Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 786 The Spring of Consumables

Chapter 786 The Spring of Consumables (Third Update, Please Subscribe)
In the far away Dongying Protectorate's Mansion, where Da Ming's leg had just been hugged for a few months, cheers were everywhere.

"Banzai! Banzai! Banzai..."

In the afternoon of July 1875, 7, a tsunami of cheers suddenly sounded.After several months of anticipation, Qian Degong, the governor of Dongpu, and the emperor of Ming Dynasty issued the order to summon his retainers for the first time.

"Big brother, big brother...there is going to be a war!"

Akiyama Koko, who was buried in the hot water in front of the stove in the bathhouse, suddenly heard his younger brother's voice, and when he heard his younger brother's voice, a smile appeared on his face.In the first year of Meiji, that is, in 1868, his younger brother Shinyuki was born.Because the family was too poor to support too many children, his father wanted to send Zhenzhi to a monastery to become a monk.But Koko Akiyama, who loves his younger brother, strongly disagreed, so he had to let it go. In order to earn living expenses, Koko Akiyama, who was only 8 years old at the time, went to work, but he only boiled water in the bathhouse. He would study hard after work. Well, if a person from the gentry does not study, he is really a dead wood.

"War? Who's fighting whom?"

Putting down a Chinese version of "Tianyanlun". Recently, this book was there. I raised my head and looked at it. My younger brother who rushed over with his schoolbag on his back - as early as 1872, before Japan merged into Ming Dynasty, Daming implemented it. Compulsory education, people do not understand the benefits of sending their children to school, and the funds for compulsory education need to be borne by the people at that time, so not everyone will send their children to school.But Akiyama Haogu would rather boil water here by himself than insist on letting his younger brother go to school.

"Listen, His Majesty the Emperor ordered the recruitment of 10 gentry retainers..."

At this time, Haogu heard cheers like a tsunami outside. For those ordinary nobles, recruiting retainers meant that they finally had a place to play.

"Could it be that His Majesty is about to start a war with the Westerners?"

Akiyama stood up abruptly, with a serious expression and a hint of excitement. He was born in a noble family, and he also hoped to make contributions on the battlefield.

"No, it's not to start a war with the Westerners. The emperor of Ming Dynasty recruited alone to form a "fine loyal army". Brother, you, will you participate?"

Suddenly, Akiyama Shinyuki, who was a little excited, became a little nervous and said,
"War may cause a lot of trouble."

"After the books were contributed to the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, all the gentry became the Emperor's retainers..."

After being silent for a while, Akiyama Koko said,

"If recruited, big brother will definitely go."

Then he touched Shinyuki's head and said.

"Really, if I am recruited, you must study hard, especially Chinese, you must learn it well. The gentry are the emperor's retainers, so you must learn Chinese well."

"I know, Mandarin is also taught in school now! It's just that my husband's Nanjing dialect is not standard."

Although Japan has just become a part of the Ming Dynasty, thanks to the development of the so-called "Mido Studies" by the Edo Shogunate for more than two hundred years, Japanese gentry can write fluent Chinese characters even if they cannot speak fluent Chinese. Therefore, As soon as the Dongying Dufufu was established, it immediately printed new textbooks, which were actually the same textbooks as those of the Ming Dynasty. Teachers were required to teach in the national language. The so-called "national language" was Chinese.

As for the language barrier... most of the teachers have no problem, after all, they have learned Chinese themselves and just pick it up again.Of course, as part of the good governance of the empire, Ming also sent hundreds of teachers to Japan.

Of course, after these teachers arrived in Dongying, they were not ordinary teachers, but principals, responsible for supervising the teaching of the school.

In a word, from now on, Ming Dynasty will assimilate everyone through education, or turn them into emperors of Ming Dynasty through "Emperor Civilization Education".

"It's okay if you don't meet the standards. The most important thing is to learn. After learning, you will have the opportunity to be admitted to Nanhua University in the future, and go to the mainland of Ming Dynasty!"

When exhorting his younger brother, Akiyama Kogu was in a complicated mood. He was confused about his future life, and he couldn't burn hot water for a lifetime here.

Boil hot water in the bathroom!
Hey, ordinary gentry can only live like this.After his younger brother left, Akiyama sat in front of the stove, reading a book while boiling water.

"So old!"

Another person came over, it was Hejiu Zhengchen, he was the senior of Matsumae Fan, but he just took a bath in the bathhouse.

"Hello, Mr. Kazuhiu!"

Akiyama Kogu hurriedly got up and saluted.

"It's just a guy who takes a bath, what's his name, Mr. Hurry up, come with me."


"Follow me to apply!"

He Jiuzhengchen said directly,
"Yes, but I'm not yet old enough."

"What age is not age? You said that it is enough to be one year older. Do you want to burn the bath water for the rest of your life?"

"This... can it work?"

Of course, Akiyama Haogu doesn’t want to burn hot water for a lifetime, and enlisting may be the best choice to change his destiny.

"How do you know if you don't try it? Good Gu, you always have to try something. Now that we are fighting, it is time for you and me to use it!"

Following behind the senior's ass, Akiyama Koko nodded and said.


He Jiu Zhengchen said while walking:
"In any case, it's a good thing. His Majesty the Emperor recruits [-] people at a time. After being recruited, you can receive a higher salary..."

Thanks to Meiji, he cut off the salaries of the samurai with one knife, leaving these people without food and clothing. After accepting the registration of the samurai, Emperor Zhu graciously gave the "family reward", which was actually not much. The moon rewards one stone to half a meter of stone.

This is a reward from the lord to the retainers. Although it is just a little rice, but for those warriors who had no food and clothing, they were all grateful, and they knelt down and shouted "Long live Your Majesty the Emperor".

Sometimes, it is very cheap to buy people's hearts, just hundreds of thousands of shimi can take the hearts of Japanese samurai, to be precise, the middle and lower class samurai in Daming.

And now?

The warriors enthusiastically applied for the recruitment, not only to serve and be loyal to the lord, but of course the more direct reason was that they had been waiting for this day to come. After all, the reason why Saigo Takamori went to Edo was because His Majesty the Emperor treated them Commitment - recruit more than 20 warriors to form a legion!

Now that they are finally recruited, how could they not be excited?From now on, there will be money to spend and food to eat!No longer need to be a scrubber or a water heater...

Koko Akiyama asked as he walked:

"Do you know who to fight with?"

"I've heard people say that they want to fight Westerners. Last time Yingmi Guishou withdrew from Japan, didn't he feel reconciled..."

(End of this chapter)

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