Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 847 The Awakening of the New Citizens of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 847 The Awakening of the New Citizens of the Ming Dynasty (Second Update, please subscribe)
"Extraordinary! Extraordinary!...Big news! The Ming Empire has declared war on the Brazilian Empire!...Extraordinary! Extraordinary!...Big news! The Empire's floating troops launched an air strike on the Brazilian fleet in Montevideo!..."

That afternoon, in the streets and alleys of various cities in Ming Dynasty, countless newspaper sellers shouted the same voice.People poured out from all over the place, snatching up the newspapers in the hands of the newspaper sellers, scrambling for the newly printed newspapers.

War broke out!
The Ming Empire has declared war on Brazil!

The reason for declaring war is—"In view of the Brazilian Empire's covetous ambitions towards Ming Dynasty, to ensure the safety of the [-] million citizens of the Ming Empire..."

Yes, Ming declared war on Brazil because Brazil sent a fleet to attack Ming, and Ming was counterattacking in self-defense.

This is just self-defense counterattack!

"Did you see it? I knew that war would be declared! The dignity of the empire cannot be offended. Since the Brazilians occupy our land and kill our people, we dare not even give a fart. So what is the face of the empire?"

In the classroom of Linhai No. [-] Middle School, Wang Jingchu raised the newspaper in his hand and said excitedly to the students in the classroom.

"That's right, as I said a long time ago, the recovery of Paraguay must be withdrawn, even Uruguay should be merged into Ming Dynasty, otherwise, what is the safety of the capital!"

"It's all right now, war is finally declared!"

"Join the army, students! Go to the battlefield and fight those damned slave owners! How dare you attack us? Let the Brazilians try our strength!"

When Liang Dong shouted from the side, he even adjusted his glasses.

"I said four eyes, you four eyes are still going to the battlefield? Be careful that your glasses fell off, and you ran into other people's positions regardless of the enemy or yourself, haha, then if you become a prisoner, it would be really embarrassing and embarrassing. what."

Liang Dong, who was originally excited, poured such a basin of cold water on his face, his passionate expression immediately turned red, and immediately sat down on the premise and said clearly:
"Who says you can't join the army if you're short-sighted? Me, wouldn't it be enough if I tied my glasses with a rubber cord? As for the prisoner-of-war camp, you can enjoy it by yourself!"

"Haha, compared to enjoying it in a prisoner-of-war camp, it's better to die with the enemy at that time, and then see you at the martyr's temple!"

"See you at the Martyr's Shrine?"

Zheng Haisheng immediately said with a strange smile:
"I said, students, what's there to argue about? Isn't it a declaration of war with Brazil? It's definitely not our turn to go to the battlefield! It's just a small Brazil. I guess, before we start school during the holidays, this battle will be fought It's over."

His words immediately aroused a burst of approval. It seemed that in the eyes of everyone, fighting Brazil was not worth mentioning at all.

"That's right, with the Imperial Army and Navy here, the Brazilian army is nothing to mention!"

"War is never easy."

Listening to the students' views on the war, Xu Guodong felt uncomfortable all over, and said coldly:
"No matter how weak the enemy is, you must go all out to win. If you are not careful, you will definitely die in the end!"

"Dead people, when will you not die in war, die for the country, die well, die for benevolence, meet again at the Martyr's Shrine, this is the honor of a soldier!"

Wang Jingchu said a little excitedly.

"As citizens of the empire, we should serve the country during this war. Join the army and serve the country!" His words immediately aroused a burst of echo from the surroundings. The students in the middle school were all young and energetic. The new generation of young people are never afraid of sacrifice, and even years of military training have long made them eager for war.

Just like now, although it is a holiday, the reason why they gather at the school is because of the military training during the holiday. All the men in Ming Dynasty have to undergo military training. This has been a habit for many years, and even middle school students need to receive elementary military command training.

"By the way, Xu Guodong, isn't your dad in the army? When will their troops leave?"

Xu Guodong's father is an army officer, and his family lives in the garrison base village. When the students mentioned his father, his mind sank, and then he said.

"When I came to school in the morning, he was still at home, which may have been a little sudden."

"Down with the Brazilian slaveholders! ... Long live the Empire! ..."

At this moment, bursts of slogans came in from outside, and the sound was heard from the direction outside the school.

"Hey, tell me, should we go and have a look?"

Hearing the voices outside, Wang Jingchu couldn't sit still. He likes to join in the fun.

Soon, Wang Jingchu and his classmates went outside the school. The streets outside the school had become a sea of ​​jubilation. Tens of thousands of young people held the sun and moon flags high. They shouted and shouted slogans on the streets.Everyone looked very excited.

These youths gathered on the streets spontaneously. They were expressing their loyalty to the empire in this way, and of course they also expressed their support for the war.

The scene in front of them made many people dumbfounded, especially those who had just been in Daming for a short time. It was difficult for them to understand why the people of Daming were so enthusiastic when facing the war.

Not in the face of war, but in loyalty to the country!


On this day, all parts of Daming turned into a sea of ​​boiling water, not only young people, but also many middle-aged people, they also took to the streets, roaring and roaring loudly along with the people.


Facing threats from foreign countries, the people of Ming Dynasty chose very directly. They chose to take up arms to defend Ming Dynasty and their homeland.In the past ten years, Daming has been doing everything possible to instill a kind of concept into the people of the country through public opinion and education - the concept of patriotism and nationalism.

All this is unfamiliar to them. After all, before that, most Chinese people only had family and clan in their hearts, and at most they had a regional concept.

Apart from that, they have no other ideas.It is precisely because of this that in another world, they are called a piece of loose sand.

In the past ten years, Daming has taught them what is a country, what is a family, what is a nation, and what is a compatriot through education. "loose sand".

Instead, they continue to awaken the group and group consciousness in their hearts through various methods.

The power of the common people!
It is the most powerful force in the world, but in this era, China has not been valued by people, and of course, it has not been awakened.Even Emperor Zhu himself didn't know if education could awaken this power!

And now?

When the Ming Empire declared war on foreign countries for the first time, their people showed unprecedented enthusiasm when facing foreign enemies. Their enthusiasm came from the heart, and their enthusiasm also came from the heart.

This enthusiasm stems from the recognition of the Chinese nation, from the inner view of the nation and compatriots, and from the loyalty to the Ming Empire.

On this day, all the cities of Ming Dynasty were in the midst of turbulent waves—the turbulent waves were the shouts of the people, made up of thousands of ordinary people, they were pushing forward like waves, and this wave was moving forward. Pushing forward, towards the future...

(End of this chapter)

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