Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 915 1 Force Down Meeting

Chapter 915 One Power Drops Ten Meetings (Third Update, Please Subscribe)
What is a real bike?
Of course, there must be power. How did bicycles move in the past?
It relies on the two legs of a person.

But what if you press an engine on the bicycle?What about replacing human legs with engines?
At least before Zhang Dayang, no one had thought about this. What is the most important reason?
Most people simply have no chance to come into contact with a gasoline engine, let alone a small gasoline engine.

The five-type gasoline generator itself was developed as a supporting equipment for Gatling. Outside the army, it is simply impossible to buy, and no one will buy it.

Proposing an idea requires a certain understanding of some things, and Zhang Dayang came up with the idea of ​​installing the engine on the bicycle when he saw the gasoline generator in the camp when delivering the letter.

Faced with his idea, Captain Hu of the machine gun company not only did not object, he even looked at his bicycle and then at the engine, and agreed on the spot.

Where does the engine come from?
"There is a damaged engine in the company. Although it is said to be broken, it can still be used as long as it is repaired properly. Try it first. If it really works, we will report to the engine again. Besides..."

After all, with the continuous equipment of the six-year-type machine gun, the clumsy five-year-type Gatling machine gun will soon be eliminated, and the supporting generator will definitely be useless. If it can be installed on the bicycle, it will turn the bicycle into an automatic machine gun. Car, this is definitely a good thing!

Of course, neither Zhang Dayang nor Hu Jiaye knew what they were doing.

Although the army is marching and fighting, it does not hinder Zhang Dayang's invention.

Three days later, almost when the troops arrived at the fortress of Saint-Germain on the Uruguay River, Zhang Dayang had already installed the engine on the bicycle.The engine is installed between the big bars of the bicycle. As for the transmission, the drive belt and drive plate of the generator are used. Although it looks very simple, even the engine is fixed with wires, but when the engine is shaken, the roar of the engine In the middle, when the rear wheel of the bicycle on the tripod was spinning rapidly, everyone was stunned. The scene in front of them made them understand that Zhang Dayang's invention was really successful.

"let me try!"

When riding a bicycle that does not need to be stepped on, and galloping amidst the roar of the engine, Zhang Dayang shouted excitedly.

"I knew it, I knew it, it would work, it would work..."

At the end of the seventh year of Shengde, a simple automatic car was driving on the road in the fields on the south bank of the Uruguay River. When Zhang Dayang shouted excitedly, a car came from a distance, When Liang Wu, who was sitting in the car, accidentally saw the bicycle, he didn't notice anything at first, until when he was about to pass by, he seemed to notice something different, and ordered to the driver.


As soon as the car stopped, Liang Wu got out of the car, looking at the bicycle going away, his eyes were full of astonishment.

"what car is this?"

In addition to being surprised, he stared at the bicycle that could run automatically without pedals, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said to himself.

"This car is quite a novelty."

People's fate will change inadvertently, until Zhang Dayang stood in front of the army commander, he still didn't know that everything had changed, he changed from a signal soldier to a technical assistant in the military repair institute.His task is very simple, which is to further improve the "two-wheeled automatic vehicle".

When Zhang Dayang embarked on the journey back to the rear, for Liang Wu, this was just an episode. As an officer, although he was keenly aware of the future of "automatic vehicles", he believed that this light and compact automatic vehicle would definitely be used in the military. There are many more uses.But that's it, even he himself doesn't know what he will get in exchange for his unintentional move-starting Daming's "automatic car business", even until a few years later, people still use various words He described this chance encounter on the road, but in fact, the chance encounter was just a chance encounter. For Liang Wu, the commander of the Third Army, there was nothing more important than crossing the Uruguay River and entering the hinterland of Brazil!


In the army headquarters, Liang Wuti pointed to the cities on the map that were located on the Atlantic coast.

"Don't think about how to cross the Uruguay River, just go around it, follow the coast, and take Florianopolis directly."

Then he drew a line on the map with his command stick, and said to the staff.

"Our next task is very simple. It is to advance along the coast. The vast majority of the Brazilian Empire's population, cities, and economy are in the coastal areas. From Florianópolis to Rio de Janeiro in the north, the coast is all of them. , and compared to the inland area with many rivers, the road network in the coastal area is more mature, there are no big rivers, even if there are rivers, there are bridges on the river, and there is no problem with the movement of the troops..."

Even though Liang Wu had never been to Brazil, as Daming's imaginary enemy, Brazil had already put the opponent under a microscope to study it thoroughly.

"However, Commander, Florianopolis is located on the west coast of Santa Catalina Island. There is only a suspension bridge connected to the mainland. Without the assistance of the navy, it will be difficult for us to conquer this city. After all, it is a coast. The fortress not only has a large number of coastal heavy artillery, but also an extremely strong fortress."

Chief of Staff Lin Zekai's reminder made Liang Wu laugh.

"Then let's blow up the drawbridge!"


"What is our mission? It is to strike hard and take resolute and quick actions to destroy the resistance of the Brazilians. After blowing up the drawbridge, the Brazilian army on Santa Catalina Island will also not be able to pose much threat to us. , we can leave a regiment on alert, and then drive straight in, threatening Sao Paulo, forcing the Brazilians to fight us in a decisive battle south of Sao Paulo!"

For Liang Wu, the tactical thinking he upholds is very simple-a good general will never think about responding, but will first think about attacking, and through successive attacks, force the enemy to implement the plan according to his strategic intentions.

"Once the Brazilians start to act according to our intentions, we will win this battle!"

Throwing the command stick on the map table, Liang Wu smiled.

"So, our next task is very simple, it is to attack, attack, attack without stopping!"

Sometimes, war games look very complicated, but in fact they are very simple. The simplest tactic is to drop ten times with one force. There is no need to consider too complicated tactics, just push with all your strength.

(End of this chapter)

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