Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 840 Daming, that is the enemy of all nations

Chapter 840 Daming, That's the Enemy of All Nations (Second Update, please subscribe)
Dignity of the Brazilian Empire!
What is this?
Daming doesn't care at all, okay?Even if there is such a thing, it is just placed under the feet and trampled on.

"This is a conspiracy!"

In the royal palace in Rio de Janeiro, Pedro II said loudly in an excited tone.

"They attacked our army and asked us to explain, did they really think that the Brazilian Empire had no dignity of its own?"

Why is Pedro II so annoyed?
To put it bluntly, it is because Daming is really deceiving people too much!
How could you be so deceptive?
Because Daming submitted a protest to them about the border conflict, accusing the Brazilian army of attacking and robbing Ming merchants.

is this real?

But they only killed one civilian, but thirteen soldiers of the Brazilian army died under the guns of the Ming army!
"Your Majesty, what is certain is that this is a provocation. They are provoking Brazil! They even ordered us to withdraw from the land ceded by Paraguay within one month. They..."

"Damn yellow people!"

Pedro II said in an indignant tone.

"Do they really think Brazil will be afraid of them? Will they back down without dignity like the damn Americans?"

The pride inherited from the Portuguese made it difficult for Pedro II, the emperor of Brazil, to accept the threat in front of him.

"Your Majesty, we must express our attitude!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, now Da Ming is testing, testing our bottom line. Their fleet is in the Mediterranean, and together with the French, they have formed a huge fleet. What do we need? It is to show them an attitude—— Brazil will never give in!"

Marshal Caxias' proposal was endorsed by Prince Gaston and other generals, and their inner pride made it difficult for them to make concessions.

"Then what should we do?"

"Send our fleet to Montevideo! Now the main force of their fleet is in the Mediterranean, and there are only two Nanhua-class fleets in the local fleet. Our fleet is more deterrent!"

It seems that this is a very good suggestion. Montevideo is located on the east bank of the Rio de la Plata, basically across the river from Yingtian. This is definitely a powerful response.

The Brazilian's response was forceful!

Almost the day after Song Zhelun met with the Brazilian foreign minister, Brazil announced that it would send a fleet to Montevideo, Uruguay.

For Brazil's decision, the United States, as far away as the North American continent, expressed support for the first time.For a long time, the relationship between the United States and Brazil has been extremely close. The United States has always hoped to turn Brazil into their foothold and ally in South America. After all, the Spanish-speaking regions of America have been hostile to the United States for many years.After all, the United States has cut off a large area of ​​land from Mexico and once conquered Mexico City.

Of course, in this incident, the Spanish-speaking countries in the Americas also expressed their support for the Brazilian Empire.

After all, the establishment of the Ming Empire was based on two Spanish-speaking countries that had been destroyed—Chile and Argentina.

To some extent, the current Ming Dynasty is almost the enemy of all countries in the American continent.Fortunately, Daming's military strength is strong enough, otherwise it is estimated that it would have faced the siege of many countries!
Now that Brazil has stepped forward, those countries that have always been hostile to Ming Dynasty have of course expressed their approval and support.

However, most of their support is lip service. After all, only Brazil in South America can still challenge Ming Dynasty.

After all, in the past few years, exporting rubber to Brazil can be said to have made a fortune.

"In the name of the safety of the empire!"

Under this name, the Brazilian Imperial Navy dispatched its most powerful armored fleet—four Riachuelo-class battleships. The tonnage is only 6800 tons, and it has two twin ten-inch turrets. It seems to be similar to the "Linhai Class", but its speed is only 16 knots.

The Riachuelo-class battleship is the Brazilian Navy's response to Ming's rapidly expanding sea power. Its fourth ship, the "São Paulo", has even been in service for less than 6 months.

The fleet consisting of four battleships and four cruisers had just sailed out of the naval port and headed for Montevideo, and Da Ming had already received the corresponding information.

Faced with such a provocation, Emperor Zhu directly summoned the Brazilian ambassador to Ming Dynasty and said - this is war.

"Your Majesty, this is for the safety and dignity of the Brazilian Empire!"

Brazilians are stubborn, even proud.

It was also their pride that made Emperor Zhu laugh in his heart. This was the excuse he had been waiting for for a long time!
"You must understand that on the issue of national security, the daimyo will never make any compromises or concessions."

Then there was no more, and a meeting broke up unhappy.

"What are the plans for the navy now?"

Standing in the battle map room of the palace, Emperor Zhu spoke without looking back.He bowed forward and looked down at the huge chart on the table, ignoring Rear Admiral Lei Minghui, the naval commander of the local fleet. Like Lin Yuehu and other admirals, he was from the "ghost fleet", but he always He did not have the opportunity to participate in naval battles, but unlike other generals, he went to the UK to study the navy nine years ago, and was a trainee in the British navy.

"Our plan is to use submarines,"

Walking directly to the chart, Lei Minghui said.

"Now that the Brazilian fleet has just set off, if we send our submarine force, we can directly track and search on the way, and then launch an attack from the bottom of the sea, just like attacking the Argentine Navy back then, sending them into the bottom of the sea with torpedoes. According to the submarine force In the past evaluations, we only need to deploy one team, that is, nine submarines, and we are sure to send them all to the bottom of the sea. Our battle plan is like this, first choose a suitable ambush point..."

When explaining the navy's battle plan, Lei Minghui's mind became more and more concentrated, his hoarse Mandarin with a Hubei accent became lower and lower, his shaved bald head reflected a little luster under the light, and his eyes sparkled with anticipation shine.As a navy soldier, he shaved his head all the year round like ordinary sailors.

"At the same time, Chen will personally lead the local fleet to carry out the final interception mission after the submarine force launches an attack, striving to completely destroy the Brazilian Navy in World War I."

From submarines to capital ships, and even torpedo boats, Lei Minghui's plan is full of full use of various weapons. Using two battleships and several cruisers to fight against a more powerful opponent requires galloping. Whimsy, all kinds of unexpected decisions need to be made, only in this way can the victory of the war be won.

What is the most powerful imperial navy?
Never warships, but technology!

Technology is the source of combat effectiveness of the Imperial Navy, and this is also the core of Lei Minghui's combat plan.

Whether it is a submarine, a torpedo boat, or a rapid-fire gun on a ship, the core is technology, and what Lei Minghui needs is to give full play to his own advantages.

After thinking for a while, Lei Minghui added.

"In order to prevent accidents, I also plan to send the airship of the floating force to the warring sea area, use the air tracking method to track the Brazilian warship and prevent it from escaping, keep in touch with the fleet by installing a radio station on the airship, and use the airship to guide the fleet Hitting the target, of course, has some risk, but it prevents someone from slipping through the cracks."

From the bottom of the sea to the sea, and then to the airship... It's almost the three-dimensional battle of the sea and air in the 19th century!

"This plan is really good. Coordinated sea and air operations are almost equivalent to rewriting the navy's combat mode, but..."

While speaking, Emperor Zhu raised his head, looked at Major General Lei Minghui and said.

"I have another suggestion, see if you are sure to implement it!"

(End of this chapter)

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