Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 919 Lawrence is a big fool

Chapter 919 Lawrence is a big fool (third update, please subscribe)
"1 No. 30 rifles, [-] rounds of rifle bullets... [-] revolvers, [-] rounds of pistol bullets; four [-]mm mortars, [-] mortar shells; [-] explosives Kilogram……"

In the tent, Muhammad read the long gift list in his hand with high spirits, while the tribal chiefs sitting on the ground listened to the gifts given to them by the British with blank expressions.Although they looked expressionless on the surface, in fact they had long been secretly happy in their hearts.

For these poor ghosts, such a generous gift has never been seen before.In the 19th century, there were no so-called local tyrants. As far as the entire Middle East is concerned, only the Arabs in Mesopotamia are richer. They live by farming. As for other places, the land is far less than the Gobi desert. There are many, limited land so that they can only live by herding sheep on the desolate land.

Not only ordinary people are like this, even the chiefs are not rich, and there are Turks oppressing, under the rule of the Turks, including the population of Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon, in the past hundreds of years. It has to be said that it is a miracle that it has dropped from nearly 400 million to less than [-] million.

Well, only the Turks can create such a miracle of ruling for hundreds of years and halving the population. However, this does not prevent these chiefs from obeying the orders of the Turkish chiefs in Istanbul and the provinces.

After the translator finished reading the gift list, Lawrence looked at the chiefs present calmly again. Seeing their uncontrollable excitement, he knew that these country bumpkins had been conquered by his gift.So he turned to the chiefs sitting there and said:
"Dear chiefs, the things mentioned above are gifts from the British Empire. We know that the chiefs are mobilizing your people to defend Jerusalem, which belongs to your holy land, and now the French are marching there. To You know, that is the holy city recovered by Saladin, we believe that no Arab will tolerate the infidels occupying that land! Go there and guard your holy city!"

Facing Lawrence's agitation, Chief Hussein said.

"British, it seems that you are also Christians and Christians!"

"No, we are Protestants, the Holy Land has nothing to do with us at all, but the French, they are Catholics, Chief!"

What savages, what religion, all this is not important to the British Empire at all, what is important?The important thing is of course the interests of the British Empire, just like England abandoned Catholicism in order to establish Protestantism as the state religion, for what?is benefit.

Now as long as these Arabs can resist the French invasion, teach the French a lesson, and prevent their expansion in Turkey, Britain certainly doesn't mind using these Arabs. What do these heretics look like to them?
An important ally to stop France.

As for the so-called religion, do interests matter?
The reason why Lawrence came here was to lobby these Arabs and let them fear the cold all the way there to defend their holy city and stop the invasion of France.

This is also the task London gave him.

"As long as you get to Jerusalem, you can get more weapons. Now all the Arabs are there to defend your holy land. This is your jihad, honorable chief, and it has nothing to do with the Turks!"

Lawrence, who was standing in the tent, looked at the chiefs in front of him and continued.

"You will have an army of your own there, and when you defeat the French, perhaps some new countries will appear here, noble chief, and you will be the king of this land."

Of course, Lawrence knew that these Arabs were full of complaints against the Turks. In the past few hundred years, although they were all believers, their relationship with each other had not been so wonderful.They were more inclined to fight for themselves than for the Turks.

Of course, the promise that the UK has given them now is nothing more than an illusory thing. Will they really own their country?That is impossible.Even if owned it would be under British rule.

Lawrence had absolutely no doubts about this, not only did he not mind using this hollow glutinous rice ball to lure these poor ghosts.

Hearing Muhammad translate what Lawrence said, the chiefs twisted their necks and talked there one by one, their tone became a little excited.

How could you not be excited?After all, he is the promise given to them by the British Empire, they can have their own country!Your freedom from the Turks is a gift from God.

Of course, they would not lead the men in the tribe to resist the French invasion just because of Lawrence's few words of instigation.These chiefs may be poor, but it doesn't mean they are stupid. They know that the French are also very powerful. Will a country that can make the Turks fear weak?

"Mr. Lawrence, of course we can send our people like Jerusalem, but Britain, what will Britain do?"

Listening to Muhammad's translation, Lawrence said bluntly.

"The British Empire will provide you with the most advanced weapons in the world, and will also send officers to help you train an army, a truly modern army."

The British will definitely need to supply them with arms.This is the fundamental premise for those Arabs to be willing to die for Britain.

Sheikh Hussein, sitting in the middle with a brown turban, looked at Lawrence.As a chief, like other chiefs, he knew what the British wanted to do, nothing more than wanting them to resist the French.

"Can the British guarantee their support for our independence from Turkey after the war?"

Compared with the weapons and so-called training provided by Britain, Hussein paid more attention to Britain's commitment to supporting their independence in the future.

"Honorable Chief, please believe that the British Empire will never betray its allies. And the British Empire will always abide by its promises to its allies. After the French are defeated, you will, with the support of the United Kingdom, obtain Independence. That is the UK's promise to all of you."

Lawrence spoke last.

"Let God witness our commitment!"

"I believe that Britain will never break its promise."

When Hussein said these words again, he didn't even know that in Europe, Britain's treachery has long been known to everyone. With just a few words, they were fooled into the battlefield by Lawrence...

(End of this chapter)

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