Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 817 Seeing Da Ming's Father Again

Chapter 817 Seeing Da Ming's Dad Again (Second Update, Please Subscribe)
Be sure to come on!

Even when he stepped on the boat, Taro Komatsu still felt heavy, and he didn't know how to describe his mood at this time.

Mieko is going to Daming, even though she is going to be a maid, how could Taro not know what will happen to those maids?
They will all marry Daming people!

"Taro, what's wrong with you, why are you always so absent-minded."

Matsui looked at his friend and asked.


Facing his friend's inquiry, Taro Komatsu sighed and spoke for a while.

"Mie Keiko is going to Daming!"

"Ah! It's a good thing to go to Daming! Daming...that's really a good place!"

"She went to maid school and we..."

Needless to say, if you go to the maid school, you will definitely marry a Daming person in the future. This is the best shortcut for Dongying women to enter Daming.

"Hey, forget it, when we get to Africa, we will do our best to serve His Majesty, and when we make military achievements, why worry about not having women!"

Faced with the persuasion of his friends, Taro Komatsu was in a bitter mood. When the ship blew its whistle and slowly left the port, his eyes became a bit complicated when he looked at the land of Japan. There was nothing worthy of his nostalgia. up.


When the seventh year of Shengde was approaching, a North Korean merchant ship sailed into Xiaguan, and it was none other than North Korean court angels.

Although Japan, which fell into civil strife after the sudden death of Emperor Meiji, was unable to realize their "dream of conquest of Korea", North Korea was paying attention to Japan. Although North Korea had no envoys in Japan, they still learned about the changes in Japan through Japanese businessmen. .

After the civil strife broke out in Japan, North Korea even secretly rejoiced, this is all right, the Japanese civil strife... This is a good thing!

But before the Korean people rejoiced at the big meeting, a thunderous news spread to North Korea-Japan became a vassal state of Ming Dynasty!
Da Ming's father is here.

Who has the biggest impact?
Of course it's North Korea.

In fact, after Liu Zhongjiao and his party brought the news of Daming's father's return to North Korea, an unprecedented disturbance was immediately set off in North Korea, not only because Daming's father came back to life again.

More importantly, this Da Ming's father is different from what they imagined.

When the "Life" pictorial brought by Liu Zhongjiao was displayed in the North Korean court, Li Shiying, the emperor of the court, almost vomited old blood. Not to mention the recovery of the country on the territory of foreigners, even the mother of the country is a foreigner, not only that, there is no Ming Dynasty clothes there, and even the clothes of China have been changed beyond recognition.

When Li Shiying almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, some changes occurred in North Korea's political situation. Just like in history, the daughter-in-law Concubine Min, who was supposed to be his pawn in his hand, was chosen by himself, but succeeded in seizing power.

In the two years after Concubine Min seized power, Concubine Min purged the "Yunbian people", that is, Li Shi's confidants, and Li Shiying counterattacked. In the past two years, North Korea's political arena has been very lively. The civil strife in Japan made it impossible for Japan to extend its hand into North Korea as it did in history. Naturally, there was no such thing as the Minfei Group’s ice-breaking move against Japan, and there was no outside party who led the warships Kuroda Kiyotaka and Inoue Kaoru to Ganghwa Island to force North Korea to sign a treaty establishing diplomatic relations with it. threaten.

In North Korea, which has no external threats, the internal political struggle is more brutal than in history. Faced with external pressure, the Concubine Min Group had to reach some kind of compromise with Li Shiying, and the suppression of Li Shiying was further intensified.

And amidst such political turmoil, the matter of Da Ming's father's resurrection also... faded away in North Korea.

In the face of the aggressive Concubine Min group, Li Shiying's confidants also want to fight back. At the end of last year, Li Shiying's confidant An Jiyong and others attempted to launch a coup, trying to support Li Shiying's eldest son Li Zaixian as the new king.Because of the informant, An Jiyong and others were beheaded by Ling Chi, and Li Zaixian was given to death. Although Li Shiying did not directly participate, Concubine Min still pointed the finger at Li Shiying.

Faced with the predicament that he might be placed under house arrest for the crime of treason, Li Shiying, who was implicated in this matter, had to flee hastily. where?
Go to the Qing Dynasty?

His son Li Xi was the King of Joseon decreed by the Qing Dynasty.

"Let's go to Japan!"

After repeated weighing, Li Shiying and his confidants boarded the merchant ship bound for Japan.However, unlike in the past, Japan at this time is no longer Japan.

"Dongying Protectorate... This is the land of Ming Dynasty!"

Li Shiying looked at the pier in Xiaguan and said to Hong Chunmu beside him.

"Although this Great Ming is not the same as the Great Ming we all think about, it is still Great Ming!"

Ming dynasty!

That is the spiritual motherland of all North Koreans!

Hong Chunmu and the others all looked at Shimonoseki with full expectation. Finally, when the ship entered the port, Hong Chunmu looked at the Japanese in the port with short shaved hair and wearing western clothes, and Hong Chunmu said disdainfully.

"The Japanese are really barbarians!"

The Japanese are barbarians, so what about the Ming people?


"This, is this Daming's warship?"

When he stepped on the "Taiyuan" armored ship, Li Shiying's heart trembled slightly.

This is a giant steel ship!
" can it float on the water?"

Hong Chunmu and others all looked at the warship in astonishment, looking at the thick muzzle, they were speechless for a long time.

"Everyone, we will arrive at the Governor's Office in two days."

Looking at the Daming officers and soldiers in front of him, Li Shiying fell silent!

Are these people the official army of Ming Dynasty?

They don't have Ming-style buns, and they don't wear Ming-style clothes. What are they wearing?The clothes he wears look a bit like Yang Yi's!

Although in the "Life" pictorial that Liu Zhongjiao and others brought back, they had already learned that this Ming Dynasty "likes foreigners more than China", but when they really faced Daming, the impact they received can be imagined.

Everyone has an ideal country in their hearts, and Daming is the ideal country in the hearts of countless North Koreans.It is the peach blossom garden in their minds.

But now?
What are they seeing?
It was a stranger, beyond their imagination... the Ming Dynasty official army.

Like foreigners, they own giant iron-clad ships and wear similar clothes to foreigners.

Where is Daming's clothes?

Until two days later, in the yamen of the Edo Metropolitan Protectorate, when they saw Qian Degong, the Protector of the Imperial Capital of the Ming Dynasty wearing a Yipin scarlet robe embroidered with crane patterns and a black gauze hat, Li Shiying and the others were taken aback for a moment.

In an instant, tears fell from Li Shiying's eyes, this, this... This is Daming's official robe!

My Daming Papa is back!

In addition to being excited, Li Shiying stepped forward and bowed his head.

"Young minister Li should have met the heavenly officials."

(End of this chapter)

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