Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 871 True love is sacrificed

Chapter 871 True love is meant to be sacrificed (second update, please subscribe)
Edward Henry Stanley has already said this. If Benjamin, the Prime Minister of the British Empire, can't understand it, then he is almost done as the Prime Minister of the Empire!
"Indeed, it is more necessary now that we are the United States..."

Benjamin nodded and said.

"We should support the United States and support the expansion of the United States into Mexico. Even if the United States occupies Mexico, there is no problem, at least it is better than him in the hands of Ming. When the United States expands into Mexico, then the Americans will become our support, To prevent the Great Ming Empire from throwing their power into other battlefields competing for world hegemony! The power of our Four Nations Alliance has also undergone a fundamental change!"

"That's right!"

Edward smiled coldly,
"This is why, I would say, the United States is our natural ally, and it is also our most worthy ally... No matter what you say, the Americas are far away from the British mainland. It is impossible for us to send the fleet to the Americas to fight against Ming Dynasty, especially It is under the threat of France, Russia and Austria-Hungary, but we can support the United States and use the contradiction between the United States and Ming Dynasty to make the Americans the main force to prevent the expansion of Ming Dynasty, and the United States also has this willingness, at least they know They are aware of Daming's threat!"

Edward's words made Benjamin nod in agreement:

"It's true. The United States is constantly expanding their navy. If the size of the US navy is comparable to that of Ming Dynasty, then Ming's navy may join the Imperial Alliance Fleet!"


Having been silent all the time, Admiral Milne, the Secretary of the Navy, also agreed:
"Yes, according to the naval expansion plan formulated by the United States, they will build 16 to 20 battleships in the next ten years, which is basically equivalent to the capital ships of the Ming Empire... If we can induce the United States to expand into Mexico, Then, in order to protect Mexico, Ming Dynasty will definitely send their fleet, and this makes it impossible for their naval power to be invested in Europe, and the Royal Navy can completely defeat the French Navy..."

For a long time, the Royal Navy has always been the strength of the British Empire, which is why other countries dare not challenge him... But under the manipulation of Emperor Zhu, the fleets of France, Ming, Russia and Austria-Hungary were caged together. Scare the British directly!
There is no way, the strength of this world is supreme!

Of course, the Royal Navy has also considered that the four empires may not join forces directly, but the question is who dares to take risks?

Especially the owner of a big family and a big business, he dare not take risks!After all, those who wear shoes are really afraid of going barefoot.If you lose, then you have nothing.

Therefore, now Britain is also eager to have their "Allied Navy".Especially for Admiral Milne, the Secretary of the Navy, he can't wait to directly pull Germany, the United States, and Italy to sell them the best warships, and then the big guys will join forces to deal with the "Alliance of Four Emperors".

Now, with the addition of the United States, General Milne, who was a little weak at first, immediately became full of confidence.

"There are also Germany and Italy. No matter what, we must win over them!"

Admiral Milne is not a diplomat, but he is a soldier, and he can settle accounts. Relying on Britain alone, it is certain that it will not be able to win those four countries.

"Yes, especially Germany! Compared with Italy, Germany's strength is stronger. The reason why Bismarck's attitude is ambiguous is because we basically fight alone."

When mentioning Bismarck, Edward sneered.

"So he worried that we were not the opponents of the "Alliance of Four Emperors", but as the United States on the other side of the ocean joined the alliance and became an ally of the United Kingdom, the balance of power has undergone a fundamental change! In addition to Italy, our strength is very important. The four countries have formed initial advantages, and the joining of Germany will allow us to form a comprehensive advantage, national strength and sea power, this is an all-round advantage!"

All-round advantages!

Isn't this the reason why Britain can't raise its confidence when facing the "Alliance of Four Emperors", because now the "Alliance of Four Emperors" has all-round advantages over Britain.Through alliances, the British Empire regained this advantage.

"But, this matter is not easy!"

Benjamin said with a serious face:

"Even if we only consider it from a diplomatic point of view, the United States does need us more, but we must also see that the relationship between us and the United States is not that friendly, and many Americans are full of hostility towards the United Kingdom. After all , the land of the United States was split from the British Empire, under such circumstances, how could the U.S. Congress pass a bill to form an alliance with the British Empire?"

This is the most realistic question.

The United States is full of hostility to Ming Dynasty, but it does not mean that the United States is very friendly to Great Britain. In fact, many American politicians have always been wary of Britain. In their view, Britain is the biggest threat to the United States, even They were always worried that one day Britain would invade America.

You know, the White was only painted white after the British were burned.

In this case, an alliance with Great Britain... is it possible!

Edward followed the Prime Minister's words and said:

"So we should do everything possible to make Americans realize the threat of Ming Dynasty and convince them that Ming Dynasty's threat to the United States is imminent. As for Britain? There may have been some unhappiness between us, but that is all in the past, at least We are all of the same race, we are all Anglo-Saxons, and what about Daming? They are all Asians, of the yellow race..."

Once again, Edward mentioned race, which is of course his inner thoughts. In his opinion, the rise of Ming Dynasty is the greatest threat to white people and European civilization.

"Judging from the current situation, this is entirely possible! After all, the United States has the deepest hostility towards Ming Dynasty, and many politicians in the United States also regard Mexico as a threat, and even many American people have struggles. will! We can strengthen this kind of propaganda through the American press, and convince Americans that Ming Dynasty is the biggest threat to the United States.”

Benjamin nodded slightly.

"Indeed, we can indeed work hard in this area. After all, ordinary people are the easiest to be fooled!"

"That's right, they don't have their own consciousness at all, and their understanding of the world is easily influenced by news and newspapers. All we need to do is, by funding some anti-Ming journalists and newspapers in the United States, in the newspapers It may even take a few months to publish anti-Ming news, and those American countrymen will regard Ming as the biggest threat to the United States."

Prime Minister Benjamin nodded and said:

"Well, let's do it! We must use the blood of the Americans to safeguard the fundamental interests of the British Empire. The sacrifices of the Americans are valuable! They once betrayed the British Empire, but now, their blood will Make up for it all!"

Look... this is proper true love!

It is the true love of the British Empire for the United States...

"Is there a suitable candidate? Edward?"

asked Benjamin.

"Of course, Prime Minister, I have selected several suitable candidates!"

(End of this chapter)

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