Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 809 Civilization Conquers Barbarism

Chapter 809 Civilization Conquers Barbarism (Second Update, Please Subscribe)

When the elegant hull of the airship appeared over the Karaha Basin, when the natives living in the mud tents heard the roar of "" from the sky.When they raised their spears and leather shields, they looked up into the sky.

At this moment, barbarism and civilization had the most direct impact.

Barbarism conquered by civilization!

When the frightened natives all looked at the huge "monsters" in the sky, their reactions were different. The timid people screamed in horror. For a while, people's screams were everywhere in the tribe.

There was chaos in the tribe, where the timid were screaming and crying, but where were the bold?It just stood there in a daze, looking at the monster in the air with a horrified expression.

The huge body of the airship blocked the sunlight, covering the earth with a large shadow.When the natives felt that the "monster" in the air covered the sun's rays, the fear of the last name permeated everyone's hearts.

The three airships hovered around the tribe in the air more than [-] meters above the ground. The roar of the engine and the huge body of the airship made the people in the tribe look at the sky with fear and admiration. airship.

At this time, the men in the tribe no longer went hunting, and the women no longer took care of their children, and even the children no longer carried the leg of lamb to play with the sheep. Both adults and children watched with awe-inspiring eyes. A huge monster in the air, and the wizard jumped up directly. From the wizard's point of view, this is the spaceship of the gods.

The god is coming here, many people knelt down, they knelt down to welcome the arrival of the god.

"On this day, the gods sent his warriors..."

In the chronicles of the local natives, this day is undoubtedly the most important day. They told their sons and grandsons over and over again that the gods had come.

The skin color of those gods is the same color as gold, what a noble color it is!

Civilization conquers barbarism, and sometimes guns are not necessarily needed. What did European missionaries use to conquer the indigenous people?Relying on medicine, how could the natives give up their beliefs without medicine?Medicine and medicine is a science in itself.

Civilization conquered barbarism by relying on the power of science, while Ming relied on the power of science.

On this day, when the airships landed on the land of southern Africa, the local natives were conquered. Of course, they could not obey, and samurai swords and machine guns would teach them to obey.

But what is certain is that after this day, at least in the hearts of many natives, the golden-skinned people are the descendants of the gods and the rulers sent by the gods.

The gods came down to earth to rule the world.


Benjamin might be the most depressed person in the world!
He once vowed that he would have a contest with Ming in Africa, and that the British Empire would win that contest, but what about now?Benjamin was dumbfounded when he received a telegram from Cape Town from George Gray.


He has seen an airship before, it was for throwing bombs, for bombing, could it transport people?

When the British soldiers were marching among the bushes on the Kapu Plateau, the Ming soldiers sat on the airship with their legs crossed, and then... they sang songs and drank Coke and arrived at the destination. When it stinks, they fall from the sky and take the fruits of victory from the hands of the British soldiers!


Rat tail juice, young people don't talk about martial arts!
Don't talk about martial arts!

Victory without force!

Benjamin wanted to say that...but he couldn't.

"My lord, if the news got out, we would be the butt of jokes in all the newspapers, our opponents would laugh at us in Parliament, and the British army would be the butt of caricatures, sir, us……"

As Colonial Secretary, Earl Henry Herbert said with a little heartache.

"We've been reduced to a laughingstock! Everyone's!"

Why is Earl Henry Herbert so excited, because this is a colonial matter, and everything is promoted by him, the colonial minister. If someone needs to be responsible for this in the end, then, for sure, He must be responsible.

Of course, no one will be held responsible for this, but one thing is certain, he will be the laughing stock, the laughing stock of the whole London political circle, and the joke of the people after dinner.

"They don't even know what we are facing!"

Benjamin said a little excitedly.

"The British Empire has never been so backward as it is now! Yes, it is backward. We are far behind Ming Dynasty in technology. When our country was still in the Napoleonic era, they had already bombed the city with their airships. When we first started to make airships, they have used airships in various aspects..."

Listening to the Prime Minister's words, Earl Henry Herbert said directly.

"But Prime Minister, no one cares about all this!"

Yes, no one will care, because no one cares about the technology gap between Britain and Ming Dynasty.Everyone just looks at their failures and laughs at them for their failures.

"Yes, no one will care, and no one will care about the technical gap between us and Da Ming. Damn, who would have thought? We used to think that the French were our enemies, but now it seems that Da Ming's technical gap Leading makes it very likely that they will completely overtake us in the next twenty years or so, scientifically...for God's testimony, we are already behind them!"

Benjamin said in a forward-looking tone.

"If we can't catch up with them technically or surpass them again, then we are likely to fail! But... no one will care!"

This is the most important thing. No one cares about this. For politicians, all they care about is the opponent's failure, and then take the opportunity to attack the opponent.

"So, we now need to start a new operation immediately. We need to use a new operation, a success to demonstrate our failure in the Cape Colony. In the face of victory, Cape Town's setbacks are not worth mentioning. Your Excellency the Prime Minister."

Earl Henry Herbert said with the utmost earnestness in his hands.

"The only option we have to get through this crisis from now on,"

Facing the suggestion of the Colonial Secretary, Benjamin thought for a while, and then said.

"Didn't you mean Egypt? Indeed, we have no other choice now. In that case, let's take Egypt down. With Egypt, at least people will forget about it for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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