Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 837 Daming, this father is very strong

Chapter 837 Daming, this father is very strong (third update, please subscribe)
Dad is very strong!
Just how strong is Daming's father?

It can be said that along the way, Li Shiying's biggest impression was Daming's greatness and strength.

Big, from Japan to the mainland tens of thousands of miles away, there are many ports and cannons along the way.

Strong, isn't the warship seen along the way strong!
And now?

From the moment he set foot on Linhai Port, Li Shiying suffered an unprecedented blow.

"Master Chen, this port is paved with boulders?"

The reason why Li Shiying asked this question is because the seemingly stone-built ground is flat and there is no trace of splicing. What is this?Is it paved with a boulder?

"Haha, this is reinforced concrete, the same material as the house is built,"

Chen Haodong, who was in charge of receiving the North Korean party, laughed.

"This material can be used not only to build roads, but also to build houses. The tall buildings you see are basically made of reinforced concrete. It is made of cement, sand and gravel... ..."

"So what is cement?"

"It's just a kind of mortar with very fine particles, which can become as hard as a stone by adding water and sand. After adding steel inside, the structure will be stronger."

Add steel to the house?
Is it steel for making weapons?

This is simply unbelievable...

Li Shiying pursed his lips but was speechless, and he spoke after a while.

"The prosperity of the Celestial Dynasty is beyond the comprehension of my servants of a small state. It makes my lord laugh."

Why does he think so, because Tiegui!
At least in North Korea, iron is very expensive, and steel is even more expensive, but in Daming, they can use steel to build houses. Isn't this rich.

Later, when they got into the car, Li Shiying couldn't help but grabbed his thigh when the car was moving-the car doesn't need a horse, is this a train?

No, it's a car.

A car that burns gasoline.

Afterwards, they kept driving in this strange city for North Koreans.What was presented before their eyes was a completely different city. The difference from the dirty Seoul full of rubbish was that although a few streets were full of people and bustling with people, the streets were clean and tidy, and everyone was well dressed. As far as the eye can see, there are no poor people in ragged clothes, and of course they can see that kind of low thatched cottage.

There are trams coming and going all over the road.It runs on wide avenues, with some cars and more people on bicycles, and the streets are full of cars.

Is this Daming?

This is Daming!
A big, strong and rich Ming.

That night, in the hotel room where Li Shiying and his party stayed, standing by the window, looking out the window at the city that looked like a city that never sleeps, Li Shiying was speechless for a long time, and it took him a long time to speak. "Today I know why Liu Xingzhai said that this is the true Taoyuan of Ming Dynasty. Although he has just come here, what he said is true!"

Liu Shengzhai is Liu Zhongjiao. Ever since he returned to North Korea from Daming, he has always talked about Daming. If Liu Zhongjiao was a Ming fan before, then now he has become Daming's licking dog, and he still kneels. The licking kind.

"Your Majesty's words are true!"

Pu Guishouwen praised loudly,

"Lord Dayuan, I thought Liu Shengzhai's words were too exaggerated at the beginning. Is there any place in the world where people can eat enough and eat meat every day, but look at the people here with rosy complexions. Look, what Liu Shengzhai said is not only not exaggerating, it may even be restrained!"

"That's right, what Liu Xingzhai is saying now is a bit unbelievable. If we report everything we see, I'm afraid people in the world will only think that he is dreaming!"

"Dream? Can you dream of such a place?"

Li Shiying murmured.

"It's really unbelievable!..."

"It's unbelievable, Mr. Taiyuan,"

Park Guisu said,
"If I don't come to Daming, I don't know that the world has changed so much!"

In fact, they have considered for a long time whether to come to Daming, or else it would not have been delayed for so long. They have been staying in Japan for the past few months, especially whether they want to come to Daming. Think about it for almost half a year.

But now?
They even felt that it was a little late. Why did they feel this way? It was not just because Daming satisfied their imagination of the peach blossom garden.

From ancient times to the present, all human beings have always fantasized about a beautiful heaven, also called heaven, which is called Utopia in the West, and in the East, Tao Yuanming's Peach Blossom Spring is just such a fantasy.There is no rich or poor, no oppression, and everyone with yellow hair and curly hair is happy.

But what is presented to them now seems to be that Utopia, that Peach Blossom Spring.In this place, people's life is not worry about food and clothing.

But for this group of exiles, this is not the most important thing.They don't even care about the lives of ordinary people at all, after all, they are not the kind of scholars who are immersed in the peach blossom garden.

Who are they?

They are a group of officials, a group of officials who have failed in the political struggle. The reason why they came here is to seek the help of Ming Dynasty, return to North Korea with the help of Ming Dynasty, and seize their rights.

What they see is not Utopia, nor is it Peach Blossom Land. What they see is a very powerful kingdom of heaven. It doesn’t matter how the people in this kingdom live. What matters is that the kingdom of heaven has the ability to help them return to North Korea. .

This is the most important.

But this does not prevent them from looking at this strange country in an extremely shocking way.For these people from North Korea, they are almost equivalent to suddenly stepping from one world to another world, which is beyond their comprehension and also unimaginable.

Whether it is the city that never sleeps now, or the skyscrapers, or the electric light, hot water, phonograph, and telephone in this room, all of these are new things that they have never heard of.

It is also the impact that these new things have brought to each of them is unimaginable, and it has also changed in this way, especially for Li Shiying. .


Gazing at the dreamlike city outside the window, Li Shiying's gaze became more and more complicated, and his mood even became a little hard to describe.

Just at this moment, someone on the side said.

"Before we couldn't figure out why the Japanese wanted to please Daming in every possible way. Now, we finally understand that the reason why the Japanese are like this is that we know a thing or two just by looking at this city. How can the wealth of Daming not make people fascinated?"

Daming is indeed fascinating... But how will Daming treat North Korea now?

In other words, how to treat him as an exile?

Now he is not the ruler of North Korea.It's an insignificant exile. For Li Shiying, why did he escape here?
There is only one reason, and that is to hope to use the power of Daming to return to North Korea and regain his power.

Daming must have this power.Especially after coming to Daming's homeland and witnessing the powerful side of Daming, Li Shiying did not doubt this.

In his opinion, even Da Ming only needs to send a warship to help him regain power, not just because of the name "Da Ming".

But because of the unparalleled national power of the Celestial Dynasty!
They only need to move their fingers a little, and they can help him like they helped Japan.

But, will Daming help him?

Chances are.But why did Daming help him?What will he use to convince Daming to help him regain power,
Standing by the window and staring at the city outside, Li Shiying couldn't help but fell into silence.He didn't know what bargaining chip he had in his hand to persuade Daming to help him.

After all, in this world, no matter what you want, you have to pay a price...

(End of this chapter)

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