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Chapter 921 Chickens Don’t Believe in Tears

Chapter 921 Chickens Don't Believe in Tears (First update, please subscribe)
The Turkish Empire... is coming to an end!

As Christmas in 1876 in the Western calendar is approaching, almost everyone who cares about current affairs will not doubt this—the Ottoman Turkish Empire is coming to an end.

On the 423rd year of its occupation of Constantinople!

Even Abdul Aziz I, the sultan of the Ottoman Turkish Empire, no longer doubts that he is the last sultan of the Ottoman Turkish Empire!
The Russians turned into the Romans who came back to restore the country!

In fact, after conquering the Pleven Fortress, the Russian army impatiently played the Roman eagle flag they had prepared a long time ago-in fact, the Russian double-headed eagle originated from Rome.

Although Tsar Alexander I has not yet called himself Caesar of the Roman Empire, he will call himself "Caesar" sooner or later, and the army of the Russian Empire will also be awarded the legionary designation of the Roman Empire.

The triumphant advance and brilliant victory of the Russian Imperial Army made all the Orthodox Christians in the entire Balkan Peninsula excited—from the beginning of the war, Bulgarians and Romanians formed troops to join them... They really believed that Russia would help them from Gained independence under Turk rule.

Perhaps, no one is looking forward to the Roman king day and night, and no one is looking forward to the return of glory of the Roman Empire.

But no one opposed the overthrow of the Turks.

For Tsar Alexander I, what he dreamed of was to regain Constantinople, which had been occupied for 423 years-by then he would realize his dream of [-] years since Ivan III.

By then, he will undoubtedly be crowned Emperor of the Roman Empire!
Since the Russian army entered Bulgaria, they have been welcomed by local Orthodox people.People held salt and bread and sang "Messiah" songs with tears to welcome their arrival.

After they conquered the fortress of Pleven, all the Orthodox Christians were there to welcome the liberators on the flat road-hardly a subject of the Turkish Empire would go to defend their motherland-whether Orthodox or Catholics.

However, unlike the former, during the triumphant advance of the Russian army, Turkish officials and Christians from all over the country either packed up their belongings and fled in a hurry, or were killed by those uprising Orthodox Christians. Before the arrival of the Russian army, they had already launched an uprising , occupied some towns.

When news of the Russians' impending arrival reached Constantinople, the capital of the Ottoman Empire—a city that was 46.2 percent Catholic, 45.2 percent Orthodox, and 7 percent Jewish , Catholics accounted for 1.5%.In addition to the deep despair felt by the former, there is also the Jews, who are also a little desperate-for hundreds of years, the Jews have been attached to the Turks and engaged in economic and commercial activities under the protection of the Turks. For years, they've been...well, the Turks' accomplices.

Now that the Turks are about to perish, can they not despair?
Desperate not only that they will lose the asylum of the Turks, but that the Russians don't even like Jews, and even loathe them.

Compared with the despair of the Turks and Jews, those Orthodox Christians, whether they are Armenians, Greeks, Romanians, or Serbs, are all cheering, cheering the "tsar's little daddy" arrival.

Just after the new year in 1877, Constantinople, whether desperate Turks or excited Orthodox Christians, finally saw the double-headed eagle - a large Russian airship hovering over the city, it dropped A large number of leaflets-demanding the Turkish Sultan to lay down their arms with the Turks, and Russia will guarantee the safety of their lives and property.

Russian mouth, deceitful ghost.

No one will ever believe the promises of the Russians!

All the Turks in Constantinople know very well that once they lose Constantinople, they will have nothing, and the Russians will never allow them to continue living here-this is the future capital of Russia, Those polar bears are ruthless!
Constantinople did not believe in tears.

On January 1877, 1, in the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, Sultan Abdul Aziz I, wearing a military uniform and a red hat, came here to do morning rituals surrounded by a group of pashas and military officers. present.

On the square outside the temple, there is already a sea of ​​people - there are Turks who come to do morning prayers everywhere. Among them are adults, children, and of course elderly people, but they are without exception. All in uniform.

The city has been fully mobilized - all men, mobilized to protect their city!
Of course, excluding those heretics, if guns are sent to them, it is estimated that they will launch an uprising before the Russians come over.

The people in the square kneeled devoutly on the square, with their heads bowed, doing morning rituals there.

The square is full of devout prayers.

At this moment, it seems that I can only pray for God's help!
What can they do now but pray?
After the morning ceremony, the people in the square saw Sultan Abdul Aziz I, who has been hated by everyone for his high-handed rule in the past few years. Although they hate him, now they have to Support him.

Abdul Aziz I looked at the people in the square. They were the last support of the Turkish Empire. Standing on the steps, he opened his throat and started his mobilization speech loudly:

"My fellow countrymen... Now, heretics from the north, are trampling our land - the land of our Turks, the land conquered by our ancestors with the cutlass, like this city, where not only we have lived our homeland, and our everything! If we lose Istanbul, we will have nothing!... Between us and them, there will be no compromise, no kindness. There will be only life and death! Every ottoman who believes in the true God People, there is only one choice now, and that is to fight!

Not for me - fighting for the sultan of the Ottoman Empire, the caliph, but fighting for the true God, for what we believe in, I - will go out with you as a devout believer, we fight here together - either Win the day and defeat those heretics!Either die together, with you, with all believers who died together, and go to the paradise promised by the true God-where everyone will be rewarded by the true God, will have countless wealth, countless beauties and slaves Waiting for you guys! ..."

(End of this chapter)

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