Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 811 Da Ming is about to die

Chapter 811 Da Ming is about to die (fourth update, please subscribe)
Humans have many habits that cannot be changed even after many years.The so-called homeland of Emperor Zhu is of course the homeland of China.

Set up a batch of schools in Huaxia!
In fact, it is not a big deal to run a school in China. After all, even European and American countries have set up schools in various places. The earliest universities in China were all church universities run by foreigners without exception.

"We can also set up a group of schools in our hometown, regardless of the name, what kind of church, what kind of institution, we can use various names to run schools, and then set up a few universities in the concession in Haizhou, As long as we can cultivate some talents, even if these talents are not available to Huaxia for a while, we can still cultivate a group of talents for us to use."

Emperor Zhu expressed his thoughts directly.

"Even if they can't be used by us, we can also cultivate a group of sound-minded talents, instead of only cultivating slaves like the Qing Dynasty. They can play a role in various aspects in the future, and even..."

Even in the future, they will become the diggers of the Qing dynasty!
There are too many possibilities in the future. As long as education is implemented, it will always be able to play its role in the future.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this will require a considerable investment, and will the Manchu government agree to it?"

Zuo Zongtang's answer made Emperor Zhu laugh out loud.

"Are they capable of objecting? Besides, if there are no accidents, at the end of the year at most, Xuzhou will be at least semi-independent. At that time, it will be just right to provide them with an educational aid directly. Since we want to support them, It doesn’t have to be limited to the military, education is also a kind of support, if the batch of talents cultivated there can make China’s modernization ten years ahead of schedule, even if it costs tens of millions, it will be worth it!”

Compared with cultivating modern talents, money is always the least worth mentioning. What is the most difficult thing in the process of China's modernization?
Isn't it the cultivation of talents?
Cultivate a large number of modern talents. They can not only play a role in various industries, but most importantly, they will put forward more political demands in the future. By then, China's transformation will be a natural thing.

"Well,... this money should be borne by me personally!"

At the end of the day, Emperor Zhu deliberately borne the expenses personally. As the richest emperor in the world, this money was a drop in the bucket for him.

"Here, China's luck!"

Prime Minister Zuo's words made Emperor Zhu make a small gesture, and did not continue to say anything, talent!Regardless of whether the talents cultivated can be used by Daming, as long as they belong to Huaxia, they will be used by Huaxia!

"Left Prime Minister, if there is no accident, Russia may take action against Turkey in the spring or early summer of next year. France's success has already made them unambitious. Once Russia is involved, it is estimated that they will wait for Austria-Hungary and us. , will be involved, and by then, the country will almost enter a state of wartime, and the Executive Yuan must be prepared to enter a state of wartime.”

So fast!
Although he was very surprised in his heart, Zuo Zongtang still bowed his head and said.

"The minister will definitely live up to His Majesty's great trust and make preparations as soon as possible."

State of war!
This is a system unique to the Ming Dynasty. In the last long-term simulation, the most fundamental reason why Nanhua was able to persist to the end with a population of more than one million people and to sacrifice a generation to defend its independence was because Zhu Xianhai was there The wartime system was implemented. Under the mobilization of the wartime system, Nanhua mobilized all its forces, population, economy, industry and other aspects, so that Nanhua had the capital to support it.

This is also the reason why Emperor Zhu ordered the relevant departments to formulate a comprehensive wartime mobilization plan when the Great Ming Dynasty was built. The purpose was to mobilize all forces as soon as the war broke out. To make up for some of their own deficiencies.

"Your Majesty, according to the mobilization plan, we need to increase immigration from China's homeland."

Human resources are Daming's biggest weakness, and Zuo Zongtang, who is the prime minister, is naturally very clear about it.

"Then let's intensify our efforts. The manpower on the Beihai side also needs to be strengthened. The population at that time was only [-] million, which is still far behind that of the United States. Let's try to break through [-] million next year. [-] million... almost [-] troops can be mobilized, and with these [-] troops, it can at least guarantee that Beihai can persist for a few years without domestic support!"

The land of Ming Dynasty is too vast and scattered, scattered in North and South America, severely restricting the power of Ming Dynasty, Emperor Zhu is very helpless about this!
The Ming Dynasty was not supported by the vast country, but it was very likely to be dragged down by the scattered country. Emperor Zhu himself had more than enough energy for this!
In fact, similar to Emperor Zhu’s conjecture, almost at the time when he and Zuo Zongtang were finally discussing some issues regarding the mobilization work, Russian Foreign Minister Gorchakov invited Ming’s ambassador to Russia, Shen Chonghou, to smoke at a family ball room.

"Mr. Ambassador, we have noticed that Turkey is currently in a serious economic crisis and internal turmoil. There are uprisings against Turkey in various parts of the Balkans. The Tsar and the generals of the staff believe that the time is ripe for war against Turkey. Already!"

What is this time ripe for?
But what kind of country is Russia when Ming and France are eating meat?
Like all countries, it is just a greedy country, and their ambitions expand with the success of Ming and France.

Now Russia has set its sights on the fat piece of Turkey, and they have already boarded and returned to Constantinople.The dream of rebuilding the glory of the Roman Empire.

Third Rome!

Isn't it Russia!

"Congratulations, isn't this the opportunity Russia is longing for?"

"Revenge! Ever since Crimea, revenge is what every Russian desires, but Mr. Ambassador, you know, the Russian Navy has to be rebuilt, we are not yet ready for this war at sea so Woolen cloth……"

Staring at Shen Chonghou, Gorchakov said directly.

"Among all the allies, only Ming has sufficient strength to help us, so we hope to buy a few warships from Ming..."

Before Shen Chonghou objected, Gorchakov said.

"Of course, what we want to buy is not necessarily the most advanced Nanhua class or Linhai class of Ming Dynasty, but we hope to further enrich our sea power, so what? We hope to buy the "Friendship class" ironclad ship."

The Friendship class... are the two ironclad ships Daming bought from France. They are... old ships, but they are not old at all. They are only five years old, but their performance is not as advanced as they are now. Facing Gorchako According to her husband's request, Shen Chonghou was silent for a moment, and then said.

"This, I need to ask the country for instructions. After all, purchasing warships is not something I can decide."

"Of course, Mr. Ambassador, as long as you can facilitate this matter, we will definitely not forget you, and our price will definitely satisfy you..."

(End of this chapter)

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