Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 832 Bond, James Bond

Chapter 832 Bond, James Bond (Second update, please subscribe)
The morning sun pierced the darkness of the room with yellow light through the window screen, and this light cut the shadows in the room into strips.

Sunlight and shadow are divided in the bedroom like this.

James Bond, who had already woken up, didn't get up, he just watched the light move slowly, almost imperceptibly, but at the same time unstoppably in the room.There was a table of North American red oak against a gray fireplace, and bookshelves filled with books.

This is his bedroom - simple and... simple!
After lying like this for an unknown how long, James Bond calmly sat up from the bed, enjoying the silence feebly.Hearing the cry of the cuckoo on the Daming alarm clock, Bond smiled slightly, his eyes fixed on it, and fell into some memories.

It was a birthday present from his friend two years ago, his only friend, he was an orphan who had been wandering the streets of Buenos Aires in his early years, and some of his friends, of whom he had only A friend, Little William, who has been following his ass, became an orphan after his father died of illness, and wandered on the streets with him.

In the summer fifteen years ago, a well-dressed gentleman came up to them and asked.

"Would you like to go with me to a place where you can receive education and no longer need to beg for a living?"

Then they went to that school, what kind of school was it?

He didn't know it at the time, but now it seems that it was a spy school, a place where spies were specially trained. He was educated there, British-style education, and gradually he changed from a street waif to a British gentleman.Later, he got the name James Bond, and then came to England...

Then he never heard from Hank again, until he received this gift two years ago.

"He's grown up now too!"

While sighing, time is passing by the cuckoo's cries.James Bond smiled, then shook his head, as if laughing at his unprofessionalism.

As an agent, and the long-term latent kind, what does he need?

Of course it has to be professional enough.

Over the years, James Bond has gotten used to loneliness. He is used to living alone, and he has perfectly concealed his identity—the agent of the Ming Empire Investigation Bureau, code name: 007.

But this is his secret hidden deep in his heart!

As a secret agent lurking here, he must wait for orders from someone who does not know who is on a long-term lurking mission, and eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner strictly according to the time. At the same time, he must work hard like all civil servants. People are more dedicated and diligent, why is this?

It is for promotion, to gain more trust, only in this way can he obtain a higher position and grasp more information.

This is exactly the purpose of his lurking here!
After breakfast in the dining room of his landlady, Mrs. Will, James Bond once again wandered around the city seemingly aimlessly this weekend.At this time, he was a little unable to concentrate, because he had already realized that the world was changing. What is this change?

It's war!
Yes, it is war!
Britain is fully preparing for a war with the four great empires including Ming!
"After they complete their preparations, they will definitely go to war against Daming!"

When he was thinking like this, he was shocked when he found that he had reached Hyde Park in the city center. Because it was the weekend, people came and went in and out of Hyde Park from time to time, and there were many people with umbrellas. Ladies, there are many young women among them, but for James Bond, he has no interest in women at all.

He's used to being alone, and in his opinion, being alone is the best way to stay safe.

It's already 10 o'clock, there are many people in the park, and James Bond has also left the park.As always, Hyde Park has always been a gathering place, apart from the tourists, and it's filled with speakers.

Not long after entering the park, James Bond saw a small group of people. The person standing in the center carried an old hat on his head and pressed it to his eyebrows.He was yelling at the top of his voice.

"Gentlemen, we must fight for our rights. We—the British workers must have pensions and work injury insurance like the workers of Ming Dynasty. God can testify. I have been there. It is like heaven. Workers', common man's paradise..."

Listening to that person's speech, James Bond felt his whole body vibrate.

"Look, what do we have here? It's poverty, it's misery, it's neglect..."

He frowned, because in an instant, James Bond was homesick again, he missed Daming, which was his country!
It was that country that rescued him from the street, so that he would not die on the street due to disease or beating like other street children.Reminiscing about the plants and trees in the school and the Daming in his dream, James Bond sat on a wooden chair by the side of the road. When he was deep in thought, suddenly, a charming voice beside him sounded.

"Sir, what you are thinking about must be a very beautiful thing!"

Turning his head to look, what came into view was a girl with freckles on her nose. The girl was beautiful in appearance, but she was very delicate. She was well-dressed, making people feel that she was a very educated girl.

"Yes, miss, the most beautiful thing!"

James Bond smiled, and his smile made the girl's face blush, he is so handsome!

"Can you tell me, sir."


Facing the girl's request, James Bond did not refuse. With a smile on his face, he did not describe the Daming in his dream like the girl, but described his ignorance about love.While talking, his eyes kept looking at the girl in front of him, and he could feel her fascination with him.

But... this is a task.

The target of the task is the girl in front of her. Her father is a high-ranking government official. In the future, her father may even have the chance to become the prime minister. With his support, he can easily obtain a higher position. Then?

Looking at the girl, James Bond showed off his charm to his heart's content, while the girl looked at him with eyes full of love.It seems that at this moment, the disturbances in the world have nothing to do with them...

"My name is Alice, where are you?"

The girl looked at the man in front of her with fascinated eyes and asked.

"Bond, James Bond!"

A charming smile appeared on his face...

(End of this chapter)

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