Chapter 9 Good words are hard to persuade, damn ghost (second update, please collect, please recommend)
The perfume smell in the room is very strong!
Strong and even a little pungent, people can't help but wonder if they poured the perfume bottle on themselves, or soaked it in the perfume.

But Zhu Xianhai knew why Major Bellucci wore so much perfume, it was to cover up the rancid smell of syphilis.

Right now, he can only pretend that he didn't smell it. After all, talking too much killed him last time.

"...The Remnant Snow on the Broken Bridge is one of the ten scenic spots of the West Lake. It is said that the White Lady and Xu Xian met on the Broken Bridge,"

"The White Snake and Xu Xian? Who are they?"

"That's another story, ah...Ah Choo."

Finally, under the stimulus of the fragrance, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help but sneezed.When he took the tissue out of his pocket and wiped his nose, he didn't even notice the surprise in their eyes, even though they averted their eyes.

Using paper towels... so advanced!
"Sorry, I seem to be a bit allergic to perfume..."

Glancing at the major's somewhat embarrassed expression, Zhu Xianhai sighed inwardly.

It's not that we don't save you, it's because we can't save you!
I have penicillin, but that stuff sucks!

Thinking so in his heart, thinking of the result of this simulation, Zhu Xianhai said.

"Major, when I was at the exchange, I heard that the Mapuche attacked many settlements. So, does this mean that war has broken out?"

"That is for sure!"

Major Bellucci replied.

"Our war with the Mapuche has been going on for centuries. You may not know that in Argentina, the Mapuche are like the Huns in Roman times. They always attack settlements on horseback. Immigrants will never live in peace if their threat is not eliminated."

The ancestors of the Mapuche people came from the Araucan people who lived in the Andes region. They were known for their bravery and skill in war during the Inca Empire.After the Spaniards conquered the Inca, they naturally became the most troublesome Native Americans.

When herders from the Andalusia region of Spain came to the Pampas grasslands, while developing animal husbandry here, the aborigines who were originally in the gathering stage on the prairie quickly transformed into nomads.

Almost a century and a half ago, the first Mapuche came to the Pampas across the Andes for the horse trade.The bravery of the Mapuche made them easily worshiped by the local Indians. By mixing and intermarrying with the local Indian tribes, the Mapuche became the first conquerors on the Pampas grassland.The Pampas grasslands have become the grasslands of the Mapuche people.

In the Pampas grassland area, the Mapuche people have mastered the combat skills on horseback. They are best at fighting with spears. The Mapuche people who conquered the grassland often attacked the Spanish settlements, so that the Spanish had to fight in Long defensive lines were established in the border areas.The area south of the Viceroyalty of Buenos Aires has therefore never been conquered by Spanish colonists.

After the founding of Argentina, the same is true, and even the Mapuche have repeatedly visited the city of Buenos Aires.

In history, until the breech-loading gun was invented, it took decades for the Argentines to conquer the grasslands, conquer the desert, and solve the threat of the Mapuche by relying on the addition of the breech-loading gun.

But right now, in the face of these prairie warriors holding spears, the Argentines can only be beaten passively.

"...the war, the war with the Mapuche, I really don't know when it will end!"

Principal Bellucci sighed, and then said.

"However, I think the situation of the war will change soon. In the past, the Mapuche roared in, relying on spears and horses, and easily repelled our immigrants and soldiers. No one is their opponent. But now , the revolver is changing all this. With the Colt revolver, soldiers will no longer fear the horses and spears of the Mapuche. Of course, there is also the railway, which can send the army to If we go to the hinterland of the grassland, I can guarantee that we will drive the Mapuche people out of the grassland within twenty years at most."

The tenacious Mapuches finally lost to the Argentines, who had absolute technical advantages.Like the North American Indian conquest war, the railway finally ensured the conqueror's occupation of the land, and advanced weapons guaranteed the Argentines' combat effectiveness.

With those two, you're sure to win!

But it must not be now, otherwise you and your subordinates would not be surrounded, and then your own life and death are unknown, and even killed me,
After thinking about it, Zhu Xianhai said.

"It is true that technological innovation can change everything, but right now, Major, are you worried about the next battle?"

Putting down the knife and fork in his hand, Zhu Xianhai asked.

"I heard that the Mapuche mobilized tens of thousands of people this time. Perhaps, they did not just send troops this time for the purpose of looting. Is it possible that they wanted to find an opportunity to hit you hard? For example, by attacking settlements , to attract your army, then lead you into the encirclement, and then look for an opportunity to attack..."

"This is impossible!"

Major Bellucci said directly.

"Mr. Zhu, you don't know those Mapuche people. They don't have such tactics at all. Those Mapuche people are just barbarians..."

In an instant, Zhu Xianhai lost interest in continuing to persuade.

Good words are hard to persuade, damn it.

Guys like Major Bellucci, who look down on the natives from the bottom of their hearts, won't wake up until they die.

Barbarians don't know tactics?
No, it also made you dare not go south for more than a hundred years.

But even so, Zhu Xianhai still asked Buchardo tentatively.

"Butchardo? There's nothing special about that place, it's just a settlement."

The major shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Like all settlements on the prairie, it is surrounded by endless prairie."

Seeing that her father was not interested in Zhu Xianhai's topic, Marlena changed the subject and asked.

"Sir, just now we talked about the white lady and Xu Xian? Who are they? Can you tell me the story?"

"of course."

With a helpless sigh in his heart, Zhu Xianhai cast his eyes on Marlena and said.

"This story begins with a little shepherd boy saving a white snake from a snake catcher..."

In the following time, Zhu Xianhai recalled the "Legend of the New White Snake" he had watched and told this story. Although the poignant love made Marlena shed tears several times, Bellucci had no interest. Even he was a little absent-minded.

Perhaps, compared to listening to stories, his heart has already flown to the battlefield. After all, for soldiers, the battlefield is their most desired destination.

(End of this chapter)

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