Chapter 819 Emperor Zhu Is So Domineering (Part [-], please subscribe)
Paraguay—the land that was voluntarily merged into Ming Dynasty, until now, Emperor Zhu has not been there yet.

From Yingtian to Asunción, you can go by land—there is a railway connection from Yingtian to Asunción, or you can take the waterway, and you can go upstream along the Xin’an River all the way to Asunción.

However, Emperor Zhu did not take the water or the land, but from the air.After all, whether it is land or water, it will take too much time. After all, the distance between the two places is thousands of kilometers.

The six-year New Year's Eve of Shengde was about to pass, and Emperor Zhu took a new-generation airship and flew directly to Paraguay.

"This is the first time I have looked down on the land of Daming from the sky!"

Seen from the air, the banks of the Xin'an River, that is, La Plata-Parana River, are full of wetlands, and the lakes in the wetlands reflect sunlight like mirrors.

This is the biggest feature of this river. Due to the influence of topography, some of its downstream coasts are difficult to drain, and there are many swamps and wetlands.The wetlands' sparkling lagoons attract a myriad of birds, from tiny hummingbirds to majestic herons.

"Your Majesty, some people have proposed to develop the swamps on both sides of the Xin'an River. After field investigation, the advanced agriculture side believes that if a large number of artificial rivers are built between the wetlands, well, it will be drained by artificial rivers like in the south of the Yangtze River. If so, the wetlands in this area can completely become my Daming Jiangnan..."

Seeing His Majesty staring at the swamp on the ground, Wang Youling said from the side.

"Development Swamp..."

Emperor Zhu shook his head.

"There is absolutely no need for this. Daming doesn't need to go through such a lot of trouble. With the funds and manpower, it is better to develop other places that are more suitable for development."

In fact, with the diligence of the Chinese nation, these wetlands are not a problem at all. In history, both sides of the Yangtze River were also wetlands. It has become a land of fish and rice, the rivers everywhere in southern Jiangsu, what kind of rivers are they, they are simply drainage ditches dug out by Chinese ancestors for thousands of years.

However, in the current Daming, there is no need to do that at all!

"Land is not plowed with farm tools, but fought with iron and blood. After all, the world is so vast, if we don't conquer it, how can we be worthy of our descendants?"

Looking at the vast wetland through the porthole, Emperor Zhu continued.

"The mission of our generation is to use iron and blood to fight for the vastest possible wetland for the Chinese nation..."

Just when the words fell, Emperor Zhu picked up the binoculars as if he had discovered something.

"Look, it's a rhino!"

Emperor Zhu's tone seemed a little excited.

From the binoculars, he could see the herd of rhinos on the ground, although there were only twenty-three of them, but when he looked at them, his expression was a little smug.

This is a Chinese rhino!
In another world, after half a century, the Chinese rhino became extinct, and in the [-]st century, even the African rhino is on the verge of extinction, due to the so-called "aphrodisiac effect" of its horns, so its economic value is extremely high ——The price per gram is hundreds of dollars, which is several times higher than that of gold.This is why rhinos are on the brink of extinction.

These Chinese rhinos are a gift from heaven.In order to settle these rhinos, Emperor Zhu deliberately turned the tens of thousands of square kilometers of wetland into a royal wildlife sanctuary. In addition to rhinos, there are South China tigers, clouded leopards, and Chinese hog deer in the sanctuary. Animals, as for the Xin'an River and its tributaries, there are still fishes such as the Yangtze River white slug, Chinese sturgeon, and Baiji dolphin. This protected area can be said to be a paradise for rare birds and animals in China.

As for the invasion of alien species, in Emperor Zhu's opinion, this is nothing at all. Since the Ming Dynasty was established here and the people have changed, why are there any alien species to worry about?
What do those American animals have to do with China?Even if it is unique, it is not as unique as China, right?
So even if Chinese animals invaded, it was not an invasion of alien species, but a selection of natural evolution.This is the theory of evolution!
Emperor Zhu is a domineering emperor!

This can be seen from his protection of wild animals in China.

When Wang Youling and others used binoculars to appreciate the rare herd of rhinos, Emperor Zhu said.

"You see, this is the living space. Rhinos are very rare in China's homeland, because they are not only hunted, but their living space is also squeezed by human activities. But in the New World, we give them a new living space. They can reproduce freely here and grow their population, in fact, we are the same..."

Putting down the binoculars, Emperor Zhu said with some earnestness.

"The reason why we are going to war is to open up living space for the descendants of China. This world is said to be vast, but in fact it is always limited. There are only so many resources and so much land. If we don't occupy it, others will occupy it." If it is taken by someone else, what will our descendants eat? What will they use? China Resources Vanguard?”

After saying such a word casually, Emperor Zhu didn't care whether they understood it or not, and said it directly.

"Even if Run goes out, that is to be a third-class citizen on someone else's territory, in order not to let our future generations be trapped! Our current responsibility and mission is to seize the living space with iron and blood. This living space belongs to The entire Chinese nation is our future!"

After saying these words, Emperor Zhu pondered.

"Land... no matter how much it is, it's not too much!"

Yes, too much can never be too much!
"I understand!"

Wang Youling opened his mouth, but finally he still didn't say what he wanted to say in his heart - no matter how big a country is, it will die if it is warlike.

These words seemed inappropriate for Da Ming, and in this world of great controversy, even if Da Ming didn't want to fight, how could he stay out of it?

During the rest of the journey, the atmosphere in the cabin of the airship seemed a bit dull, and everyone was thinking about His Majesty's words thoughtfully.

As for Emperor Zhu, he just quietly looked at the vast land outside the cabin. Who was the former owner of this land?

It's Indians, it's Spaniards, and now it's Chinese...

In this way, Emperor Zhu began to think about the problem while looking out of the window. He was thinking hard, how could he let Da Ming seize as much land as possible in this world of great contention, and how could he firmly secure the fruits of victory? In your own hands?

Staring out of the window, Emperor Zhu searched in his memory, looking for the history he knew, the world he knew, and all the memories related to conquest and expansion, hoping to find some answers from them.

But what is this answer?

Almost all "careerists" who tried to conquer the world failed!
Thinking of this, Emperor Zhu couldn't help laughing. Will he become a careerist in the 19th century?
But having said that, all ambitions are based on strength, as long as there is enough strength, then it is not ambition, but reality.

Another few decades of development, who knows if Daming has that strength?
As long as you accumulate enough strength, everything will be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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