Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 899 Ming Imperialism

Chapter 899 Ming Imperialism (Third update, please subscribe)
Sometimes it is not necessary to use guns to conquer a country.

It is also possible to conquer a country with money, and although few would have believed it in 1876, it had already happened, at least in Mexico.

Bank of Mexico is the largest bank in Mexico. Although the bank bears the name "Mexico", its largest shareholder is HSBC Bank of Ming Dynasty. The other shareholders include both the emperor of the empire and the dignitaries of Mexico.

As the president of the bank, Du Guobang came to this country ten years ago. Now he is not only the president of the bank, but also the count of the Mexican Empire.

Glancing again at the report in front of him, he said softly:

"Okay, when this group of rebels is put down, the civil strife in Mexico will be over!"

Civil unrest is over!
The 13-year civil strife is finally coming to an end!

Standing up from his desk, Du Guobang walked across the room and walked to the window, staring at Mexico City downstairs, where people and vehicles were crawling.The headquarter of the bank is located in the central business district of Mexico City. Although it is the most prosperous place in the city, it is backward. There are neither spacious streets nor a city like a city that never sleeps.

Mexico is behind!
There is neither a developed financial industry nor a developed industry here. To a certain extent, Mexico is not much different from before the industrial revolution. People here still seem to be living in another century.

Even though Ming's investors brought modern civilizations such as electric lights, trams, and railways to this place, this place is still backward, but no matter what people who look down on it say, Mexico still brings them extremely rich returns.

"After the civil strife is over, will the emperor try to recover what he lost?"

Staring out the window, although the Chapultepec Castle is not visible here, it does not prevent Du Guobang from having this idea in his heart.

As a banker, Du Guobang is definitely a realist.He understands what this place is - the Mexican Empire, Da Ming came here for more than just economics!

And for control.

To a certain extent, the current daimyo is equivalent to the third mountain in Mexico—big aristocrats, big capitalists, um, and the imperial power of Ming Dynasty.

In the past ten years, Daming has controlled the economic lifeline of this country and earned huge wealth from it.

"If there is no threat of civil unrest, will they let us control everything here?"

In Mexico, Ming has extremely extensive power. On the surface, Mexico is an independent country, but its banks and even its army are directly or indirectly controlled by Ming. Provide weapons assistance and help them train the army. Many Ming soldiers are full of instructors in the army.

Oil fields, railways, silver mines and other mines, in the past ten years, Daming has mastered almost all the economic lifelines of this country.This is also the reason why Ming Dynasty supported the Mexican Empire.

"...We don't want to monopolize Mexico, but use Daming's superior capital to help Mexico develop. This is for the happiness and progress of Mexicans."

Back then, when Du Guobang was dispatched here by the company, Boss Zhu once said to him so hypocritically, don’t care what happens in the future, first put your hand into Mexico and talk about the rest, since the United States can turn Mexico into their For economic colonies, Boss Zhu can do the same.

In fact, at the beginning, it was purely a coincidence that Boss Zhu reached out to Mexico. More than ten years ago, the ambitious Napoleon III launched an armed intervention in Mexico.Anxious to turn Mexico into a satellite state, France chose Maximilian as Mexico's nominal emperor.

However, Emperor Napoleon III, who was ambitious and talented, did everything with a head and no tail. Only a few months after the coronation ceremony of Maximilian I, he sent a signal to abandon Mexico and began to withdraw troops from Mexico.

In order to save her husband's throne, the desperate Mexican Queen Charlotte personally asked for help from France. Her request was directly rejected by Napoleon III, and then she asked for help from European countries, but they were all rejected.

It was at this time that Boss Zhu extended an olive branch, providing loans to Mexico and sending mercenaries. In the end, with the help of Boss Zhu, the Mexican Empire was rescued from the brink of collapse.

And Nanhua and later Daming also received extremely rich returns. Daming's capital penetrated and controlled all aspects of Mexico. To a certain extent, Mexico is Daming's economic colony!

"It seems that we need to see the ambassador!"


When the agave in the glass is turned with the ice cubes, there is a burst of friction in the glass.Li Chengye shook the cup with a smile on his face.

"Are you worried that after the civil strife in Mexico ends, Maximilian I will attack Daming Capital?"

"I do have concerns about that."

In front of the imperial ambassador, Du Guobang said unabashedly,
"You know, in the past ten years, we have controlled almost everything here, from ports to railways, from mines to factories, from banks to insurance companies, from power companies to telegraph companies, so to speak, the capital of Ming Dynasty have taken complete control of the country."

When he said the word "completely", in the ambassador's office, Du Guobang emphasized his tone.

"But it's because they want us, they can't do without our support, economically and militarily, but with the end of the civil strife, everything will end! After all, no country wants foreigners to control their everything!"

It is precisely because of enjoying too many privileges here that there are worries in this regard.After all, everyone knows that a normal country will never allow foreigners to have so many privileges in their country.

"It's not something they can choose!"

Li Chengye went on to say,

"The Mexican Empire is different from other countries. His emperor came from Europe. He became the emperor of Mexico with the support of the French and some royalists. The Republicans are the mainstream of Mexico. This is why, we It took ten years to help them quell the reasons for the civil strife. Although the last large-scale rebels have fled to the north, there are still republican elements in the United States, California, and Texas. The republic..."

Smiling, Li Chengye shrugged his shoulders and said.

"There is a broad foundation in Mexico. At least until the emperor of Mexico carries out corresponding reforms and wins the hearts of the people, the royal family cannot do without our support. After all, those who support him are a minority!"

Leaning on the back of the sofa, Li Chengye said in a positive tone.

"So, no matter what, he will not harm our interests, because they need our support. Only in this way can he secure the throne."

What is the reason for this affirmation and confidence?
Of course it was because of reality, the reality is that the Mexican royal family cannot do without the support of Ming Dynasty, without the support of Ming Dynasty, this so-called empire is likely to collapse immediately.

The ambassador's confident answer did not reassure Du Guobang.

"That's what I said, but we must be vigilant. After all, money is very attractive. As we all know, those royalists are also very jealous of our oil fields. I am worried that they will collude with the republicans for the oil fields. , after all, the oil field, that is the existence of making money every day."

After thinking about it, he said again.

"And the relationship between those royalists and the emperor is also very delicate. At this time, with the benefits of money, they will have enough reasons to betray the emperor, and of course they will betray us."

(End of this chapter)

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