Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 90 The Winner's Harvest

Chapter 90 The winner's harvest (second update, please recommend, please collect)
Soon, a telegram written by Major Matoro himself was sent from the telegraph station at the nearby immigration point.

Everything is expected!
It was a perfect "rescue!"

In this rescue operation, the brave and fearless employees of the American Company repelled thousands of Mapuche barbarians and rescued Major Matoro and others who were trapped in the siege.

After the rescue operation was over, the two sides were naturally reluctant to leave, but they had official duties.

When saying goodbye to his new friend, Zhu Xianhai of course expressed his reluctance.

"First, sir, is this, is it true?"

Matoro was a little less convinced that he really did it.

"Hey, Major, my friend, of course I hope you can enjoy the wine and talk, but you are a soldier after all, and I can understand it. Of course, if you have time, you are welcome to visit Nanhua. Feel free It will be all right!"

Be a guest!

Even in his dreams, Matoro dared not go to Nanhua as a guest. He was afraid that Mr. Steven would regret it. He immediately said that he had been out for a long time and missed his family very much, so he wanted to go home as soon as possible.

Of course, Zhu Xianhai would not refuse.

Missing family members is the long-term love of people.

Of course, Matoro did not leave empty-handed. When he left, there was a letter in his arms, which was Elizabeth's letter to Mitre.

He took only the letter and a few surviving white officers.As for the dozens of Gaoqiao cavalry, they were all kept by Zhu Xianhai.In this regard, Matoro, who originally considered making them "unaccounted for", could not and did not dare to refuse.

He knew that these gauchos were the bargaining chips in the other party's hands, so he controlled his chips!As long as these gauchos are alive, they are witnesses to this.

In fact, in addition to controlling Matoro and others, these gaucho cavalry were left because of this need.The Gauchos on the grassland wander alone or in groups of several people without a fixed place to live on the grassland, and live by hunting wild animals. They have neither a fixed source of income nor a job worthy of respect, and they are even disgusted by the settled white people. Repelled.These gauchos, who are used to a hard life, are not only cowboys with excellent riding skills, but of course they are also natural scouts, as long as they can be wooed a little.

Of course, the more important thing is to "incorporate" the tribe of Chief Namengza.Of course, the more important thing is to pass on the bravery of "Nanhua" to other tribes through Namengza, and then make those tribes submit to themselves.


When the mighty carriage returned, Chief Namengza's eyes were full of awe. Once upon a time, he thought that the other party was only a "steam monster", but now?
After witnessing Nanhua's chariot attack, the impact on him was unimaginable.When he saw Zhu Xianhai again, he immediately took the initiative to express his gratitude. Of course, it was not empty words of gratitude, he even took out his thank you gift on his own initiative.

A total of [-] cows were taken out by Chief Namengza as a thank you gift!
"Honorable Mr. Zhu, these cows are for our gratitude, for our friendship, for..."

"That's not enough!"

Zhu Xianhai smiled coldly, pointed at the cows and said.

"Half! Not just cattle, but other trophies!"

Other trophies - including, of course, white women from Mapuche raids on settlements.


It is an extremely scarce "resource" in Nanhua.

For these men who have been single for several years, the temptation of those plump white women is absolutely unimaginable.


Faced with such a request, Chief Namengza agreed almost without thinking.Everything has a price.

And what is the real price?

It was Chief Namongza who signed the agreement with the American Company. According to this agreement, the "Black Eagle Department" where Chief Namongol belonged received the "protection" of the American Company, and the company had the right to establish settlements on the tribal land, and Collect taxes, build railroads, roads, and other public infrastructure.In exchange, the company guaranteed the Chief the right to autonomy in internal affairs.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it almost took over the way the East India Company ruled the princes. The British relied on that to conquer India, and in Zhu Xianhai's plan, he relied on the same strategy to make the These Mapuche surrendered to him.

A not-so-intense battle not only brought Nanhua the first "surrendered tribe", but also won a considerable amount of spoils - tens of thousands of cattle.

These cattle may not be suitable for farming, but they can provide enough meat for Nan Hua.

To drive such a herd of cattle, for the South China people, they are definitely laymen, but this is what the captured Gauchos are good at. Although there are not many of them, they can easily use the crescent spear , controlled the herd of cattle, and rushed towards Nanhua with the convoy.

On the way back to Nanhua, the soldiers always set their eyes on those women. There are more than a hundred women, all of whom were snatched from the white settlements by the Mapuche. Among them are mothers and daughters, sisters, and wives. Damn, but now, they have only one status - slaves.

For these women, although they were nervous, they were much better than before, and they even looked at these people boldly.

They wore the same green uniform, and although they looked like Indians, they seemed more civilized.For these women, their requirements are not high. As long as they can live and not be abused, they are satisfied. As for freedom... they don't even dare to think about it.

In fact, from the moment they were plundered by the Mapuche, they had accepted their fate. They would serve as slaves and bear children for the Mapuche, but now they just changed their targets.At least, these people seem to be better targets than Indians.

The soldiers looked at these women with fanatical eyes, and the women also looked at the soldiers. Although the two sides could not understand each other, the women still read their thoughts from the eyes of the men.

Argentinian girls are passionate.

Of course, at night, on the grassland, among those tents, many women took the initiative to find some officers who gave orders, and voluntarily got into their tents.

These passionate Argentine girls know very well how to protect themselves, or what they will use in exchange for the protection of others.The prairie is destined to be restless tonight...

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(End of this chapter)

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