Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 796 Capital also has a motherland

No steel company wants to support a competitor.

But Carnegie is also ready to come.

"Manager Sun, I can't see where we will compete with you. You often produce products that we cannot produce. It is well known that American steel companies only produce ordinary steel products, while American High tariffs on ordinary steel make it difficult for your products to enter the United States, but the high-grade steel you produce is what the United States needs,"

When mentioning this, Carnegie felt a little bit bitter in his heart. The high-grade steel products produced by Daming are high-grade products no matter in the United States or in Europe. Many steel companies have tried to crack their technology, but the results are always unsatisfactory, and Daming has always refused. Selling patents to foreign countries has led other countries to buy various alloy steels including high-speed knife steel from Daming at high prices.

Although the price and cost of alloy steel itself is not low, but... Lilan is higher.But Daming monopolized the production of many alloy steels with its unique technology.

"So, it's very difficult for your products to enter the U.S. market. If, I mean, if, we establish some kind of partnership, such as a joint venture company, using American iron ore, coal and labor to produce steel, you can also get Rich Lilan."

Looking at Sun Maoli, Carnegie had a smile on his face. In fact...he didn't have enough funds to introduce Daming's equipment, but he believed that he could persuade Daming. After all, no company could refuse Lilan.

"I have reason to believe that in the next ten years, with your technology and the huge market in the United States, Dahua Iron and Steel Company can obtain no less than 3500 million U.S. dollars in Lilan!"

This number is tempting enough!

Who would refuse such a huge fortune?

But in the next moment, his smile froze because of Sun Maoli's answer.

"Mr. Carnegie, you should know that in the face of national interests, Lilan is the least worth mentioning. Although Dahua Iron and Steel Company is an enterprise, we are an enterprise that undertakes the mission of national policy. Steel..."

Pursing his lips, Sun Maoli said in an extremely emotional tone.

"The secret of the country's rise and fall is hidden in steel. Our companies may not be in a competitive relationship, but what about the country? As we all know, the United States is extremely hostile to Daming. If we establish a joint venture with you for Lilan, then In the future, maybe one day, the steel produced by our equipment will turn into rifles fired at the Ming army, into shells, bombs..."

At this time, Sun Maoli looked serious and serious. Looking at Carnegie who was so shocked that he couldn't even close his mouth, he shook his head slightly.

"So, no matter how high Lilan is, we have to reject this business. Of course, we can reach cooperation in other areas. For example, we are happy to export rail rolling equipment to you. Our equipment is more advanced and can Effective cost reduction..."

In any case, business is business. Some businesses cannot be done, but some businesses have no problems, such as the export of complete sets of steel rolling equipment. Of course, this business has no problems. The equipment is a little more advanced, mainly because of the use of electricity, so the production speed is faster, and special steel is used to make rolls-this thing has a lifespan. When the war breaks out and the source is cut off, the advanced equipment will become become common equipment.

However, Carnegie is not interested in Daming's steel rolling equipment at all, at least not yet. After all, the rolling mill in his factory has only just been put into use, and there is no need to eliminate it at all.

When Carnegie left the Iron and Steel Building, he sat in the car with a serious expression on his face. His brother's expression made Tom hesitate to speak several times. He didn't speak until he arrived at the hotel and returned to the room.

"It seems that we came to the wrong place."

"Do not,"

Shaking his head, Carnegie said.

"We came rightly, steel... the secret of the country's rise and fall is hidden in the steel, if we don't come here, how can we know this secret?"

Steel is the country!

At least in the second industrial revolution, this is the unchanging truth. Without enough steel, it is impossible to be a powerful country. The strength of all powerful countries is equal to the output of steel.

But no one outside Daming has summed up this sentence yet.A seemingly simple sentence, like a thunderbolt, made Carnegie think about many things.

"Businessmen... We used to think that Lilan was the most important thing for businessmen, but here we see another kind of businessman. Compared with Lilan, they are more willing to take social responsibility! Right..."

Nodding vigorously, Carnegie pointed to the city outside the window and said.

"Tom, look at why their workers can live comfortably, have vacations, and have pensions. All of these are their social responsibilities. They may seek profit, but they are definitely not mercenary..."

Pensions, that is mandatory by the state!

But this point was directly ignored by Carnegie.

"But, Andrew, none of this is more than we can afford,"

Of course Tom knew what Andrew wanted to say.

"We are working hard to make money now. Only in this way can we help more people. If our factory takes responsibility that does not belong to us, our factory may be affected or even close down. At that time, we How can I help other people?"

"I know."

Carnegie nodded, his tone became a little heavy.

"A person who is obsessed with money is a person of low character. If I keep pursuing a career that can make money, one day I will definitely degenerate. If I can obtain a certain degree of wealth in the future, I must use it in society. benefits."

This sentence was written in Carnegie's diary almost ten years ago. In another world, he did it. This is why he is respected, not only because he is as famous as Morgan and Rockefeller , the three most successful entrepreneurs in the American Gilded Age, and more importantly, he donated almost all of the huge wealth he earned to social welfare causes after his success in his career.

"I know, Andrew, so, now, all we need is to make this happen!"

Listening to Tom's words, Carnegie nodded, then sighed.

"It's really a pity, we have no way to import the equipment here, but, Tom, will we really have a war with Ming?"..."

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