Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 801 The surname here can actually eat meat

Chapter 801 The people here can actually eat meat (second update, please subscribe)

Accompanied by the roar of the siren, the train roared out of the tunnel, and the light in the carriage immediately became brighter.

With the bright light, Zhou Fu looked around the carriage with great interest—this is a dining car, but it is not a first-class car, but an ordinary dining car. The furnishings and decoration in the carriage are very simple, and there are many passengers who are dining The reason why Zhou Fu chose this time was to see what they were eating.

"This, this... is this what ordinary people eat?"

Wang Dajing looked at the beef, potatoes, and rice on the dinner plate. Even in the eyes of him, who is in charge of hundreds of thousands of Huai army supplies, this meal is too good.

"There is also roasted radish with offal, that set meal is cheaper."

Zhou Fu said.

"Have you ever seen someone with a yellow and thin face along the way? All of them have red faces. The prosperity of Ming Dynasty is exactly as Master Zhongtang said."


Wang Dajing sighed, looking at the food on the plate, his appetite disappeared in an instant, not because the food was not delicious, but because such food was too extravagant.At least that's the case for the average person.

"In the countryside of Xuzhou, even a landlord with more than a hundred acres of land may not be able to eat meat every day, but here... I heard from the eldest son that in the schools here in Daming, all the children not only have government officials. The lunch provided not only includes palm-sized fish, but also milk."

Mr. Li and others who returned to Xuzhou a month ago described to them a Daming that they had never heard of or seen. After they saw that Daming from a movie machine, and after Mr. Zhongtang had a long talk with everyone all night, they embarked on the road to Linhai. sailing.

At the beginning, they thought that what the eldest son said was exaggerated.But now after they came to Daming, they found that the eldest son was not exaggerating, he obviously kept a lot of things.

Among other things, even the common people here can eat meat every day.Based on this point alone, no one in the entire Qing Dynasty would believe it.

Eat meat every day!

How is this possible?
But here it is really realistic.Not only can ordinary people eat meat every meal, but the government also gives free meals to school children, which actually contain meat!
This is a bit surprising.

How could the government of Ming Dynasty do this?Why do they provide free food like those common people's children?And let them eat so well.

In the Qing Dynasty, this is not only unbelievable, but also incomprehensible.

Daming can use this method to buy people's hearts.It's just... ulterior motives!

"Speaking of fish, you have forgotten the fishing boats we saw on the sea before we entered the port. There must be at least a hundred thousand catties of fish in that net. Those sea fish must be very cheap. They are placed in Haizhou. Besides, sea fish is also very cheap.”

Wang Dajing thought for a while, and he came up with an answer in his heart.At least one reason was found.What's the best reason?It is cheap.

"That's why they use these things to buy people's hearts."

What Wang Dajing said made Zhou Fu shake his head again and again.

"It's not cheap, but..."

what is it then?

It's the way the government treats the people!The way the government treats the people here is completely different from that in the Qing Dynasty.

Here we not only treat the common people as human beings, but also treat the common people as our own!

"The devil's nose is just ahead. If you are interested, you may wish to take a look."

The flight attendant's shout interrupted their thoughts. Zhou Fu poked his head out of the car window with great interest, and all he could see was a sea of ​​clouds, and the cliff below the car. The scene in front of him could only see him A little frightened, he quickly retracted his head and stopped looking outside.

"It's a rare and spectacular sight."

Wang Dajing said with a smile,

"However, how did you build the railway back then? How much did it cost? When the railway was built back then, where did Ming's financial resources come from?"

"Not bad."

Zhou Fu said,

"Didn't you listen to what the eldest son said? Why is the Ming Dynasty so rich, while the Qing Dynasty is so poor? We all say that it is based on business and industry, but it is only a business. How can it be established in just a dozen years? Such an achievement?"

"Maybe it is to destroy the two countries one after another, and take the wealth of the two countries!"

Before Wang Dajing finished speaking, Zhou Fu snorted:
"Such absurd words, you still think it is true? Even if they took all the wealth of the two countries, how can they continue to this day? The secret of the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty - just as the eldest son said, there is no other, educate you."

"Hey, I'm just saying what some people think."

After that, they didn't talk any more.What kind of rich law is this rich country and strong army? They haven’t figured out the reason until now. Even Xuzhou is already a prosperous city that is not inferior to other prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River, but it still lacks a few meanings.

The people are still displaced, still hungry...

"Stop talking about this, you say..."

Zhou Fu changed the topic and said.

"This time... can we get what we want?"

"This... I'm afraid it depends on what they really think."

"The key is not them, the key is Master Zhongtang!"

Why are you in the middle hall?

Outsiders don't know about this, but Zhou Fu knows it very well. This time after the eldest son returned to Xuzhou, he talked with Mr. Zhongtang all night. Although outsiders don't know what they talked about, it is certain that Zhongtang's side has loosened. .

"The middle hall..."

Wang Dajing sighed.

"It's hard for Zhongtang. Now the imperial court is distrusting Zhongtang more and more. If it weren't for the [-] Huai troops supporting him there, the imperial court would have attacked Zhongtang long ago. Zhongtang..."

Wang Dajing sighed.

"If Zhongtang doesn't make preparations early, I'm afraid the court will attack sooner or later."

"That's why we have to come here to find out what Daming means! It's definitely not enough to just make a promise from Haizhou."

The two of them spoke quietly, but there was a trace of worry on their brows, and there was uncertainty about the future between their brows.


Just when Zhou Fu and his party took the train to Yingtian, in the manor on the outskirts of Yingtian, Emperor Zhu was fishing by the lake, and occasionally he could see a baiji jumping out of the water. There is also a group of Baiji dolphins in the Xin'an River, and the rare wild animals in China have already taken root in this land.

Of course, what Emperor Zhu caught was definitely not Baiji dolphins, but to cultivate his sentiments.While he was fishing, Zhu Guozhong was also fishing beside him.

"Guozhong, Zhou Fu and his group are almost here!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Zhu Guozhong laughed.

"Now Li Dazhongtang's life is very difficult. The news of sending overseas students has spread. Many people in the Manchu Qing Dynasty said that he had a heart of treason, and some people even wrote to Beijing to explain."

Who leaked the news?
It's not that Guo Taosong betrayed Mr. Li, but he told Zeng Shadao the news. Someone from Zeng Shavedao broke the news. Why did they spread the news?I'm afraid only God knows, but what is certain is that there is chaos over there now.

"Going to Beijing? He won't throw himself into the trap!"

Shaking his head, Emperor Zhu said.

"They came here this time just to understand our attitude. After all, no one wants to make wedding dresses for others! You can tell him clearly about this, and you can show our support for them, support... "

After thinking about it, Emperor Zhu said,

"In my opinion, we can provide them with some weapons. They don't come with navy soldiers. You can directly give them a few warships. With these warships, hehe, anyone can understand the meaning!"

What do you mean?
Of course, it was the meaning of Daming's support for Xuzhou. With this deep meaning, no matter who he was, he had to weigh a little bit, so that Li Xuzhou's biggest risk would disappear.

"We can't take care of Huaxia's side for the time being. There's only so much we can do. The rest is up to them!"

Some things were not because Emperor Zhu didn't want to ask, but because he couldn't take care of them.After all, only by grasping the last tail of this world of great controversy can we win more benefits for China.

Hearing this, Zhu Guozhong was surprised.

"Navy warships... Your Majesty, the navy has always regarded warships as treasures!"

(End of this chapter)

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