Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 879 Cocktails from Russia

Chapter 879 Cocktails from Russia (Second update, please subscribe)
Bombardment, infantry attack!

This is not a six-character secret formula for the Ming army to fight, but a universally applicable truth!
In this regard, no one will doubt.

Especially after Daming invented the mortar, it simply changed the way of warfare for hundreds of years. The tactic of queuing up and shooting was simply death in front of the mortar.

Bombardment, infantry attack.

It is the most typical army tactic at present.

However, Alexander was not satisfied, he shook his head and said.

"Major, our siege artillery has been shelling the fortress, but we all know that Fortress Previn is a very large fortress, and there are a lot of trenches and barbed wire fences around the fortress, and we haven't even been able to break through the perimeter until now. Moreover, Pleven is surrounded by valleys and hills, which is more conducive to the defensive side. They only need a small trench and a few machine guns to stop tens of thousands of troops from attacking, and even if we use siege The guns are only attacking bit by bit, and we need to end the battle in Pleven as soon as possible."

Why end it as soon as possible?

Because Russia needs money!
Although Russian bonds are still selling well in the markets of European countries, one thing is certain is that once the offensive is frustrated, Russian bonds will collapse immediately, and all banks will refuse to buy Russian war bonds.

By that time, it will be difficult for Russia to continue the war.

Faced with the tsar's inquiry, Li Bin fell silent. How could he quickly conquer the fortress?
"Your Majesty, we can still use airships."

General Skobelev suggested from the side.

"If we use heavy bombs, we can completely destroy their fortress like the Ming army!"

"The situation is different."

Li Bin shook his head directly and said.

"When we entered Uruguay, we encountered brick and stone fortresses with no defensive depth at all. As long as the fortress itself was destroyed, the Brazilian defense collapsed. Their defenders were less than 3000 people. In Pleven, Turkey There are 5 people, and their defense is ten kilometers deep..."

What is the Russian army facing now?
It is a trench fortification similar to the trenches of World War I. Barbed wire, trenches and fortresses form a deep fortress defense system, but there are slightly fewer machine guns and cannons.

Even in World War I, it can withstand the 12-inch cannon, not because of how strong the fortress is, but because the outer system of the fortress is large enough.

If you want to win it, you have to eat it with your life little by little.

After thinking for a while, Li Bin thought of the air cannons and incendiary bombs he had used in the war with the Argentine army. The incendiary bombs seemed to have a very good effect on trench fortifications.

"Your Majesty, maybe we can consider using incendiary bombs!"

"What? Molotov cocktails?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I know we don't have many incendiary bombs, but we don't have to use standard incendiary bombs."

Li Bin walked to the map table, supported the map table and pointed to the outer positions of the fortress.

"We can use oil barrels as incendiary bombs. It's very easy. Since airships can drop bombs, we can also airdrop oil barrels. We only need to put a few pieces of white phosphorus in the oil barrels as a fuze, and the oil barrels will fall from the airship to the ground. After being broken, the white phosphorus loses its water seal and will ignite spontaneously in the air, thus igniting the flowing oil. I think it is best to use the waste oil after extracting kerosene. It is more viscous than gasoline and kerosene, and can continue to burn. It goes everywhere, so does the oil, it will flow into the trenches and pour into the fortifications, I think it should be able to play a certain role!"

Li Bin's suggestion made Tsar Alexander II and other generals all shine.

There are so many in Russia!

Waste oil, hundreds of thousands of tons of waste oil was thrown away in Baku that year. The waste oil extracted from kerosene and gasoline has no use at all except to extract asphalt. If it can be used on the battlefield, it is simply It's perfect!

Even Li Bin, who made this suggestion, did not know what kind of changes his proposal would bring to the war, but in the next few days, thousands of tons of waste oil were sent to Moldova and then loaded into airships , in the past five years, Russia has established a huge airship force consisting of 116 airships by importing from Ming Dynasty and self-made. However, they did not play much role in this war. The use of airships is still at the level of the Franco-Prussian War - throwing aviation darts or using Gatling to shoot ground targets.

This time, under Li Bin's suggestion, wooden oil drums were loaded into the cabin of the boat one by one, and each oil drum was filled with 158 liters of waste oil. , those airship crews doubted its usefulness.

"God forbid, they really do work!"

The captains of the airship even cursed loudly during prayers.

"Damn it, I told you, throw away your matches and tobacco, we'll all burn to death if you ignite the barrels..."

Soon, the airship formation consisting of fifty airships left the airship field, and they flew towards the Previn Fortress from an altitude of one thousand meters. After a few hours, they arrived at the Previn Fortress.

"Get everyone in the bunker, the Russians are bombing with their airships!"

After discovering the Russian airship at the observation post, Osman Nuri, the commander of the Ottoman army, came to the top of the fortress when he gave the order, and observed the airship troops in the distance from the top.

"How wonderful it would be if I had so many airships!"

Compared with Russia, Turkey only has 26 airships. First, it is because of insufficient money. Second, after many experiments, the Turks don't think airships are very useful at all.

That is to shoot shells from the air and throw nails. As for the bombs, the accuracy is really not high.Even in the face of bombing, the army can avoid bombing by concealing in advance.

In short, the airship is not as powerful as it was when it first appeared. All countries in the world have developed various anti-bombing tactics-to put it bluntly, it is hiding!

Of course, Ming Dynasty's bombing of the Brazilian Navy changed the world's views.It can only be said that after any new weapon is put into the battlefield, it needs the test of time.

Just when Osman Nuri was envious of the Russian airships, he saw through the binoculars that those airships stopped over the "Eagle Fort", 12 kilometers away from the main fortress on the left.

"Pasha, they are hovering. As long as the airship can be aimed at the fortress, standing still, or moving slowly, the bombing accuracy will increase by ten times."

Muhammad Ali was a German who converted to Islam. He was no stranger to airships. He had seen the power of airships as early as in the Franco-Prussian War, but the airships did not seem to be as powerful as he imagined.

"However, this doesn't seem to be of much interest. They should be lowered to about 500 meters, so that the accuracy will be further improved. Of course, at this time, we can shoot airships with rifles. Although this is of no use, it certainly has A certain effect... what?"

Suddenly, Ali's eyes widened in astonishment, and he even put down the binoculars in confusion.

"What were they throwing? Barrels?"

(End of this chapter)

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