Chapter 779 Absorbing Ansa's Blood to Fat Ming (Part [-], please subscribe)
Borrow a sum of money?

Why borrow money?

When Li Lin asked to lend money, Feng Kai looked at him with wide eyes, he, what was he talking about?
"Borrow money?"

Emperor Zhu laughed.

"Tell me why you want to borrow money?"

As a university teaching assistant and a researcher in the Dynamics Research Office, he is definitely not short of money.But why would he borrow money?
"Your Majesty, I, I want to build an airplane out of aluminum."


Emperor Zhu looked at him in surprise, what he was talking about—making airplanes out of aluminum, this is simply...too advanced.

"Your Majesty, what I mean is to use aluminum to make the engine. For the past two years, I have been researching airplanes, real airplanes, flying machines. It is powered by engines, but the current iron and copper engines are really hard It was too heavy, so I wanted to build an engine out of aluminum, but aluminum is too expensive!"

Aluminum is expensive!

It's really not cheap!

As the largest "aluminum exporter" in the world, Daming earns about... 50 million Ming Yuan by exporting 5000 tons of aluminum every year!
This is because Daming produced too much aluminum, which led to a reduction in the price of aluminum in the international market.

Of course, this is also the limit of price reduction. After all, according to the current production methods in Europe and the United States, this price is already close to the cost price, and the profit is extremely limited, but Daming uses... electrolytic aluminum!

This kind of "precious metal" whose market price is almost equivalent to one-fifth of gold is worthless in Daming's secret factory. Even because the production efficiency of electrolytic aluminum is too high, in order to prevent a large amount of aluminum from being listed It affected Daming's plan to make money, and thousands of tons of aluminum were stored in the secret factory.

The current Ming Dynasty is like the diamond merchants of the later generations. In order to prevent the value of diamonds from depreciating overnight, the monopoly deliberately hoards diamonds and sells them reluctantly, and artificially creates scarcity to ensure that the price of diamonds will not fall.

And Daming also used hoarding and reluctance to sell, coupled with the strict secrecy of the method of electrolytic aluminum, to ensure the sky-high price of aluminum.Aluminum remains expensive to the market.

"Li Lin, making an airplane out of aluminum is no different from making an airplane out of gold?"

Feng Kai on the side said directly.

"An engine uses dozens of kilograms of aluminum, which costs tens of thousands of yuan. Even if it is built, what is the use? Is that necessary for an airplane made of gold?"

"This is an attempt to use aluminum to make the engine, reduce the weight of the engine, and then install it on the aircraft. As long as it can fly, at least it can prove that our idea is correct. What we are missing now is an engine. !"

When Li Lin's words fell, Emperor Zhu thought for a while, and then said.

"Using gold to build not impossible!"

Li Lin and Feng Kai all looked at His Majesty in surprise, what is His Majesty talking about?
Use, use gold to build airplanes!
"To do scientific research is to have the courage to try. Even if you spend a little more money, it's nothing. Besides, it's only a few hundred kilograms of aluminum. I can still afford this amount of money, so..."

After thinking about it, Emperor Zhu, who originally wanted to give them the aluminum directly, said.

"I'll give the special metallurgical company an order later, how much aluminum you need, you can pick it up there directly, as for the money, I'll settle the bill with them later."

It’s just aluminum. On the surface it seems to be very valuable, but in fact it’s just a commodity. If it weren’t for the fear of hitting the market, Emperor Zhu would release at least a few hundred tons of aluminum every year. Unfortunately, I can only think about it. Aluminum can become the price of cabbage.

This is also the reason why Emperor Zhu asked them to buy from a special metallurgical company, at least to form a false appearance on the surface-the emperor paid for it, and the aluminum was still extremely expensive.

However, Li Lin and the others encountered trouble.Instead, Emperor Zhu became interested.

Without aluminum, there is no light engine, and without light engine, there is no aircraft!

How many countries can afford aluminum aircraft now?
Even if calculated based on the use of 100 kilograms of aluminum per aero-engine, 10 grams of aluminum is almost 10 Mingyuan!

A small plane is just an engine, and it needs [-] Mingyuan!
This is enough to put anyone off. After all, the cost of even a "Nanhua class" is only 180 million yuan.

A Nanhua class can only buy 18 planes that look like toys.Among other things, even this sky-high price is enough to discourage the whole world!
"It seems that this is also a good way!"

On the way out of the power laboratory, Emperor Zhu thought a lot, and it seems that there is no need to keep the aircraft too secret - aluminum, just relying on aluminum, can almost monopolize the production of aircraft.

There are few countries in this world that are willing to spend such a high price to manufacture those toy-like planes.

This is definitely a crushing of wealth, even if those European and American countries want to know the existence of the plane, what can they do?It is impossible for them to use "gold" to make planes like Daming.

Of course, they can also use brigades to make engines like Daming, but the question is can their financial resources afford it?

But Daming is different. Daming has cheap aluminum. Even though it seems that it has spent a lot of money on the surface to build a bunch of planes that are comparable to gold, in fact, the money is just a left hand and a right hand.

In fact, to a certain extent, if those European and American countries can be involved in this arms race, it would be beneficial to Ming Dynasty.

After all, every time they build an aircraft, not only will they waste a lot of money.And also need to buy aluminum from Daming!
Buy those aluminum for their real money!
In this way, do they still have sufficient financial resources to use in the navy?
In this way, the aircraft becomes a bloodletting tool.There they kept bleeding their blood.As for Daming, he can get extremely rich returns from it, after all, the market for aluminum has further expanded.

Isn't this just bleeding them and transfusing their blood at the same time?
This business seems to be a bit messed up.

"Fortunately, the technology is kept secret now!"

Emperor Zhu thought a little complacently. Up to now, his electrolytic aluminum laboratory is still on the island where the Naval Academy is located. Who would have thought that there would be a "golden factory" with an annual output value of more than 5000 million yuan on that naval island? mine"?

In fact, in the past few years, it was that "gold mine" that added extra fuel to the development of Ming Dynasty. It can even be said that it contributed at least half of the credit to the early industrialization of Ming Dynasty.

If the plane can drive a wave of the market, the income of this "gold mine" will be even greater by then!
"Science and technology... is really a good thing!"

This is the power of science. With the monopoly on technology, sellers can sell worthless things at sky-high prices, such as mirrors in Venice and aluminum in Ming Dynasty.

Thinking of the story of the theft of the craftsmanship of mirrors in Venice, Emperor Zhu pondered for a while, and then secretly decided to strengthen the structure of the Imperial Security Bureau, after all, to fundamentally prevent the possibility of technology leakage.

The price of aluminum in Daming is sky-high.

In fact, there are many high value-added products in Daming, such as chemical dyes, medicines, and various tool steels and alloy steels. These are high value-added products. Such products are lacking in European and American countries.

Even for the most common steel products, Daming is unique in the world. Until now, when European and American countries face the "high-speed steel knives" produced by Daming, they are not only envious, but also curious - Daming did not pass Patents monopolize the supply of a variety of alloy steels, including high-speed steel, but through secrecy.Although as early as 1868, British Mahit invented self-hardening steel, and in 1870, chrome steel was invented in the United States.

However, the alloy steel technology of Daming is more advanced, and hundreds of brands of alloy steel have already been produced, and the reason why Dahua Steel's profit far exceeds that of European and American counterparts is technology!Relying on high value-added alloy steel,

Thinking of those high value-added industries, Emperor Zhu couldn't help but nodded heavily.

"This confidentiality work cannot be relaxed!"

This must not be slackened, after all, the secrecy work is not only related to the unimaginable huge wealth, but also related to whether Daming can become the final winner in this competition!

After all, in the competition between countries, there are never only winners and losers.

And no matter in any era, the loser in the competition between nations has nothing.

Confidentiality... There is a long way to go!

(End of this chapter)

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