Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 774 Defeating "MADE IN DAMING"

Chapter 774 Defeating "MADE IN DAMING" (Second update, please subscribe)
Steal trade secrets.

It has never been rare from ancient times to the present. For example, during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, an Indian monk hid Chinese silkworm eggs in a hollow bamboo stick and brought them back to the Byzantine Empire, which opened the history of Western silkworm breeding and silk reeling and broke China's monopoly on silk. .

For another example, France secretly recruited mirror craftsmen from Venice, cracked the secret of mirrors, broke Venice's monopoly on mirrors, and the original luxury goods became popular goods.

And the porcelain manufacturing technology stolen by the French in China, the tea planting technology stolen by the British...

From ancient times to the present, commercial espionage has always been common, and it is extremely common in modern times.Taking Germany as an example, how did Germany, as a backward country, catch up with the United Kingdom?On the one hand, it relies on education, but on the other hand, it also relies on stealing. Although German factories and workshops have opened up a certain market for "cottage" British products, the quality of German products is generally poor, far behind British products. .In the final analysis, it is because the technology is not as good as people, what should I do?Then you can only rely on stealing.

The Germans steal both secretly and openly. The so-called "clearly steal" means sending craftsmen to work in the UK. The craftsmen learn manufacturing techniques in British factories and then bring them back to Germany.

From the 1830s to the 1880s, millions of Germans worked in various factories and workshops in the UK.

While the United Kingdom obtained cheap labor, German workers learned technology, and they brought the technology back to Germany, which directly promoted the German industrial level and made great contributions to the rise of German manufacturing.

Even if the British know that German workers are stealing lessons, they can't refuse Germany's high-quality cheap labor.

To a certain extent, the same is true for Daming now. Britain needs cheap labor from Germany, while Ming needs experts, scholars, technicians, and skilled workers from various European countries.

As a rising country, Ming Dynasty must import a large amount of foreign intellectual resources to meet the needs of industrial and commercial economic development.

From factories to universities, from banks to government agencies, there are European employees in various industries in Ming Dynasty. Among them, there are both naturalized citizens and contract employees.

Brian is a technician for Phoenix Bicycle Company, and like many people, he has been thinking about naturalization.

This day was the same as usual, he came to the restaurant where he often ate alone, and wanted to have dinner.

"Hello, Mr. Brian."

Brian, who was having dinner, raised his head and looked at the visitor with some doubts—he was British, and his English pronunciation revealed his identity.

"Excuse me?"

"Can I sit down?"

The visitor asked politely.

"of course."

After pulling out the chair and sitting down, Kent said.

"Mr. Brian, do you work for the bicycle company?"

"Yes, may I help you with anything?"

Brian looked at the fellow countryman in front of him with some doubts—he was also British.

"No, I will help you now, Mr. Brian."

Kent said with a smile.


"Mr. Bryan, you are now a third-level employee in the company, and your monthly income is about 65 pounds. Of course, this income is quite good. Considering your pension, it is indeed very good, but now, I can give You have a chance to earn 200 pounds a month, and you also have a 10% stake in a factory."


Blaine opened his eyes wide in shock and asked.

"What did you say? What factory? What stock?"

"I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Kent Foss. I'm from Sheffield. You're also from Sheffield."

After a brief self-introduction, Kent continued.

"I'm talking about the bicycle factory."

"Bicycle factory?"


Kent pointed to the bicycle parked on the side of the road and said.

"This kind of bicycle was invented by Daming more than ten years ago. It seems that there is no technical threshold for this kind of thing. An ordinary bicycle consists of 25 parts and more than 150 parts. According to its function and performance, it can be Divided into four categories: transmission parts, load parts, brake parts and accessories, these things are essentially industrial products, as long as there are steel and machine tools, they can be produced."

Brian looked at the fellow sitting in front of him with some doubts, what was he talking about?As an engineer in a bicycle factory, he knows nothing about bicycles.

"But in reality, it's not that easy. One of the simplest examples is pneumatic tire technology. It's made of vulcanized rubber. This technology has been invented for decades, but before they invented pneumatic tires, European carriage wheels were It is a wooden iron wheel. Because of its high price, vulcanized rubber is hardly used on wheels. The appearance of pneumatic tires has changed everything. This kind of tire with low resistance and reduced bumps has attracted the attention of Europeans as soon as it comes out. .

This technology, like Daming's bicycle technology, has been imitated in large numbers in Britain, France and other countries. As for the patent, it only needs to slightly change the appearance and size, and then it can be imitated.Litigation...Maybe after the lawsuit is over, the patent period will also expire. "

"Not quite, sir."

Interrupting Kent, Brian said.

"Although those European factories have imitated our bicycles, their bicycles are of poor quality. First of all, because of the price of steel in the past, European and American bicycles used a lot of wrought iron instead of steel, which means that their body quality is poor. As for The quality of imitated pneumatic tires in Britain, the United States and other countries is far from that of Daming tires.

Even now they still use steel to make bicycles, but the quality gap between them and Daming is still very obvious, so that the bicycles imported from Europe and America are high-end, while the others are just crappy. "

Of course Kent knew about what Brian said, otherwise, he wouldn't have come here.

"Why is this happening? Mr. Bryan, our materials are almost the same as theirs now."

Facing the rhetorical question from his fellow countrymen, Brian continued.

"The gap in technology and workmanship, for example, the life of the flywheel and chain of European bicycles is very short. This is not only because of the special steel we use, but also because of the special heat treatment process..."

When the words came to his lips, Brian stopped, his expression changed a little, and he said cautiously.

"Sorry, sir, I think we don't need to talk about the next topic, after all, it involves the company's technical secrets."

As an engineer of the company, he was well aware of the constraints imposed on him by the company's secrecy system, so he stopped immediately after mentioning it a little.

"Mr. Brian,"

Kent said with a smile.

"That's why I came to you, 10% of the shares, £200 salary, plus... England!"

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was an engineer from a bicycle company, he wouldn't have offered such a generous offer.

Looking out the window, Kent said in a very seductive tone.

"Although it is indeed a fascinating place, but Brian, England is your home, where you have your family and friends, Shelfield, isn't it more fascinating than here?"

Faced with the sudden invitation, Brian was a little dazed.

A monthly salary of 200 pounds, 10% of the factory shares, this is indeed very attractive!Not only is it tempting, but it can make everyone's heart flutter, after all, it's two hundred pounds!

Is he really worth so much money?

If it wasn't worth so much money, the other party would definitely not offer such a high price.But he still calmed down quickly.

"Sir, what do you want to do?"

Since the guy in front of him offered such a generous offer, then he must have a conspiracy.

Facing Brian's question, Kent said with a smile.

"Mr. Bryan, my idea is very simple, I want to beat MADE IN DAMING in England!"

(End of this chapter)

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