Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 815 Ming Dynasty’s Nationwide System

Chapter 815 Ming Dynasty's Nationwide System (Fourth Update, please subscribe)
The end of 1875 was undoubtedly a new spring for the industrial and commercial circles of the Ming Dynasty, and it all started with a seemingly inconspicuous "method".

In the spacious study room, Fang Zhanbo, the minister of industry and commerce, was beaming with joy when it came to matters such as the expansion of the shipyard and bank loans.However, compared with him, Emperor Zhu was more concerned about another issue.

"What about the shipyard's merchant ship orders? How much has it increased?"

The expansion of the shipyard will only be meaningful if the orders for merchant ships increase. Otherwise, even if it is expanded, it will be nothing more than empty capacity.

"Compared to the increase of more than 150% last month, many shipyards began to expand the shipyard because of the order received..."

Fang Zhanbo's answer made Emperor Zhu slightly nod his head. Fortunately, everything was within his expectation.

"Your Majesty, your encouragement method is really amazing. To order a merchant ship from a domestic shipyard, you can get a low-interest loan and a subsidy of ten yuan per ton, but it has made many people see the opportunity. Within a month, there were more than [-] new shipping companies, and at least half of the new ship orders were issued by them. With these orders, the shipyard dared to expand on a large scale, "

When mentioning the incentive measures formulated by His Majesty, Fang Zhanbo admired His Majesty to the extreme. Who would have thought that just a few simple tricks could set off an investment frenzy in Daming?

In fact, it is not only the shipbuilding and shipping industries that are stimulated.Faced with the orders issued by the shipping company, the expansion of the shipyard naturally required the purchase of a large amount of shipbuilding equipment, which further stimulated the development of Ming's machinery manufacturing industry, and the construction of ships and mechanical equipment required a large amount of steel raw materials, which in turn drove development of the steel industry.

The investment of financial capital has driven the development of the financial industry. In short, a seemingly inconspicuous "shipbuilding encouragement method" is like a lever, which successfully leveraged the industrial development of Daming. A new impetus has been injected into the development.

"Private capital has always been enthusiastic about investing. What we need is to release this power, such as using some corresponding policy incentives!"

When talking about policy incentives, Emperor Zhu naturally thought of another world. He had witnessed the country’s industrial support for certain industries. Although some areas were not satisfactory, the overall development of the country was benefited to some extent.

"The stimulation of this kind of policy is actually the magic weapon for the rise of the Ming Dynasty. In the future, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce can conduct research in this area. If we are lagging behind in those industries, we will introduce some appropriate policies to provide preferential support and funding, um... you It can be regarded as a national system!"

Emperor Zhu directly uttered an extremely fresh vocabulary.

In fact, to a certain extent, this is a nationwide system. After all, at this time, no country has introduced similar incentives, and the advantages of this nationwide system are exactly what Emperor Zhu is familiar with.

"National system?"

Fang Zhanbo looked at His Majesty in a daze.

"Fang Qing's family, compared with other countries, the reason why Ming Dynasty has made amazing progress in these years is that the country has formulated industrial development plans to lead economic construction. It is said that under the promotion of the whole country system, our country concentrates financial resources and all other forces on industrial construction. We have achieved world-renowned achievements in some important projects and major projects. Our industrial development over the years has mainly benefited from this..."

When referring to the "whole nation system" of Ming Dynasty, Emperor Zhu was quite proud, because it was he who introduced this "magic weapon" into Ming Dynasty, so that Ming Dynasty achieved unimaginable achievements in other countries in just fifteen years .

"What is the national system? To put it bluntly, it is through special resource allocation and organizational methods that the government coordinates the deployment of national resources and forces to achieve corresponding goals and tasks. This is our five-year plan. But in addition, we also The scope of application of this mechanism can be further expanded, not necessarily through official direct investment, just like the "Shipbuilding Encouragement Measures", use some policy guidance and support to leverage private capital to join the country's development After all, our folks have accumulated a lot of wealth over the years. According to the statistics of the Bank of England, our deposit balance this year will exceed [-] billion. If this money can be used, it will be just around the corner. what……"

When mentioning the [-] billion deposits in the bank, Emperor Zhu was also a little worried. This huge sum of money is as much as [-] million a year just for interest payments!

As long as half of this money can be used for investment, Daming's road to superheroism will be just around the corner.

After thinking for a while, Emperor Zhu said
"Actually, we can further study. Since we can use a bill to leverage the development of the shipbuilding and shipping industries, can we also introduce some bills to encourage other private enterprises? In the past ten years, in the While the state-owned enterprises are growing, private enterprises are also growing, just like the small enterprises in Nanyuanwei, which just surround Dahua Iron and Steel Company, Maxima Automobile Company and other large enterprises, producing various parts and supplying large companies. There are more than a thousand companies. The production capacity of these enterprises is an effective supplement to large enterprises. As they grow and grow, Daming's industrial strength is also increasing. I think we can introduce corresponding bills, for example, targeting enterprises Support for factory construction and credit loans for machinery and equipment, this targeted enterprise, is what the country needs and is beneficial to the improvement of the country's industrial and commercial strength."

When Emperor Zhu put forward this idea, it developed in his mind, what is this so-called need?
It can be a steel factory, a machinery factory, or a textile factory. In the past, what did Ming's development rely on?One is a state-owned enterprise invested by the government, and the other is a corporate enterprise, which is the direct investment of Nanhua Company... Well, Emperor Zhu is the largest business owner in Ming Dynasty.

As for private capital, although it is active, it is far from being able to compare with the two. The former has policy support, but what about the latter?It's rich and powerful!
What if private enterprises can also obtain certain policy support?Just like Huaxia in another world, the support for related industries is both national and private, but in the end, no matter what their surname is, they are all Huaxia.

The development of these enterprises has grown, and when the future war comes, these factories and enterprises will become part of the war machine of the Ming Dynasty!
Since there is a magic weapon of the nationwide system, why not make use of it?
And this is the biggest difference between Daming and other countries - with the development vision and development methods that transcend the times, Daming can completely complete the British in a very short period of time, while the French took nearly a hundred years to develop. Rise up the national strength!
Nationwide system!

This is the key to Ming's surpassing and defeating Britain in the future, and it can even be said to be Ming's trump card.

As long as you hold on to it firmly and use it continuously, then in another ten years, Da Ming will be really incalculable...

At this moment, Emperor Zhu couldn't help but look forward to the future.

(End of this chapter)

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