Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 828 Imperial Alliance Fleet

Chapter 828 Imperial Alliance Fleet (Second Update, please subscribe)
On April 1876, 4, the world, in an unstoppable fashion, went to war.

On this day, Russia's declaration of war shocked the whole world. While European countries were shocked, in France and in the royal palace in Paris, Emperor Napoleon IV embraced Queen Maria and shouted excitedly.

"Hurrah! Maria's time has come!"

Faced with her husband's excitement, Queen Maria seemed very calm. Even though she had been Queen of France for almost three years, she never had any love for the emperor in front of her.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, this is exactly the moment you have been waiting for."

The queen's faint congratulations made Napoleon IV extremely bored. After getting married, he had been trying to win the queen's heart, but Maria would always look like she was repelling others thousands of miles away.

"Thank you,"

Emperor Napoleon IV, who felt a little bored, withdrew a little bored.

When the door was closed, Maria let out a long sigh. She... didn't love her husband.After the emperor left, she was the same as in the past, sitting there looking at the book in her hand, it seemed that for her, everything in the world had nothing to do with her, since she was forced to marry into France three years ago and became the queen of France From that day on, her heart seemed to die.

After leaving the queen's bedroom, Napoleon IV walked silently in the corridor. His steps were fast, but his heart was a little heavy because of the queen's attitude towards him.

"After I conquer Jerusalem, when I become the hero who regained the holy city, I think you will fall in love with me..."

Although, as the emperor, he has several lovers, and some lovers even gave birth to illegitimate children for him, so what?He has never been able to conquer his queen, and even now, they have no children, because the number of times they share the bed is countless.

Soon, Marshal McMahon, Marshal Bazin and others all came to the palace, as well as cabinet officials such as Prime Minister Charles Kuzan Montauban, Foreign Minister Alexander Wallinski, etc. So I came here, of course, because the emperor summoned me.

"Gentlemen, it is time to regain the glory of France!"

After everyone arrived, the young face of Napoleon IV was full of desire for glory.

"Your Majesty, we have just ended the war in Libya."

Montauban reminded in a calm tone.

At this time last year, France broke into Libya aggressively. They thought that only a few thousand people would be needed to end the war, but in the end they invested more than [-] troops. It took almost a while, using airships and other weapons All advanced weapons, before occupying Libya.

Now, His Majesty is going to declare war on Turkey again. How many troops do you need to invest in this...?
"Libya is just a military training. We can see that the Turks are weaker than we imagined. Now that the Russian Empire has declared war on Turkey, the Turks will definitely use all their strength to resist Russia. We can just take this opportunity to seize Jerusalem and theirs. Land in the Middle East!"

Prince Joseph Jerome once again revealed their long-planned plans.

"By capturing the holy city, we will win the next Legislative Council election, gentlemen, this is related to the stability of the empire!"

The chairman of the Legislative Council, Duke Morini, echoed.They are all supporters of the royal family. The reason why they made this plan with Daming was to consolidate the throne of Emperor Napoleon IV.

"Of course, it is also related to the glory of the Second Empire!"

As the Empress Dowager's confidant, Montauban certainly knew about this plan. In fact, this was also the basis of the "Four Nations Alliance", but he still said it in an extremely cautious tone.

"Your Majesty, we must consider the British. After all, the British have now occupied Egypt. Will they tolerate us occupying Jerusalem, Syria and Mesopotamia?"

Facing the prime minister's reminder, Marshal McMahon echoed his voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we didn't expect this when we signed the alliance treaty. The attitude of the British is very important!"

"It's important!"

Foreign Minister Earl Alexander sneered.

"But what can they do? They tried to prevent us from occupying Libya, but in the face of our toughness, what can they do? It is nothing more than occupying Egypt and trying to stop us by occupying Egypt. Now they just Occupied Egypt, at least in name, which is Turkish land, and they are also the party that invaded Turkey,"

This is the most absurd scene in history-is it absurd to occupy the land of the allies in order to prevent the invasion of the enemy?

But for the United Kingdom, it is a very normal thing, just like the United Kingdom bombarded the navy of its French allies during World War II. Isn't it just saying something brazen to prevent the French navy from surrendering to Germany?

"Your Majesty, Britain may be strong, but Britain is also weak. Its strength stems from the reputation established after Waterloo. Now, it is time to disintegrate Britain's international reputation!"

As the illegitimate son of Emperor Napoleon, Count Alexander could have become the king of Poland, but Napoleon's failure made everything come to naught. He was deeply disgusted with the British who defeated Napoleon.

Of course, as a member of the Napoleon family, he also knows very well that only when Emperor Napoleon IV secures the throne can he keep his current glory and wealth.Count of the Empire, Minister of Foreign Affairs, all because the Emperor of France is a Napoleonic family.

He is worthless without the Second French Empire!
"However, this does not mean that we are going to take risks. We don't know where the bottom line of the UK is!"

Marshal Bazin reminded at the right time.

"What if their bottom line is Egypt?"

Admiral Burnett, the Minister of the Navy, also reminded at the right time that, unlike others, as the Minister of the Navy, he knew very well that once the war with Britain broke out, the Navy would definitely be the vanguard in the limelight.He can't even hide, but the problem is...he has no confidence!
He has no confidence because the French navy is only three-fifths of the British navy. How can the French navy, which is far inferior to the British navy, stop the British navy?
Strength is the root of all confidence.

"The bottom line is Egypt? General, all bottom lines are based on strength. As long as you have enough strength, it is enough to make any country retreat!"

Turning his gaze to His Majesty, Count Alexander continued.

"Now, it's time to send out the invitation as planned, inviting the naval fleets of the four countries to come to France! We want to form our imperial alliance fleet!"

Imperial Alliance Fleet!

This is in the past two years. They have secretly reached an agreement, which is to concentrate the main force of the fleets of the four empires, form an alliance fleet, and then deter the British with sea power no less than that of the United Kingdom.

"The source of all the glory and power of the Great Camp Empire is their navy. As long as we form our alliance fleet, as long as our fleet is stronger than theirs, then we can deter them and force them to make concessions. After all, those British are Very realistic."

Nodding, Napoleon IV said.

"Just do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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