Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 794 Carnegie in the Grand View Garden

What happened in Africa is too far away for ordinary people, and even the news of the "Africa Legion" expedition does not occupy a section the size of half a piece of tofu in the newspaper.

For ordinary people, they are more concerned about their own lives than the grand plans of the empire. After all, life is reality.

As an employee of Dahua Iron and Steel Company, Lin Ye hurried to the Peace Hotel at 8 o'clock in the morning, and then waited in the lobby.

"Wait until 8:30 to call them!"

Then he sat in the lobby reading the newspaper while waiting to call a client.

Life is not easy!

In the early morning, the sun pours in through the wide windows. Standing by the window and looking up, what comes into view is a park-like street lined with street trees, and high-rise buildings on both sides of the street.Because there is no smoke from factory chimneys, the view from here can even reach a mile or two away.

"It's really hard to imagine! The sky in the city looks so clean."

Tom's exclamation made Carnegie think deeply.

"Electricity! This is the miracle brought by electricity. They don't have thousands of chimneys here, and the sky is naturally cleaner than many places."

After a brief chat, they went to the bathroom to freshen up.

"Hey, this faucet seems to be different."

After looking at the faucet and studying for a while, Carnegie finally understood.

"This faucet is up."

Trying to lift the handle of the faucet, the water gushed out.

After brushing his teeth, Carnegie yelled as soon as he washed his face.

"shit, damn it, burn me to death..."

Although he was scalded by boiling water while washing his face, Carnegie started to study the faucet after yelling. Only then did he notice the blue and red labels on the wall behind the faucet. Although he couldn’t understand the Chinese characters on it, he could see Pointing in the direction the handle was pointing, Carnegie tried it, and immediately exclaimed.

"My God, this kind of faucet can actually adjust the water temperature! If you align it with the red label, it will be hot water, if you align it with the blue label, it will be cold water, if it is in the middle, it will be warm water..."

Facing the faucet with a mixing valve that can adjust the temperature of hot and cold water, and the washbasin with an automatic flip drain valve at the bottom of the basin, Carnegie was stunned.

"There is hot water. By the way, I remember someone said in the travel notes that there is a [-]-hour hot water supply here. This is the biggest feature of Daming. It just happens to take a bath..."

24-hour hot water supply.

It is undoubtedly an extremely miraculous thing in this era. For Carnegie, his surprise now is no less astonishing than those Chinese who first went abroad in the 20s were surprised by the 80-hour hot water supply.Even more than that, after all, in this era, all this is unimaginable.

Everything here is like two completely different worlds to Carnegie, one is the future and the other is the past.Ming Dynasty is the future, while America is the past.

Pushing open the frosted glass door, Tom saw the tub, a bathroom that could take both a bath and a shower.Everything is beyond their imagination. In American hotels, you can also take a bath, but you need to make an appointment an hour in advance to take a bath. They need time to prepare hot water. Because the process is too cumbersome, they didn’t think about it at all yesterday. The shower thing.

But here?

Actually there is hot water [-] hours at any time!
This is simply unbelievable. After taking a comfortable hot bath and changing into a hotel bathrobe, looking at this not-so-luxury hotel, Carnegie couldn't believe it all.

Not because of the electricity, but because everything he feels here is so different.

"Tom, do you know how much this room is worth?"

Carnegie said as a businessman.


"It's worth at least one hundred thousand dollars, the faucet that can adjust the water temperature is worth fifty thousand dollars, the bathing facilities are worth fifty thousand dollars, and the flip-type drain valve is worth twenty thousand dollars, and the light adjustment device is worth at least thirty thousand... "

Talking about the value of those commodities one by one, those values ​​are just the patent fees for purchasing these products.If you describe it according to the market, the things in this house are all treasures worth millions of yuan.

Any businessman coming here is like being in a treasure house, and what they see must be inexhaustible wealth.

After a while, Carnegie said with some fanaticism.

"We've come to the right place, this is a treasure trove! God! It's definitely a treasure trove."

Looking at Carnegie, who was a little fanatical, Tom also deeply agreed.

"These are products we've never seen before, hey, how can they hide such a good thing?"

Tom obviously overthinks it. It’s not that Daming hides good things, but that they need corresponding supporting facilities. For example, mixing water faucets need at least hot water supply. In this era of Europe and America, there is no water heater supply at all, and one person takes a bath It is often a big event where the whole family is busy.

How to use the mixing valve when there is no hot water supply?

Therefore, there are certain ways of life, at least for the time being that people in Europe and the United States cannot enjoy, this is the unique way of life of Ming Dynasty.

While lamenting the magical and inconspicuous little objects in the room, Carnegie glanced at the phone on the table. There was a phone in this room, and he could not only communicate with various departments of the hotel, but also with other places at any time. This communication tool can talk to people in various parts of the city, as long as they have their phone numbers.

This is what they saw in their travel notes, and they can even make calls to Nanhua City, which is hundreds of kilometers away!

Before they had time to try to see if it was true, the phone rang, and when they picked it up, fluent English came from the phone:

"Hello, Mr. Carnegie, I am Fang Hao, the front desk manager of the hotel. Mr. Lin from Dahua Steel Company is looking for you..."

Listening to the voice on the phone, Carnegie was silent for a while before speaking.

"Ask him to wait in the lobby for a while, I'll have breakfast first."


After hanging up the phone, Carnegie looked extremely serious, then stared at the phone and said.

"Tom, their people are here, do you think they will be willing to sell us steelmaking equipment?"

The reason why Carnegie came to Daming was because he wanted to introduce steelmaking open hearth furnaces from here. In fact, as early as three years ago, he had already introduced Bassett wheat converters from the UK. It was the cheap steel rails that were rolled from the steel smelted in the converters. , he succeeded in winning a large number of railway orders during the economic crisis, but Daming's steel rails are of better quality and the steelmaking technology is more developed, so he came here and wanted to purchase open hearth steelmaking equipment from here. France also has similar equipment, but it is far less advanced than Ming's.

"Even if they don't sell it, we can check it out by the way!"

Tom said,

"This place can always bring us a lot of inspiration, perhaps, this is really the city of the future!"

Carnegie was silent for a while before speaking.

"This name, for it, is indeed worthy of the name!"

After a sigh, Carnegie said.

"Come on, let's go to eat first, don't make that Manager Chen wait too long. Then, I think we can visit the city first."

Tom answered,

"Yes, instead of talking about business, now I want to know what the city looks like?"

Once they finished grooming, they left the room and headed for the elevator.The elevator moved and took them to the restaurant on the second floor.The door of the restaurant is wide open, and the decoration inside looks simple, but it is very high-grade.

The breakfast in the hotel is very rich, including Ming-style meals and European-style meals. With curiosity, Carnegie and the others tried the Ming-style breakfast, but just after taking a bite, the eyes of the two of them lit up. The breakfast was delicious...

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