Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 792 England Challenges Ming Dynasty

Chapter 792 The United Kingdom launched a challenge to Ming Dynasty (first update, please subscribe)
How to stop them?

If it were 1895, Britain would definitely choose war.

Because at that time, the thinking of the British Empire had matured, and they had understood the underlying reasons why the empire could not be challenged. Only by defeating a challenger could it be possible to deter other potential challengers from acting rashly.

A tiger is no match for a pack of wolves!
Everyone understands this truth, but only real imperialists know the truth that "a tiger is no match for a pack of wolves, but it can kill a wolf".

It is a pity that Britain, which has not yet evolved into a real empire, has not yet been able to fully weigh the pros and cons. It is not impossible to balance, but the nature of profit-seeking is still influencing their behavior.

When Britain made concessions in Tokyo and East Africa, the world saw through Britain's tiger skin. This is why Britain has a headache now-because the imperial prestige that he spent a century building collapsed at this moment.

"We cannot guarantee that when we fight against Ming in South Africa, France, Russia, and Austria-Hungary will not be involved, nor can we guarantee that when we fight against France in North Africa, Ming, Russia, and Austria-Hungary will not be involved." Stay out of it!"

Faced with such an almost deadlocked situation, a young man walked into No. 10 Downing Street, Cecil John Rhodes, a businessman in the Cape Town colony who was studying at Oxford University. Came in at the invitation of Earl Burt.

"Go on!"

The current Cecil has not founded the "De Beers Mining Company", but he has just obtained the production of the largest "Rand" gold mine. The future South African currency "Rand" comes from this mine name.Of course, he is not the so-called "African Conqueror" now, he is just a businessman.

As a well-known businessman in the Cape Town colony, when he was studying at university, he hurriedly asked to see Earl Henry Herbert when he heard that Ming’s army had appeared in Namibia. That’s why he stood in the prime minister’s office at No. 10 Downing Street reason.

"Your Excellency, the world has now reached the most critical moment. In the past, the British Empire relied on its strength to deter other countries, but now? The existence of the "Quadruple Alliance" has turned our deterrent power into a joke. When it comes to the foundations of the empire, what can we do? Declare war on them?"

Shaking his head, Ross said directly.

"March, we must march, we must take Egypt before the French occupy Egypt, send our troops to the interior of Africa before the Ming occupy Namibia, we must cross the Orange River, cross the The Karp Plateau in the north, to conquer the land there, and prevent them from trying to unite West Africa and East Africa!"


Benjamin looked at the young man in front of him, was silent for a while, and then said.

"Before they do, we have their original goal in our hands, and they are no more willing to fight us than we are to fight them, so that, in some respects, we ensure that own safety."

"Not just safety, Your Excellency, but more importantly, the British Empire will become extremely powerful in this process. We can establish a huge colony from Cairo to Cape Town throughout Africa!"

Although the current Cecil is young, he is an imperialist with lofty aspirations. What he desires is conquest and expansion. In history, it was he who blew the clarion call for Britain to expand to the interior of Africa. Just a little bit ahead of time.

"The method is good. We only need to invest a small amount of troops to conquer the local barbarians. However, Egypt... Our occupation of Egypt may cause conflicts between us and Turkey. After all, it still belongs to Turkey in name."

Facing the Prime Minister's question, Earl Henry Herbert said directly

"So what? So what's the big deal? Egypt has been pretty much independent since Governor Ali, and now his son, Governor Saeed, has absolutely no connection to Istanbul and what we need is not To occupy, but to protect, to make Egypt our protectorate, to protect Egypt from French invasion and occupation..."

The imperialists all over the world are common. They can always find some reasons and excuses for expansion. As for these reasons and excuses, it does not matter whether outsiders believe them or not. The important thing is that they found them.

"And now that Egypt is in a serious financial crisis, if we intervene appropriately and add threats from the French, I think they can be convinced."

What is the most important thing?The British Mediterranean Fleet is in Alexandria. Diplomats can't persuade them. They can use the fleet to "persuade". They are all old experts, and of course they know how to "persuade" others.

"Then, there is only one question left..."

Casting his gaze on the young man in front of him, Benjamin asked.

"Mr. Ross, you are from the Cape Colony. In your opinion, how many troops do we need to invest in order to accomplish this goal?"

The Prime Minister's answer made Ross a little excited, he thought for a while, and then said.

"In Namibia, because of the need to directly confront the Ming army, my suggestion is to invest 5000 people. Their goal is to prevent the Ming people from expanding to the south of Walvis Bay and inland. North of the Molopo River, where there are only indigenous tribes, we only need to invest 1500 to 2000 people to conquer the vast central Africa."

Cecil's judgment was accurate. In another world, in 1893, he sent his confidant, Starr Jameson, the chief executive of the South African Company in the river area, to lead more than 1500 white and mercenary soldiers, divided into Three routes, marching into the hinterland of Africa.

It took only two years to conquer a large area of ​​land, and then he named the newly occupied inter-river area and the area south of the Zambia River "Rhodesia" after himself, that is, the later generations of Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi.

It is absolutely unbelievable that only 1500 people completed the conquest of such a vast land, but he succeeded!
"But we have only a few hundred troops in Cape Town,"

Benjamin thought for a while, then said.

"If this conquest is to be carried out, we need to mobilize the army from the original, um, 7000 people. We can still draw this army, at least from India."

This is an army that must be drawn out. Even if Britain cannot mobilize troops, in India, Britain still has many Indians who can be recruited and mobilized.

The Indians themselves are consumables for the UK. Now that the Indians are transferred to Africa at this time, those Indians must also be grateful.

"Time, we must get ahead of them and complete our occupation!"

After a pause, Benjamin continued.

"Well, this is a competition, a competition between us and the Ming Empire. The winner of this competition does not mean who is more powerful, but who is faster! The final winner is the fastest One side!"

(End of this chapter)

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