Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 923 The Gray Cattle of the Roman Empire

Chapter 923 The Gray Beasts of the Roman Empire (Part [-], please subscribe)
"Caesar, Ulla!"

"Caesar, Ulla!"

"Caesar, Ulla!"

When the square in front of the Great Blue Temple became a slaughterhouse, when the 10,000+ Turks who swore to defend Constantinople returned to their so-called "Paradise" after the baptism of tens of thousands of bombs.

On the forward position of the Russian army, the cheers of mountains and tsunami have become the only voice in the world.

Whether they were bearded old men or young teenagers, these Russian soldiers in dark green military uniforms all took off their hats and cheered towards their tsar.

The Tsar... no, Caesar came to the front!
Here comes Caesar!

"Caesar" is the title of the emperor of the Roman Empire. In fact, even the Turkish sultans also called themselves "Caesar". They even considered themselves the heirs of the Roman Empire. Of course, no country in Europe would agree with this claim.

Now, right now.

Alexander I, who was riding a horse, pointed to Constantinople in the distance with his whip in high spirits.

Now he is like Muhammad II who came to the city in 1453, except that they are different. Muhammad II came here to occupy and conquer.

And him?He is liberated!It is recovery!

Launch the final assault on Constantinople, the capital of the Roman Empire, which has been occupied for 424 years.

Victory must belong to Russia... No, victory must belong to Rome!


There is no doubt about it!
When the flag of the double-headed eagle of the Roman Empire is raised in this city again, and when the sound of mass is heard in the Sophia Cathedral, the whole world will see—the resurrection of the Roman Empire!

Roman Empire!

At that time, what the whole world sees is the Roman Empire!

There will be no more Russia!
Russia is Rome, and Rome is Russia!
Roman Empire!

As long as this word appeared in his heart, Alexander I became a little excited. The Crimean War 20 years ago ended in a disastrous defeat for Russia, and he lost his father for this.

Russia can be defeated, but there is absolutely no defeated tsar, and the defeated tsar has only one way-death.

His father "had a stroke" and died.

From that day on, there was only one thought left in his heart - revenge!
just now!

He finally got his revenge!

When Constantinople was recovered, when the Russian army entered the city, when he stepped into Sophia Cathedral.What is certain is that the shadow of Crimea's defeat faded away from Russia.

In the eyes of the complacent Alexander I, the upcoming battle is destined to be recorded in the annals of history. This is the most important battle in world history.

Not in the number of troops, but in this city, in this special place.

"Soldiers of Russia, soldiers of the Lord, Constantinople is ahead of you, the glory of Russia is here, the glory of the Lord is here! For Constantinople! For God!"

Amidst the shouts of Alexander I, the cheering soldiers knelt down one after another, they knelt down, and they said their last prayers.

While praying, Alexander I turned his eyes to the sky. He knew that the Russian airship force was now carrying out the final bombing of the city-this bombing was carried out based on the intelligence sent by the Jews in the city. The sultans actually held a grand mass in front of the big blue temple. Don't they know that times have changed?

Thank God that Russia has such a large number of airships!
Perhaps, the Turkish Sultan and his soldiers have been killed!God bless Russia!
"All glory to you, Lord, bless your warriors..."

In every trench, priests in ornate holy robes prayed for the soldiers, and at this moment, they would launch an attack on the city that the Russians had dreamed of for 400 years.

This is the dream of all of them!
When the airship force carried out the largest air strike in the history of mankind on the square in front of the Blue Temple, the fierce shelling began!

The shells fired by thousands of artillery and mortars of various calibers slammed towards the Turks' defense line. At this time, the Russians would never be stingy with the shells, and of course they would not No mercy in the enemy's heart, in just one hour, hundreds of thousands of shells hit the defense line.Facing such fierce artillery fire, the Turkish soldiers on the front line could only curl up in the trench desperately, trying to avoid the shells falling from the sky.

At this time, the Turks' defense line was already in jeopardy, because many senior generals lost contact - they and the Sultan held morning prayers at the Blue Temple, and the bombing claimed many lives, and more deadly. When the Russians attacked, the surviving officers had not been able to return to their units.

It was at this time that the Russian army outside the city launched an attack on Constantinople!

"God is with us!"

The first one to step out of the trench was not a soldier, but an Orthodox priest holding a holy flag. The priest in black robe rushed out without hesitation.

Constantinople has an extremely unique meaning to the Orthodox Church. It is like Rome to Catholicism, except that Rome belongs to the Pope, while Constantinople is occupied by the Turks.

Now, they can finally return to their holy city!
When the priests jumped out of the trench, they looked back at the excited soldiers in the trench. After a cry, they rushed over and rushed towards the Turks' defense line.


There was a shout like a mountain roar and a tsunami, and the soldiers jumped out of the trenches one after another. They held their rifles and ran desperately, shouting. Between the sky and the earth, there was only one voice left at this time.



Shouts like a tsunami echoed on the battlefield. Those Russians completely ignored the falling shells and bullets like raindrops. They charged frantically, like waves, like a tsunami.

At this time it seemed that they were all immortal, and they had only one wish in their hearts, and that was to overcome the Turks' defenses and attack the city.


Listening to the shouts on the battlefield, and looking through the binoculars at the Russians swarming up like a tsunami, at this moment, Li Bin seemed to understand why some people in Europe called the Russians "steam rollers", not because Besides, it is because of these cheapest and bravest "gray cattle"...

(End of this chapter)

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