, and then to searching for various materials and learning, it took him half a year. Just solved some of these problems.

But then?
He was hit by dimensionality reduction - the Imperial Central Laboratory directly launched a very mature product, mature enough to be directly put into the market.

How could it be immature?

Because this technology itself originated from the mall, the researchers in the laboratory conducted research based on the corresponding technical information, and it took only a few months before and after.

"Damn, why is there such a laboratory?"

While riding this bicycle, Edison couldn't help complaining again. He complained about the existence of that institution and about the new inventions that kept emerging in that laboratory every day.

The invention of the "Imperial Central Laboratory" is definitely an insurmountable mountain for inventors.

God can testify that Edison worked hard for half a year to solve many of the technical problems, but what's the use of that?
In the Imperial Central Laboratory, a group of technicians deciphered the annual process according to the technical information provided by Emperor Zhu, and then engaged in research in this area.Then with the efforts of everyone, new products and new inventions came out.

"Damn it, how can they bully people like this?"

Finally, Edison threw the bicycle on the grass, then sat on the ground and shouted into the river.

"You are simply bullying the few..."

Don't talk about martial arts...

In fact, Edison couldn't say the same, because he created this invention model that combines the strengths of everyone. He didn't know how many inventors were killed in his Edison laboratory in history. There are no more inventors,
Because individuals can never win against organizations...

(End of this chapter)

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