Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 851 The Father of World Aviation

Chapter 851 The Father of World Aviation (Second Update, please subscribe)
Protect heavy bomber airships with battle airships!
Is this point of view new?

It must have been very new in 1876. After all, airships have only been in combat for six years now.

"If you have a spear, you need a shield!"

Emperor Zhu said directly.

"If the sky is the sea, the bombing airship is a combat ship, and the combat airship is a lightning strike ship. It can launch torpedoes to attack the bombing airship, and it can also intercept the opponent's combat airship before the combat airship approaches. The combat airship is not only a spear for attacking the enemy's airship. , it is also a shield to protect your own airship..."

This tactical idea is fresh!
It is definitely a point of view that was born out of nowhere. In the World War I in another world, Emperor Zhu can become the "father of air combat" based on this point of view.

"Your Majesty, what is this Helicarrier?"

"It is a warship equipped with an airship. The airship can be lifted directly from the ship. It can not only intercept the airship, but also bomb the enemy ship from a long distance."

It is the airship version of an aircraft carrier. Emperor Zhu has already thought about it. Just like the aircraft carrier in another world, it will be directly replaced by a coal carrier.

"Helicarriers cooperate with the fleet and can be mixed in the fleet."

This is the floating battle group!
I'm a little excited just thinking about it!

Then Emperor Zhu mentioned special transport airships, bombing airships, and of course miniaturized reconnaissance airships. In a word, all the roles in later generations of aircraft are all arranged.

In this way, a complete floating aircraft system is naturally formed.Following His Majesty's explanation, Wang Xinyue's nervous expression became more and more joyful. With the establishment of such a floating system, wouldn't that be the spring of floating troops?
Just when Wang Xinyue was imagining the further expansion of the floating troops and imagining various types of airships, his Majesty's words suddenly made him a little confused.

"However, no matter what, the airship will still be eliminated."

"What! Your Majesty!"

Wang Xinyue said in astonishment.

"What is eliminated? How could the airship be eliminated? Is there any new aircraft?" "There must be new aircraft, but they are not airships. Airships have no future." Emperor Zhu completely ignored Wang Xinyue's astonishment. While writing something in the notebook with a pen, he replied,

"A new type of aircraft is called an airplane."


The glider immediately appeared in Wang Xinyue's mind.

"Glider? We have tested that thing. Although it can fly for an hour or two, it has too many restrictions, and there is no maneuverability in the air at all."

airplane?I think it's called flying chicken, which is more or less...

"That's because the glider doesn't have power, and with power it's a completely different thing."

Emperor Zhu laughed,

"Because it is a machine that can fly, it is called an airplane."

"Flying machines? Your Majesty, do we have them now?"


It seems that I used more than a ton of aluminum over there, and I haven't produced a qualified engine so far, and the plane seems to be far away!

When he was thinking about how to speed up the development of the aircraft, Wang Xinyue asked curiously as if he had discovered something new:

"Your Majesty, I'm a little confused!"

"you say?"

"Since His Majesty said that airships have no future? Then why did you propose to vigorously develop airships? And formulated a plan to develop new types of transport airships, bomber airships, reconnaissance airships, and combat airships? What is this floating carrier?"

"Oh, this one, this one is for the British and foreigners!"

Emperor Zhu explained with a smile,
"Airships have no future, so it is most suitable for foreigners to develop. In the past, although the British developed airships, they found that airships did not seem to be as powerful as they imagined, that is, they can blow up cities. If only one The use of airships must be very limited, so we need to form a system. This time, the airships successfully attacked warships. The most sensitive ones must be the British. Of course, other countries whose naval strength is not as strong as the UK will definitely develop airships. Well, it takes a lot of money to develop airships. Of course, the most important thing is to bring in the British..."

Pulling Britain into an "arms race" that is doomed to be eliminated has always been the idea of ​​Emperor Zhu. However, after selling those airships, the British were very disappointing. They only built less than 150 airships. It only cost a few million pounds, which is a bit... sorry for the title of the British Empire!

"Now, our airships are performing so well in all aspects. In order to maintain their maritime superiority, the British will definitely increase their investment in airships. After they learn that we have Helicarriers to protect the fleet, they will definitely pay more attention. It will develop and build corresponding floating carriers to protect the fleet. If these projects are added together, at least tens of millions of pounds will be invested, and the more the British spend on the airship project, the more they will spend on surface ships, underwater ships and aircraft. The less we spend on the car, and this is our chance to overtake them and achieve cornering overtaking.”

Overtaking a corner!

This is why Emperor Zhu wanted to click on the wrong British technology tree. Ming wanted to rise, not only to seize the favorable opportunity of the second industrial revolution, but also to lead the enemy on the wrong path. Only the enemy went astray On the road, Daming can be far ahead of them on the Kangzhuang Avenue.

Leading the enemy to the wrong path and making the enemy have nowhere to go, this is the real magic weapon to win the competition between countries!
Just some technological first-mover advantages may not necessarily be able to maintain an overall advantage. The most important thing is to focus on the technology tree of the enemy country.

Of course, if you want to distort their technology tree, you must invest a certain amount of money yourself, but compared to the UK, Daming only needs to handle pioneering investments.

"Your Majesty, this, this..."

Faced with His Majesty's total negation of the airship, Wang Xinyue, the chief of staff of the floating force, obviously couldn't accept it, he said directly.

"I think, since the airplane your majesty mentioned has not yet come out, how can your majesty assert that airships have no future?"

Combining the proposal drafted by His Majesty, Wang Xinyue chose to be a direct minister—resolutely defend the development of the floating force.

"The power of the airship is obvious to all. I believe that we should vigorously develop the airship according to His Majesty's draft. As for the aircraft, it is not too late to talk about it after it is developed!"

Wang Xinyue's answer made Emperor Zhu speak seriously.

"The's okay to use when you have air dominance, otherwise, it's almost useless..."

(End of this chapter)

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