Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 821 The capital of Ming Dynasty is in Brazil

Chapter 821 The capital of Ming Dynasty is in Brazil (Second update, please subscribe)
The so-called spiritual mobilization.

In fact, it is essentially telling everyone why they are fighting!

Propaganda of hatred is one way of mobilization.A good politician will always do something when needed.

Why did Emperor Zhu come to Asunción, of course not for sightseeing, but for...


Emperor Zhu silently glanced at the map on the table, he slowly stood up from the table, and then walked to the window, staring at the square, staring at Asunción in the shadows.

Although the city seemed peaceful in the twilight, he could still feel the anger in the air!
"Revenge, revenge, for our children..."

"Your Majesty, revenge for our children, revenge!"

Sometimes, people's hearts are so simple, and only one introduction is needed to ignite the anger that has been suppressed for many years.

War is an ominous thing.

But in fact, there is purgatory on one side and heaven on the other.


After the defeat, the Paraguayans have experienced what purgatory is!


As long as the war is won, then for the victor, the war is heaven!
"When the world's attention is drawn to Turkey, we can declare war on Brazil!"

Declare war on Brazil!
Not just a declaration of war, but a complete erasure of the country of Brazil from the world!

The land of Daming has no end!
Just standing silently in front of the window, Emperor Zhu was smoking a cigar, his eyes narrowed.

The next goal is Brazil!


Why Brazil?

Because the capital of Ming Dynasty is in Brazil!
The Ming Dynasty was founded in the New World, how could the capital be in a city founded by the Spaniards?

The pride of being a Chinese made Emperor Zhu always brood over this.

Besides, he still has hope in his heart, which is to create a miracle!
New World countries generally lack historical heritage, so they like man-made heritage, to be precise-spectacles, such as the President Hill in the United States, the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, the Empire State Building, and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.They form their own heritage by building these landmarks, or wonders.

Daming is also facing the same problem as the United States - China's historical heritage is thick enough, but on the continent of South America, Ming's heritage is a bit weak. Many cities in Daming were founded by the Spaniards, that is, Cities such as Nanhua, Nanyuan, and Linhai were created by the Chinese themselves.But those cities are too far south.

As a continental empire, Ming needs a central city. This center is not a nominal center, but a geographical center. It can be understood as the center of South America, at least close to it.

At the same time, Daming also needs a spectacle to show the world how unique Daming is.

When people mention Ying Tian, ​​the first thing that comes to mind is Buenos Aires and Argentina.

Daming needs a capital of its own, a central city.

Not only the central city, but also a gathering place of architectural wonders - the city of the future!
Where is the central city of Ming Dynasty?
in Brazil!
In the Mato Grosso plateau in the north of Paraguay, that is, the Brazilian plateau in broad Italy, but the location is not Brasilia, but the Meaponte Valley in the southwest of it, where the altitude is 760 meters and the climate is mild, with an average annual temperature. It is 22.9 ℃, used for building the capital, and even air conditioners are saved.

Pretty much where the Goiânia market on the other world was, of course, where it is now a wasteland.

"In Daming, whether it is the modern city we created or the city left by the Spaniards, there are no landmark buildings and no proud monuments. A country should strengthen its public image through architecture."

In the meeting room of senior officials in Asunción, Emperor Zhu first asked his imperial architect, Yang Sicheng. He was the first generation of foreign students in Ming Dynasty. After returning to China, he tried to integrate Eastern and Western architecture with Nanhua's modern architecture, and pioneered the creation of modern oriental architecture. With the buildings he participated in designing, he gradually gained fame.Yingtian New Town was designed by him and his colleagues.

This time accompanying the emperor to Asunción, Yang Sicheng was still a little confused. Why did he, an architect, come here?

"So, we need to build a new capital, a capital city belonging to Ming Dynasty."

New capital!
When Yang Sicheng was surprised, the first thought that popped up in his mind was - as expected of a member of Lao Zhu's family, he still wants to move the capital!

"Now I have a preliminary idea. First of all, the total length of the north-south axis avenue in Xindu is about 40 kilometers, and the width is 160 meters. The connection method of the underground overpass on the east-west axis is adopted..."

When talking about his conception, Emperor Zhu even showed some sketches he drew, from the imperial palace to the landmark government buildings, and of course skyscrapers up to [-] meters high. In a word, once the city is built, The whole city must be extremely impactful.

"This city will become the eternal monument of Ming Dynasty, and it will also be the proof that Huaxia has taken root in the New World. The new capital of Ming Dynasty will definitely adapt to her great mission with its amazing appearance." Facing those drawn by Emperor Zhu The architectural spectacle, Yang Sicheng, the most famous architect in Ming Dynasty, couldn't help feeling a little dazed.


Dumbfounded, Yang Sicheng said weakly,
"Your Majesty, let's not say that these buildings are too grand, and relocating the capital rashly is really a waste of people and money. Now Yingtian New City has fully demonstrated the style of my Ming Dynasty, and moving the capital..."

As an architect, Yang Sicheng certainly hopes to become the designer of Xindu, so as to link his name closely with Daming, but he is also a loyal minister of Daming!Even if he is not an official, he is still loyal to the emperor, and he is willing to learn from the great Ming officials in the history books to speak out.

But he obviously didn't forget his identity, and he didn't even need Emperor Zhu to stare at him, all he needed was a sentence.

"This is what I need, what the country needs! That's it!"

Yang Si was immediately discouraged when he was established. There was no other way. Party A's father was the biggest. As an architect, he certainly knew this truth.

"Where does His Majesty plan to build the capital?"

Just when he was wondering whether he should establish the capital here in Asunción, Emperor Zhu directly took out a map, and pointed to the standard asterisk place thousands of kilometers north of the Ming border on the map and said.

"Take, here it is!"

"Your Majesty, this..."

Looking up, Yang Sicheng was dumbfounded.

"That, that's Brazil!"

"It doesn't matter, sooner or later it will all belong to Daming. You should go and inspect it first. I can't wait that long for a new one. First inspect the local terrain, then formulate a plan, and start working immediately after it is laid down..."

Why fight Brazil?
It's not expansion at all.It was to recover...or to take back what should have belonged to Daming.

Can the capital of Ming Dynasty not fight in Brazil?

Yes, is there such a thing?
The capital is still on someone else's territory, so send people to investigate first,

Although he was extremely astonished, Yang Sicheng still obeyed.

"The minister will take someone to investigate now...Your Majesty, just wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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